• Howto Block DNS Lookup in Jboss 5.1

    hi,   currently we have a jboss installation using jboss 5.1.   if we open following url everytime jboss tries to dnslookup for and change url to http://name-of-serve...
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    last modified by p.muster
  • Problem calling remote ejb running on Jboss 4 [Root exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: XNIO001001: No XNIO provider found]

    How write in doc page "Remote EJB invocations via JNDI - EJB client API or remote-naming project" Using Jboss EAP 6.4 for communicate to remote ejb on Jboss 4. I use the library jboss-remote-naming (2.4 Final) and w...
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    last modified by joker1103
  • JVM Instances

    Hi All, Is it possible for me to create Multiple JVM instances in a JBOSS Server for one application ( Single application).   If so, how can I do that and is there a benefit for creating multiple instances of J...
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    created by antodomnic
  • Where to create a file called HR.war.dodeploy to trigger deployment??

    Sir, I am new to JBoss. when i start the server i got the following statements in console.. pls help me out sir     16:30:18,589 INFO  [org.jboss.modules] (main) JBoss Modules version 1.3.6.Final-redhat...
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    last modified by shibu.007
  • Always starting default instance only in JBOSS 5.1.0 GA

    Hi All,   I have created, two different instance by copying "all" folder. While running the command run.bat -c <Instance Name> it's always invoking default instance only. I also verified run.bat & run....
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    last modified by krishnafcp
  • Same application is launched when multiple instance are created in Jboss

    I am using JBoss Application Server version 5.1.0.GA (Windows Server 2012 machine)   I have created one more profile "node1" after copying the contents of  JBoss-5.1.0\server\default folder and renamed to no...
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    last modified by saleethmohd
  • jboss-eap-6.3 cannot enable deployed .war from console

    Hi everyone,   I'm new to this forum. I have some (big) trouble while attempting to enable a war successfully deployed on my jboss eap 6.3 from the web console. I have a camunda configuration (which is not the...
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    last modified by pcabras
  • A Significant Nutrient To Enhance Brain Power

    Try and pick those activities that exercise your mind, where you have to consider deeply. There are nowadays several games which can be enjoyed using the PC that need a diploma of skill which exercises the mind. Do no...
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    last modified by georgimoore
  • Below error comes when we try to start the Jboss  Service from winodows console

    After jboss installation when i tried to start the jobss from service panel  got below message           Error Message :     Jboss Application server 5.1 service on server st...
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    created by munnangi
  • ClassNotFoundException raised due to the PersistenceProvider in jboss-5.1.0.GA

    Hai!! I am trying to deploy the product in JBOSS AS 5.1.0 GA using eclipse in Linux. Previously it was executed successfully on tomcat 6.   While deploying I got many errors. I had solved one by one.   ...
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    last modified by sri4985
  • URLDeploymentScanner - Failed to deploy

    I am trying to run my JBoss Server but when I clik on start, it throws some errors   The log is the next:   [MainDeployer] Starting deployment of package: file:/C:/jboss-3.2.2RC4/server/default/deploy/ma...
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    created by albatrozdv
  • JBoss JMX Console Unrestricted Access

    I'm trying to properly secure my JBOSS installation. I've managed to knock out the vulnerabilities I've found so far, but I'm left with this one: JBOSS JMX Console Unrestricted Access. How can I restrict or even remov...
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    last modified by dwmreg
  • Accessing jboss admin console returns 404

    I am using an old 4.2.3 version (legacy system).   I can access these two consoles: http://localhost:8080/web-console/  http://localhost:8080/jmx-console/   But I cannot access the admin console, I ge...
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    last modified by javaoz
  • JBoss server log error

    Hi Guys,   I'm getting the below errors in the JBoss server log of my JBoss instance. I tried many times to solve this but I was not able to solve this. Can you guys help me? below are the errors.   SEVER...
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    last modified by sahanc
  • How to Deploy Torquebox Jruby Application

    I created a Jruby Rails application. Now I want to deploy and run this application in production server. I am using torquebox deploy  command to deploy and using torquebox run  to run the application. Applic...
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    last modified by mahupn
  • AMQ9213: A communications error for 'TCP' occurred. MQ Channel Restart Frequent

    I really need your help.     Our MQ Team told us they observed that our JBoss connection to MQRA . MQ Channel Restart Frequents. Every 1-2 mins in average.   We are also getting following error when we...
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    last modified by jurassic98
  • Need to run 30 servers of Jboss 4.2.0 on Linux host under same partition

    Hi All,   I need to run 30 servers of Jboss 4.2.0 on single or multiple Linux host(s) under same partition name. I tried with port-set=01 and am able to create only 3 servers like this. Please let me know a wa...
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    last modified by finaldigit
  • JBOSS windows service does not launch exe

    Hi,   I have Jboss 4.2.3 installed and Windows Service is running the JBOSS, Log on AS is set to Local System for that service. When I am deploying a small war project which is suppose to launch notepad.exe, jbo...
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    created by dhaval0129
  • java.net.BindException: Address already in use

    Hi (RHL JBoss AS 5.1)   I have a jboss instance which is running on port 5000 (Instance1) I have a separate jboss instance on the same box (Instance2), it is not clustered with Instance1.   For Instance1...
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    created by tomo04
  • Chainging node Startup options in a domain mode install

    I can't seem to find these settings anywhere when bringing up a node and how to change these options.  Can some one please help?     DEBUG [org.jboss.as.config] (MSC service thread 1-2) VM Arguments: -...
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    created by learnjb6