• Read xml file in JBoss

    How can I read a xml file that is in a deploy folder through my servlet?
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  • How can I change my JBoss AS server log4j level in hot?

    Good afternoon guys,   I want my JBoss AS 4.2.3 to be able to change its Log4j level in execution time whitout the need of restarting the server (From INFO to DEBUG and the same way around, for instance). 1...
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  • JBoss portal - switch to another application

    hello, how do I get to write a portlet to JBoss Portal 2.7 to check whether the user is logged on. As the user is logged displays a link to your own application in jsp, transmit user data (login, full name and unit)....
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    created by ambm5
  • JBoss starts up but port 8080 not working in web browser

    Hi all. We're in the process of upgrading our neglected J2EE application, running in JBoss 3.2.6, to a more modern version. I got it working in JBoss 4.0.5 but then realized I needed at least JBoss 4.2.3 to run EJB3. ...
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  • Stackoverflow Error

    Hi There,   Our application is deployed  jboss-4.2.2.GA version. Recently the application users started getting 500 internal Server Error intermittently. When digged in the application server.log found the ...
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    last modified by neethal
  • Clustering in Jboss 4.2.3 GA , to handle no. of request

    I've JBOSS 4.2.3 GA .   I've already created two nodes (node1 n node2) in Jboss ,i've to set a limit to number of requests in node1 ( say 5 ) , when node1 gets more than 5  request, the request has to be t...
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    created by pradeepn
  • JBoss [Trinity] 4.2.2.GA 100% CPU Usage

    Hi,   For the last month we've had a critical issue on one of our production servers. Out of nothing, JBoss 4.2.2.GA starts taking up about 300% of the CPU and nothing indicating what the issue might be is bein...
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  • jboss AS connection can not be disused when F5 loadbalance switch,is jboss bug ?

    env: jboss5 - F5 - mysql when F5 switch to standby, jboss5 app server wil not reconnection to mysql,jdbc connection in jboss pool is unuseful, exception is     {code} Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdb...
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    created by liye
  • Maven Archetypes for JBoss 4

    Hallo I need to port a JBoss 4 legacy project from a propietary build system to a maven build. This project contains SAR-archives. Are there any maven archetypes for JBoss 4.x to produce EAR and SAR archives? Is t...
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    last modified by marcusdidiusfalco

    Dear all,   How to deploying GRAILS into JBOSS AS 5   Regards,   Satria
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  • want to move from jboss4.0.0 to 4.2.2

    Hi friends,      In my company we are having a product which runs in jboss4.0.0 and now we are trying for a collabration with some other patner company they are following jboss 4.2.2. In this sit...
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    created by tamilananbu
  • Advice Needed - where should i migrate to from 4.2.3

    Hello All,   We are currently using 4.2.3 where the JMS infrastructure was ported to use jboss messaging. We need to migrate to a higher JBOSS version, mainly due to licensing issues. We also need to work with...
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    created by newway
  • JBoss fails to start during machine boot up.

    Greetings!   We are using JBoss 4.2.3 and configured to start it when machine (CentOS) boots up. Sometimes JBoss doesn't start properly during the machine boot up (even boot.log is not created). JBoss service st...
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    last modified by vivekbawge
  • JBoss webservice deployment code using incorrect temp path

    Greetings!   JBoss 4.2.3 web service code is taking wsdlLocation as wsdlLocation=file:/tmp/TestService8925143660444113856.wsdl The correct location is  $JBOSS_HOME/server/xyz/tmp/jbossws/TestService892514...
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    last modified by vivekbawge
  • JBoss 4.2.3, retrieve HttpServletRequest from LoginModule

    Hello,   I've read that this should return the HttpServletRequest from a LoginModule:   PolicyContext.getContext("javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest");   However, it returns null. The PolicyConte...
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    last modified by magsy
  • jboss server error

    Hi   running jboss 4.3 on linux, getting following error in server.log after server start and  after the last line of this message, nothing is being logged   --- MBEANS THAT ARE THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE ...
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  • JBoss4Slimming

    Slimming JBoss 4.0.x  version 4.0.4 and 4.0.5   Note: for AS 5.x slimming see JBoss5xTuningSlimming   Introduction  This guide is organized as a series of subtopics.  Meaning each subtopic...
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  • Accessing other cluster nodes system property

    Hi All, Is there a way to access other nodes system property in Jboss clustering environment. I have setup cluster using JBoss 4.2.3. And I have assigned a value to each of the nodes as a system property (using -Ds...
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    last modified by harshak
  • Is it possible to disable the jboss(server.log) logging?

    Is it possible to disable the jboss(server.log) logging?   JBoss log files (request.log and server.log) grow large in size which is a concern. These log files are getting as big as 800 mb in size, and end up cons...
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    last modified by shiraz
  • Difference Between Jboss Application server ConnectionListener.DESTROY and doDestroy(cl);

    Hi Friends,   Could you please tell the difference in between the removal of connection event listener and destroying the connection objects. if we remove the connection event listsener means that connection obj...
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    created by rosansamuel