• Jboss as 7 Clustering health check

    Hi,   Do we have any default health check mechanism using which we can configure and monitor the health of a cluster? Also where can I view all the nodes in a cluster?   Thanks Gaurav
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  • Problem to lookup client side UserTransation from HA-JNDI

    Hi, I have configured JBoss 3.2.5 on a 2 nodes cluster. Every thing is working fine except when I try to lookup ?UserTransaction? from client side. When both nodes are running at same time the stand-alone client loo...
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    last modified by herthie57
  • Identify sources of JBoss 7 AS cluster activity

    Hello everyone,   I'm in the process of setting up a Jboss 7 cluster that services a EJB3's to a large number of clients. We are running AS 7.1.3 in standalone mode, with the nodes joining in a ejb cluster. One ...
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    last modified by arothian
  • Hibernate search within jboss cluster

    I face some challenge when introduce hibernate search within our jboss clusters, hope to get some advice.   Our system has two cluster, one is kind of provisioning cluster with two nodes, all the data changes ar...
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    created by theone4ever
  • Clustering remote deployment whit farmURIS

    Hi I'm working with JbossAS 6.1.0 Final in cluster  and i need to deploy my war in a directory into one of the farmURIS. My all/conf/boostrap/profile.xml ...        <property ...
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    last modified by abacchi
  • JBoss Cluster: MDB behaviour

    I am using JBoss 5.1 and have implemented a cluster consisting of two nodes.I have deployed my EAR containing the MDBs on both the nodes.These MDBs are listening to a clustered queue. The MDB picks up message from thi...
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    last modified by guptaneha1283
  • How to configure mod_jk session stickyness in domain mode

    I'm trying to configure session stickyness in mod_jk, and in mod_jk document it says:   If you want to use session stickiness, you must set different jvmRoute attributes in the Engine element in Tomcat's server...
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    last modified by weinanli
  • ClusteredSingleSignOn in AS 6.1.0, initial session not registered.

    I have clustered SSO configured in a pair of JBoss AS 6.1 appservers (using the org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.sso.ClusteredSingleSignOn valve) and the behaviour I am getting doesn't quite make sense to me. My web sessi...
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    last modified by bwallis42
  • How to config proxy-lists.CLI is not available.

    pferraro aloubyansky Hi,i have a question about configuration of mod_cluster . I set proxy-list element in domain.xml, which defines the list of httpd servers with which the AS will initially communicate.   &#...
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    last modified by sndaemon
  • Discover cluster nodes using jboss_cli or jboss web console?

    Hi   I configured four nodes jboss in cluster   How I can see how many members are in the cluster with jboss_cli or jboss web console?
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    last modified by erasmomarciano
  • Deploy

    how to deploy two war applications on single instance of jboss?
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  • What are the steps to do clustering on JBoss AS 7 with mod_cluster in HTTP server?

    Hi All,   Can any one please tell me what are typical steps to implement application clustering and Load balancing in Jboss AS 7 with mod_cluster in Apache HTTP Server? I have tried following steps but not sure w...
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    last modified by j_pramanik
  • MDB processing not stopping on shutdown of node in cluster

    I am implementing clustering on JBoss 5.1 with both the nodes on the same machine.I have my EAR deployed on both the nodes.This EAR comprises of queues and MDBs listening to the queues.Each request processing involves...
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    last modified by guptaneha1283
  • JBoss 7/EAP6.1 deploy exploded ear in a cluster in standalone mode

    Hi all,   As see in the last response of this discussion, it seems that we should be able to deploy an exploded ear in a cluster using several jboss installation in standalone mode. But I can't make it work. &#...
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    last modified by viragegroup
  • Error Joining a node in a Jboss Clúster 6.1 - Receview new cluster view

    Hi all,     Having: Jboss 6.1.0 Final jdk 1.6.0_33 Suse Linux Enterprise Server   I'm having a problem in a six-nodes cluster, everything had been working fine until the cluster didn´t allow ...
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    last modified by fivalo
  • Runtime Parameters for UDP Clustering

    Hi All ,   What are all the runtime parameters for UDP stack clustering ..?
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    last modified by janus1822
  • [JBOSS EAP6] session serialization in standalone.xml mode

    Hi all, I'm testing clustering with jboss EAP 6.   I just set <distributable/> in my web.xml to test it in standalone-ha mode.   But, when I deploy the web app in standalone mode (standalone....
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    last modified by viragegroup
  • Re: 2nd instance doesn't join the cluster

    make sure you don't have iptables or any other kind of firewall running. Make sure multicast is part of your kernel.   How can we check these details on linux box ?
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    last modified by vbalaut
  • 2nd instance doesn't join the cluster

    Hi, I have installed a cluster of 2 machines (linux debian woody) and jboss3.2.3 on each of them. I have followed instructions of the document "JBoss as clustering" to configure the jboss cluster. I keep the default ...
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    last modified by dpi
  • JBoss cluster eap 6.1.0

    Steps to Setup JBoss EAP 6.1.0 standalone cluster?
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    last modified by ygs