• indicate the data source over the instances

    Hi all,        I am trying to test JBoss 5.1.0 multi-instance and data source configuration.   1) I would like to know could I reference the data source file(**-ds.xml) in other instanc...
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    last modified by htetnyi
  • Running Client

    Hello, I believe that I have the JBoss server running since is starts without any errors. I am running JBoss on Madrake linux using jdk 1.3.1 and jboss 3.0.3. I am having two problems getting the client to connect. O...
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    last modified by dmoffett
  • What is JNP

      "clajoie" wrote: Okay I see JNP referenced in a whole lot of places. What is it exactly?
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    last modified by clajoie
  • jboss 7 mysql subsystem connecton problem

    hi, 1. i would like to create mysql base as default for jboss 6.1. i assume i should put mysql connector jar (5.1.15) in  jboss/modules/system/layers/base/com/mysql/main directory(?) 2. i create in same directo...
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    last modified by gjerich
  • SIP servlet isn't loaded at deployment

    Hey,   I am trying to initial some classes via a SIP-servlet. For that I am using a sip.xml for my mss-2.0.0.FINAL-jboss-as-7.1.2   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <sip-app xmlns="http://ww...
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    last modified by grimbonimbo
  • Worried about Jboss Subscription fees

    Hi fellas,   I am a newbie here and newbie to JBoss.   I just downloaded JBoss AS 7 from JBoss Application Server Downloads - JBoss Community, there first one listed there (as shown below)   6.1.0 Fin...
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    last modified by aarangara
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread

    Hello All,                We have written client/server application. we have deployed the server jars into JBoss Application server. The Jboss ser...
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    last modified by prabhucbe
  • jms queue and topic program

    Hi all, I need a program for producer and consumer like the jms queue ... If any one can.. Kindly help me..
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    last modified by stanleythepirate
  • getResourceAsStream() returns NULL under JBoss 7.1 but OK under Tomcat 7

    Hello,   I am trying to access a file that is located in the WEB-INF folder.  In particular, I have the following line of code in the init() handler of a servlet:   InputStream s = servletContext.getR...
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    created by alkoch
  • Access logging

    I have configured the following in the standalone.xml:       <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.1" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false">      &...
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    last modified by willemnoorduin
  • JBoss logs turning binary on nullifying

    Hello!   I found a weird pattern of active jboss logs turning binary when I try to nullify them on RedHat boxes. I have multiple boxes with different versions on JBoss (eap 4.3 and 5.1) and RedHat (5.9, 6.2) an...
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    last modified by zakhark
  • XML v/s POJO memory usage

    When I convert an XML of size 1 MB, when I cache the same in POJO, it  is occupying 10-30 MB? Why is that so? Does XML format consume less memory than POJO? If yes, why?
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    created by smithakutty
  • JBOSS 5.1.0GA - Username and Password do not match

    I am installing an application which requires JBOSS to be installed.  I have installed this few times without any issues but now I am getting this error when I try to lgoon to the admin console of the applicatio...
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    created by wildpacket
  • JBOSS 5.0.1 unzipping xerces file all the time

    Hi, We are migrating from JBOSS 4.0.5 to 5.0.1 GA. We have some code which makes use of JAXB and we see that the xerces jar is unzipped all the time. I have read a few post which make references to the vfs. Is the beh...
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    last modified by goantech
  • AS5 logging from web service to server.log

    I have a web service that uses log4j for logging. I want to log the data to the server.log file. However, I see no logging in the server.log from from the web service. I'm sure this is a simple question but can anyone...
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    last modified by kc7bfi
  • Error[MainDeployer]:could not create deployment: file:/home/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/minimal/config/jboss-service.xml

    Hi all,   I am using linux machine and java version installed is 1.4.2 I am new to Jboss and installed Jboss-4.2.3.GA binary form. When started with ./run.sh in linux ,i am facing the following error:   ...
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    last modified by hari790
  • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find message

    Hi,   I haven't much experience in the field jBPM and I am new to the community. I've been trying to implement a project using WSDL in the JBoss jBPM since few days. However, I always get the following error mes...
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    created by chrisgut33
  • Upgrade from jboss 3.x to Jboss AS 7

    How to approach it?
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    last modified by vandiesel
  • which form to download either source or binary download for Jboss 4.2.3 ?

    Hi,   I am new to Jboss and want to install Jboss 4.2.3 in my linux machine. I am confused in source and binary packages which one to download. java version of 1.4.2 is currently installed in my machine. Are ...
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    last modified by hari790
  • Unexpected error during load of:javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation:

    I'm running JBoss 6.1 Final on an XP machine w/SP3.  I'm using MyEcplise instead of Eclipse.  In the last couple of weeks I'm starting to get the above error when deploying the bean.   There are tw...
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    created by brucesanders63