• jboss and j2ee timer

      "me_siddharth" wrote: "me_siddharth" wrote: Hi.. i am j2ee developer. I have to implement a j2ee timer for shedulimg.Could u pls tell me which version of jboss supports ejb2.1 with j2ee timer as we are using j...
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  • JBOSS in Development Mode

      "venu_k8" wrote: "venu_k8" wrote: i have worked on weblogic server in development mode where they had a directory structure which we want to follow to deploy a j2ee application during development time, in same ...
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    created by venu_k8
  • JBOSS in Development Mode

    i have worked on weblogic server in development mode where they had a directory structure which we want to follow to deploy a j2ee application during development time, in same way i wanted to work with jboss in develo...
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    created by venu_k8
  • Duplicate classes in different EARs

    Hello, I got a problem with JBoss > 3.0.6 (3.2.1 and 4DR) .I got the Problem that i programmed some library classes as source. Those classes i use for 2 Projekts of mine. I do NOT use a Jar for the compiled library...
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    created by roomy
  • JBoss Path

    Hi, I hope you 'll help me My problem is that i have file *.ear in deploy dir. I n this file it is 'war' file. In this 'war' file it iis 'xml file in directory WEB-INF. Also I've got a class which uses a class FIle ...
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    created by laidback
  • Error occured while calling enity bean method

    Hi all, I am using jboss-3.0.6, I have created user Entity bean my entity bean code is public class UserBean implements EntityBean { public UserDetails userDetails = null; public String userId = null; private ...
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    last modified by vsmohanrao
  • Commit Option A/B Making code behave differently

    Hello, I just recently turned commit-option to A. After doing this I began to receive NullPointerExceptions in a session facade method with the code looking like the following. === try{ someObjectLocal = someObject...
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    created by mefesto78
  • When j2ee 1.4?

    When will JBoss support J2EE 1.4?
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    last modified by dustin
  • Datasource not bounding --very strange problem

    I have been facing very strange problem since 6 days I have made two datasources(DefaultDS & SmsDBDS) and both usig db2 database in jbosss.jcml And I put the servlet classes under Web-INF folder and set the clas...
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    created by madooreddy
  • JBoss+JNI

    does JBoss support JNI? version? Thnx G.
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    last modified by jpowel
  • RollbackException and TransactionRolledBackException

    We're working on our application using JBoss 3.0.4 and the CMP persistant Engine. Our server-side application is made up of a Session EJB using Entity Beans to update database data, on remote client requests. We have ...
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    last modified by giulio.rossato
  • EJBExceptions in business methods

    My component has a business method that throws EJBException in some cases. At first, I invoke this method and it throws ServerException and it should throw it. Then, I invoke this method when it shouldn't throw excep...
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    last modified by mutilin
  • JBoss JCA version

    Hi All I would like to know what the JCA spec version is for JBoss 3.2.1 Kind Regards Jacques Buitendag
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  • Application Compliance

    hi All , I have an J2EE application application written and it talks to a non-webbased clients and process the request from them n send back the output to them. The code is working fine on WLS (weblogic7.0) , but whe...
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    last modified by sane_techie
  • Weird Error

    I have a weird error on my JBOSS version 2. I build my application with search and display all feature (Entity). However I can only do 2 or 3 of that features and than the JBOSS crash.. I can search twice and display ...
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    created by obie23
  • Porting to Jboss from Orion or Oracle 9ias

    Does anyone have experience porting to Jboss from Orion or Oracle Application Server? it seems that the all of the xml tabs for ejb beans / ejb-jar.xml need to be completely rewritten?
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    last modified by zboss
  • Let's Begin

    Rather than responding to JBoss J2EE compliance on The Server Side, JDJ, or other forums, we've decided to open up discussions on www.jboss.org so that the JBoss team can become aware of J2EE compliance issues immedia...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Document about configuring JBoss for J2EE compliance

    Hi! In this thread I'd like to collect all the tweaks that will come up to change the distrubution configuration to a J2EE compliant configuration. Perhaps we can put this together in a document later on. So if you ...
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    last modified by tobias
  • Non-system Classloading under 1.3

    I have the following snippet of code running successfully in a J2EE 1.2 level (servlet 2.2/JSP 1.1). javax.xml.transform.Source xslSource = new javax.xml.transform.stream .StreamSource(AvXSLTServlet.class.getClassLoa...
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    created by vtecinc
  • Part 1: Unified Classloader

    Aside from just being a pain in the rear to use in a real production environment, the Unified Classloader is also not particularly standard conform. E.g, section "21.6.9 Runtime security enforcement" states that: "Th...
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    last modified by moraelin