• Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException   at org.jboss.aop.pointcut.MethodMatcher.<init>(MethodMatcher.java:72)

    Hi   i am using JBoss-aop-2.1.8.GA and configured successfully interceptor for my web application, but i am getting NullPointerException in org.jboss.aop.pointcut.MethodMatcher only for this particular package,...
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  • Negation Pointcut Example

    Hi   In Jboss AOP how we can exclude some packages not to be intercepted. Is negation( '!' Not Operator ) correct way of doing it ??. If so please advise me how to use it..   In the below package structu...
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    last modified by dkumaran
  • Inconsistencies between two environments

    Greetings all,   I have create a simple aspect (see below) which is deployed as a .jar file and the associated *-aop.xml file (also below). If I deploy these on my local EAP 5.0 32-bit server with JDK 1.6.0 I ge...
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    last modified by earnest.dyke
  • JBoss-5.1.0.GA and JBoss-aop-2.1.8.GA deployment Issue  JPA Entity javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] no such class:

    Hi   i am new to JBoss AOP,  after going through the document i have configured JBoss aop 2.1.7 GA with JBoss-5.1.0. GA  and enabled LoadtimeWeaving in aop.xml     My web application ...
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    created by dkumaran
  • Passing MetaData through Invocations

    I'm trying to use the JBoss AOP *Invocation structure to pass metadata between two advices on the same Jointpoint (one call, the other exection). I read this in the documentation of JBossAOP:   You can attach unt...
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    created by stevenodb
  • AOP and MBean JBoss 6.0.0Final

    Hello, I have a MBean in my project like this:   @Service(objectName = "pl.pazp.jboss:service=TaskService") @Management(TaskQueueService.class) public class TaskQueueServiceMBean implements TaskQueueService ...
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    created by andi-g
  • Conflict using JBoss AOP with no-interface session beans

    Using aspects on No-Interface Session Beans (JBoss 6.0.0.GA) will cause in errors during deployment.   For details see follow Thread:   http://community.jboss.org/thread/164703   Because I did not kn...
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    created by fambad
  • Binding annotated methods and session bean methods

    Hello,   I have 2 little problems using JBoss AOP within JBoss 5.1.   I have annotated methods and I want to create bindings using AOP (e.g. <bind pointcut="execution(* *->@mstrauch.test.aop.common.M...
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    last modified by fambad
  • How to work with aspects?

    Hi.   I am a little noob in Jboss AOP. I read a lot of manual and undestood that aspects in Jboss can be defined with xml or annotations. I prefer to use annotations. So, almost each articles told how to write...
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    created by narayan812
  • JBoss AOP error message - org.jboss.aop.SuperClassesFirstWeavingStrategy error

    Can anyone shed some light as to why I get this error message: ERROR [org.jboss.aop.SuperClassesFirstWeavingStrategy] (main) java.lang.RuntimeException: Error converting class.   The following is my JBoss AS conf...
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    created by techtigre1
  • Intercept an method call within a specific statement

    Hi   There is some way of intercept an method call within a specific statement? For instance:   String s=getPerson().getAddress().getStreet();   The purpose is to intercept the two method calls, getA...
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  • Problem using mixins to overload a superclass method

    I have a class hierarchy like this: {code}A extends JComponent{code}   {code}B extends A{code}   I want to introduce an overloaded version of the setVisible(..) method into class B using mixins, and d...
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    created by jepet
  • Wrong type of advice when using @Bind annotation

    Hi, All.   I'm using JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA. I set "BEFORE" advice, but system searching for "AROUND". wtf?     {code} package ru.lanit.samara.liferay; import org.jboss.aop.AdviceType; import org.jboss....
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  • The reuse&&JBoss AOP

    Hello, First, i really need someone to answer me, because I have many questions, but in this forum only a few people answer   Question N=°1 how JBoss AOP defines an abstract aspect? and how it makes the re...
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    last modified by hsma
  • Error in deploying .aop file

    I have installed the "jbossesb-4.9" in jboss-5.1.0.GA application server. whenever I try to deploy my aop file (LoggingAspect.aop) in "jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/all/deploy" folder, this error pops up:   DEPLOYMENTS ...
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    last modified by maazzzeeee
  • JBOSS AOP in JBOSS SOA  Platform Standalone 5.0.0 server

    Hi   I am trying to configure jboss aop in jboss soa platform. I am using jboss SOA sample helloworld program. I have put the jboss-aop.xml in 'lib' folder and set the jboss.aop.path to jboss-aop.xml and has bin...
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    last modified by rajesharma470
  • Cannot intercept a method

    Hi   I've developed a simple aspect to measure the performance of my application, but althogh the deployment of the aspect in JBoss looks correct, the method that's aimed is not intercepted. I used the following...
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    last modified by bbarin
  • packaging .aop using maven?

    Hi, I am new to AOP. I am planning to develop aspects and would like to use these aspects in web applications. What are options available? From my research and understanding (I could be wrong, so please correct me)......
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    last modified by elangovans
  • JBoss6 AOP Load-Time-Weaving

    Hello everbody,   first my english is not so well but I hope it will be better sometime. My Question is how do I get AOP and specially load time weaving on JBoss 6 working.   Setup:   JBoss 6.0.0.M5...
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    last modified by nemesis7705
  • Use JBoss AOP to do fault injection experiments

    Hi all, I am wondering if I can use JBoss AOP to modify "on the fly" methods input parameters.   I will explain better the scenario. I would like to conduct some robustness tests on a middleware used by an appl...
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    last modified by sergio.celentano