• EJB 2.1 Timer Objects

    What is the status of the EJB 2.1 Timer Service in JBoss? We can't spawn our own threads in EJB 2.0, but can we use Timer objects in the web tier (Tomcat + JBoss) until the EJB 2.1 Timer Service is implemented in JBo...
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  • Has JBoss implemented JSR88?

    Plus, will JBoss plan to implement it? Thanks!
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    created by jxtang
  • J2EE Specification

    Hi all, J have a common question about the J2EE-Specification, perhaps somebody can give me a short answer: The J2EE-Specification describes the features of an J2EE application server, ob what the server has to do. ...
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    created by timkk
  • Application porting error

    I have an EJB application made on j2ee 1.3 using mysql as a data base. I am tring to move the aplicatin on Jboss, and afther some reading I realised that Jboss is compatible with J2ee, so I thought that the applicatio...
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  • Bug in EJB 2.1 Timed Services

    Hello, I am using the timer service from the EJB 2.1 spec, using Jboss 4 DR 3. It works, as far as the ejbtimeout is called, but after that, an exception with a very big exception trace occurs. I know it is a develo...
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    last modified by keesvandieren
  • run-as role in ejbCreate

    Hi, I originally posted this question in another forum, but thought it might do a bit better here. I have two session beans, TestSession and InternalSession. TestSession is stateful, InternalSession is stateless. Tes...
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  • Reference Argument

    I am passing an argument to a Session Bean's method and its contentes are being altered within it. I thought it was passed by value, according to the J2EE specification. What is hapenning?
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    last modified by pedrocordeiro
  • JBoss JAAS broken?

    Hi, There is message on the security forum that explains why JBoss is not JAAS compliant. See http://www.jboss.org/modules/bb/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=
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  • Classes - heirs RuntimeException is not rollback transaction

    I have a class-heir of RuntimeException public class ApplicationException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable { ... } All my Stateless EJB throw ApplicationException when any error occurs. I try execute...
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  • ejb restrictions ignored by JBoss???

    Hello all I have a question. It is (among other things) a restriction of EJB that you are not allowed to access the filesystem (to write, edit or delete files). I guess that's right?! So why can I delete a file? I ...
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  • J2EE1.4-EJB 2.1, service end-points and Jboss ...

    I want to make use of de so called "service end-points", a new feature under version EJB2.1 in de J2EE 1.4. Which jboss version (3.2.3 ?!) do i need for this, or is this not supported (yet) ? P.S. earlier posts speak ...
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  • Minor violation of the j2ee 1.4 spec on JBoss 3.2.3

    I posted on JBoss/EJB forum: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=44929 JBoss tries to deploy libraries that are mentioned in ejb-jar's Manifest. It seems to me, that this is violation of ...
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  • J2EE 1.4

      "chasetec" wrote: "chasetec" wrote: "chasetec" wrote: "chasetec" wrote: What is the projected schedule for a production version of a J2EE 1.4 compliant server since the standard went final last month? Will any...
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  • JCA 1.5

      "hjendal" wrote: "hjendal" wrote: In which version will JCA 1.5 be supported.
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  • dtd compliance issue

      "jtoynbee" wrote: "jtoynbee" wrote: I have an application that deploys under BEA WebLogic 7.0. When I try to deploy the same App under Jboss 3.x I get a deployment exception about using an invalid element in th...
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  • J2EE and filehandling

      "bentjb" wrote: "bentjb" wrote: Am I right if I claim that J2EE deny any filehandling I/O activity within the EJB container (Session Beans)? If I am right, what is the strategy when you need to do I/O activitie...
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  • No new transaction started with RequiresNew

      "joostdenboer" wrote: "joostdenboer" wrote: Hi, I'm using JBoss 3.2.1 and notice the following: We have a simple application that uses a SessionBean. When a store-method is called, this calls 3 other methods i...
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  • jboss and j2ee timer

      "me_siddharth" wrote: "me_siddharth" wrote: Hi.. i am j2ee developer. I have to implement a j2ee timer for shedulimg.Could u pls tell me which version of jboss supports ejb2.1 with j2ee timer as we are using j...
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  • Sample application illustrtaing jboss J2EE compliance

    Done (in CVS). If you happen to have some spare time, you could merge the 2 parse methods into 1, I think we could easily extract a common method used by the 2 parse() methods... Bela "jiwils" wrote: Your XMLConfig...
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  • <method-intf> and ServiceEndpoint

      "hesino" wrote: "hesino" wrote: As of EJB 2.1, ServiceEndpoint is a new value for <container-transaction> <method-intf>. JBoss 4 won't except ServiceEndpoint, it wants Home, Local or Remote for a va...
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