• java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException:

    Hi, While using JBoss AOP in Apache Tomcat 6.0.16, I am getting a strange error message, from which I can't make out what is the cause of the error. below is my AOP file and the error message. Please let me know if ...
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    last modified by samvijay
  • Pointcut intercepting methods with annotated arguments

    Is it possible to write a pointcut to intercept execution of some method which has some of its arguments annotated with certain annotation. For example method declared as follows: void someMethod(@SomeAnnotation Stri...
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    last modified by jarr
  • Problem intercepting DataSource method calls in JBoss 4

    Hi JBoss AOP folks. I have been fiddling with JBoss AOP all day now and just can't find the right solution. I want to use AOP to monitor which data sources are there and how long acquiring connections takes. I am us...
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    last modified by fbrueseke
  • JBossAOP

    JBossAOPFAQ See JBoss AOP FAQ page to get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions.   Building from CVS. See BuildingJBossAOPFromSubversion   Debugging In Eclipse. See DebuggingJBossAOPInEclipse ...
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    last modified by galder.zamarreno
  • Using AOP to mock out dependecies for unit-test

    Hi Guys, AOP newbie; I hope someone can help me I'm developing a quick AOP proof of concept with the intention to roll it out company wide. The idea is to use AOP to mock-out dependencies in order to simplify unit t...
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    last modified by nizzy
  • Log Messages Not Showing with Compile Time Weaving

    I have a few Interceptors that seem to work fine with load time weaving. I'd like to shift to compile time weaving using the maven plugin. I have the following defined in my pom.xml file. When I run my application I a...
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    last modified by john.pfeifer
  • Embed ejb3-interceptors-aop.xml or equivalent into EAR

    Hi, We need to introduce serveral interceptors into our application. So far I added one interceptor to a jar which is contained in our EAR and registered the interceptor as well as the pointcut in the ejb3-intercepto...
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    last modified by thomasgo
  • Wherefore art thou, DOCTYPE?

    I noticed that several of the *-aop.xml files in the examples contain the following doctype: <!DOCTYPE aop PUBLIC "-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS AOP 1.0//EN" "http://www.jboss.org/aop/dtd/jboss-aop_1_0.dtd"> However,...
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    last modified by peterj
  • SuperClassesFirstWeavingStrategy Error converting class

    Hi, I have the following message which appears at startup but that doesn't block my application. [aop-error] org.jboss.aop.SuperClassesFirstWeavingStrategy Error converting class .. I use loadtime weaving on standal...
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    last modified by alexis_morelle
  • AOP Logging Tutorial

    Hi All, I'm investigating using AOP for integrating a Logging Module (ear file) into an existing J2EE application, can anyone point me to a tutorial for logging, since this is one of the classic uses for AOP!!
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    last modified by nizzy
  • hanling exception ignored

    Hi I would like to test the management of Hibernate errors in my application. I encoded an aspect : public class SQLDeadlockExceptionInjector { /** * * @param invocation * @return * @throws Throwable */ publ...
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    last modified by bonerandi
  • AOP 2GA JBoss 5GA set pointcut not working

    I am trying to set a pointcut to a field when it gets written, no matter what I do, the set pointcut never seems to work. I am using AOP 2.0GA and JBoss 5.0GA. Here is what I have: aop.xml: <?xml version="1.0"...
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    last modified by attel75
  • ObjectInput

    Hello, I am currently playing around with JBoss AOP, but I can't seem to make my pointcuts work. This is the xml file: <aop> <aspect class="main.Aspect" /> <bind pointcut="execution(void $instance...
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    last modified by slv
  • Ignore Field Access in Advice

    I wrote a very simple entity object which has a unique field called objectID. public class CustomObject{ public Long objectID; public String field1; public String field2; } And I have a field interceptor which...
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    last modified by lydiachung
  • New SystemOuts since upgrade to 2.0.0.GA with Jboss AS (like

    As stated in my previous posts I upgraded from Jboss AOP 1.5.6.GA to 2.0.0.GA I run my project as ejb in Jboss AS 4.2.2.GA(I upgraded the aop deployer to 2.0.0.GA) With 1.5.6.GA I had no sysouts on my clientside con...
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    last modified by dermas
  • javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate c

    Hi All, I am getting the follwing exception after running my simple stateless bean client. javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory Here is my confi...
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    created by arpitgadle
  • Is org.jboss.aspects.asynch.Future available in Maven repo f

    I am using JBossAS-5.0 GA and trying to get an Asynchronous EJB working. Here's the documentation http://docs.jboss.org/ejb3/app-server/reference/build/reference/en/html/jboss_extensions.html#d0e427 As seen in that e...
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    last modified by jaikiran
  • Exception with maven-jbossaop-plugin

    Hi, I have successfully used the plugin to build a simlple test project however I am trying to use the plugin within the life cycle of a more complex project and I am getting an Error. Here is my plugin definition ...
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    last modified by hutchinsons
  • ClassNotFound Issues with deploy-basic-lt-war in jboss-5.0.0

    I'm not able to get deploy-basic-lt-war to work with the exception below I tried deploy-basic-lt-war-in-jar and deploy-ear-aop with success. for deploy-basic-lt-war i set loadtimeWeaving to true and set useJBossWebLo...
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    last modified by artp
  • help with poincut for annotation parameter values

    I'd like to add mixins to all the classes annotated with: @Mixins(value={Mixin1.class, Mixin2.class}) public class TargetClass { } My understanding is that I have to define 2 aspects for Mixin1 and Mixin2 classes. B...
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    last modified by vladimir.kovalyuk