• JBoss EAP 6.3.2 is not shutting down properly using the windows service

    We have installed the service.bat at %JBOSS_HOME%\modules\system\layers\base\native\sbin\service.bat  on a Windows 2012 R2 server.  The service starts up the JBoss application server with no ERRORs.  Wh...
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  • OSGi Bundle export package

    Hi,   I have an OSGi Bundle and a servlet. Now I want to access the bundle from the servlet. For that purpose I use the following in the servlet:   @Resource BundleContext context ... ServiceReference r...
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    created by andineupert
  • How can i see the ports that JBoss AS open?

    Hi,   I saw that trough netstat -tunap, there are many open ports by jboss. For this i need to ask you two questions:   1) How can i see these ports? in which files? for understand why jboss open it 2) H...
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    last modified by lordfire
  • datasource MySql

    A hav a problem. I configured Jboss data sourc of MySql from WEB Admin console. I can ping data base. Bath when i can deploy JSF who read database table and diplay some conntent I have error messages: 14:33:55,060 ...
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    last modified by vmaric
  • JBoss Gotcha with JAXB and Stax 1.0.1

    I recently solved a problem that I had when porting a working web application from Tomcat 6 to JBoss AS 5.1.0,GA   The observed symptom was that the application, deployed on Jboss, throws com.sun.xml.bind.v2.run...
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    last modified by jkranes
  • How to deploy Workflow engine on jBOSS AS 7

    Hi, I have running jBOSS AS 7 and I want to deploy my Workflow engine on this server. How can I do it? I have files .bpmn and .java. In .bpmn file I have scenario and in .java file I have class with functions which I...
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    last modified by rizon
  • How can i know if there are patch for my jboss as??

    Hi,   I'm a beginner of jboss, and i received a server where i'm asked to administer Jboss. Now JBoss installed is 5.1, but i want understand if there are some patches for that, and how can i install/configure ...
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    last modified by lordfire
  • jboss autostart script

    hello this maybe help someone. I modified ex jboss_init_redhat.sh script to work it for jboss 7.1   #!/bin/sh #jboss home JBOSS_HOME=${JBOSS_HOME:-"/opt/jboss"} #make sure java is in your path JAVAPTH=${JAV...
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    last modified by gjerich
  • What will be the cron expression to run the scheduler on server startup

    Hi All,   I'm looking for a cron expression that can be supplied to run the scheduler at jboss server startup. I was trying to use @reboot for cron expression, but got illegal syntax exception   Thanks fo...
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    last modified by ramchander.muddu
  • Sql logs with "?" instead of actual values

    Parameterized  SQLs showing logs with "?" question mark in place of paramters. Log category is org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG. Server: JBoss Clients: Different Java applications.   Any idea how can we have actua...
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    last modified by sanjay_chaturvedi
  • jboss-cli script of a profile in JBoss 7

    I want to copy a profile in JBoss 7. Is there a way (probably with the help of a jboss-cli script) to extract the (subsystem) information of the source profile, in a way that it can be added to the target profile. ...
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    last modified by willemnoorduin
  • CDI interceptor binding doesn't work

    Hi,   I'm New to the forum so first of all I want to say hello. I'm learning JEE from few months and like every newbie I encounter issues. In most cases I find the solutions at google, books, forums, stackoverfl...
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    last modified by dstepien
  • Inuseconnectioncount keep increasing

    Have written custom resource adapter to connect to EIS i.e. Oracle coherence data source. Using jboss connection pool. I observed that inuseconnectioncount keep increasing. xa-ds.xml:     <max-pool-siz...
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    last modified by sanjay_chaturvedi
  • Local XARecoveryModule.xaRecovery  got XA exception

    does anyone has any idea about what this exception is all about :   WARN  [com.arjuna.ats.jta.logging.loggerI18N] (Thread-13) [com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.recovery.xarecovery1] Local XARecoveryModule.xaRec...
  • picketlink and ldaps

    I'm working myself into picketlink, starting of with the easy examples but my end-goal would be to use LDAP (i can only connect to LDAPS, LDAP over SSL). Does anybody know if LDAPS is supported by picketlink, do i ne...
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    created by dirk.dierickx
  • How to make all jars available in Jboss eap 6.0 classpath

    Hi,   I am migrating an application from weblogic to jboss eap 6.0 and for this i want about 20-25 third party jars to be available in jboss classpath. I have used  jboss module configuration to make all th...
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    last modified by sanjmand
  • Ticket-Monster: Unable to Deploy After File Removal...

    I have been following the ticket monster tutorial step by step to familiarize myself with JBoss. Everything has been working fine (I have encountered some issues, but I generally figure them out on my own), until now....
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    created by ccoscina
  • Uisng Twiddle in the cron job

    Hi all, I don’t know if the questions of Twiddle should be posted in this forum. Please kindly inform me if I posted in the incorrect forum. My problem is about using twiddle in the cron job. When...
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    last modified by youareapkman
  • How to Configure SSL between Apache 2.2 and JBoss AS 5.1 in a Cluster with mod_cluster 1.2.6

    Introduction   This blog post documents the solution that worked for me to encrypt the connection between Apache 2.2.25 and JBoss AS 5.1 on port 8443 in a clustered environment (clustered with mod_cluster 1.2.6 o...
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    last modified by rtimelston
  • timeout for service tasks

    is there way to specify a timeout for a service task? i want to use timeouts in 2 ways - 1) abort the process  itself if a service task is running for more than specific time period 2) abort the task and move...
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    last modified by meenal