• aop.xml to pass parameters to interceptor

    Hi All, I'm experiencing behaviour that seems bizarre to me, hoefully someone can explain it to me. aop.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <aop> <bind pointcut="execution(public CardEmail...
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    last modified by nizzy
  • JBoss Microcontainer with JBoss AOP in a standalone app.

    Hi, I'm trying to create a standalone app using JBoss Microcontainer for IoC and JBoss AOP for, well, AOP. I've boot-strapped, deployed a descriptor with AOP XML, so far so good. But the aspect is not performed. Do I...
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    last modified by pekarna
  • How to connect salesforce.com with Drools Guvnor?

    Hello, Has anyone tried to connect salesforce.com with Drools Guvnor?? Any help will be very significant for me Thanks Mevin
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    created by mevin
  • method foo is the only one that can be executed??

    Good morning I do not understand why the example foo is the only one that can be executed ... if I change the names or parameters eclipse tells me an error!!! .. package Essai; public class Foo { public int fooFi...
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    last modified by souma
  • Unhandled Exception on Jboss AOP

    Hi all, I am using Jboss-4.2.2.GA with AOP 1.5.5.GA. I have enabled the AOP into the App Server successfully. Its throwing the error like as in below. 16:20:59,490 WARN RequestProcessor Unhandled Exception thrown: ...
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    last modified by raghavprabhu
  • PLEASE answer me I really need your help

    please where can i find a complete example of introduction (Interface introductions+Mixins) of jboss AOP if anyone wants to help me by mail send me a simple example here is my e-mail sourire1986@yahoo.fr
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    last modified by souma
  • Where does JBoss cache files?

    Hi. We're running into some odd behavior with an app on JBoss 4.2.3.GA: We can make modifications to it, put the WAR file on our server, see it deployed in the log, and not see the server-side changes when we load the...
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    last modified by oneworld95
  • Problem load balancing JMS

    Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble load balancing my message producing SSBs and my MDBs under jboss 4.2.1. I have got a singleton JMS successfully switching between nodes when I shut the active one down so hopefully I'm...
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  • Error when calling web service within JBoss

    I'm working on a java application which uses a simple dummy web service for test purposes. My app is deployed in an ear-file placed in the JBoss 4.2.2 Deploy folder. The web services is a jar-file deployed in the Dep...
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    last modified by nicholaswichmann
  • Dynamic AOP with eclipse?

    Hello, how I can do that?
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    created by souma
  • JBOSS AOP - Jboss 4.2 Server startup failing

    Hi I have configured the environment variable for JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS and have added the following entry at run.bat file set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -javaagent:%JBOSS_ENDORSED_DIRS%\pluggable-instrumentor.jar Also I ...
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    last modified by pvenkatesh
  • Jboss AOP maven plugin problems.

    I have just downloaded the Jboss aop 2.1.3.GA distribution. It contains many examples which show all of the features of Jboss AOP. However, when I ran these examples by using maven in Netbeans IDE (support maven), eve...
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    last modified by ruado
  • please help me find the error

    Good morning, where is the error please? package example; public interface IHelloWorld { public void helloWorld(); } package example; public class HelloWorldImpl implements IHelloWorld { public void helloWorld()...
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  • please help me to find the error

    Good morning, where is the error please?? package example; public interface IHelloWorld { public void helloWorld(); } package example; public class HelloWorldImpl implements IHelloWorld { public void helloWorl...
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    created by souma
  • Problem with org.jboss.aspects.asynch.Future

    Hi, I am trying to make use of the JBoss EJB3 extensions to allow Asynchronout calls of Stateless Session Beans (see http://docs.jboss.com/ejb3/app-server/reference/build/reference/en/html/jboss_extensions.html). In...
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    last modified by studie
  • jboss-aop 1.5 compiletime weaved code on jbossaop 2.1

    Hi, I have an application (an ejb jar) that was compiletime weaved using jboss-aop 1.5 (1.5.5 I believe) that I'm trying to deploy on JBoss EAP 5.0 BETA (which contains jboss-aop 2.1.3). Should this work? I can't get...
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    last modified by afloom
  • Can somebody HELP ME to translate that into JBoss AOP?

    public interface Writer { public void write(String s); } public class SystemOutPrinter { public void printToSystemOut(String s) { System.out.println(s); } } public aspect PrinterAdapter { declare parents: Syst...
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    last modified by milka

    Hi I have tried to execute following sample JBOSS AOP application, my aspect(MyAspect .java) class is never gets invoked. Can someone helpe me to resolve this issue. For the attached files, aspect class is never inv...
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    last modified by pvenkatesh
  • How do you get the superclass from the Invocation object?

    I think I should show you a simple example code: public class A{ @InterceptMe public void sayHello(){ System.out.println("hello"); } } public class B extends A{ @InterceptMe public void sayHello(){ super.s...
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    last modified by dermas
  • Does Aop-Precompiling effect Loadtime Weaving (Performance)?

    I am just wondering if the loadtime weaving process recognizes the precompiled classes from the aopc Ant Task. Let's say we have class Foo which is already precompiled with aopc. If I use this class with loadtime wea...
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    last modified by dermas