• jboss hang

    hello All,   Our jboss application is going in hung state for every 2 hour or so. when check the logs we found the below error everytime. But the connection is not encrypted between jboss and DB and SSL is not e...
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    last modified by neethal
  • Data source tuning

    hello all,   We have been using jboss 4.2.3 GA for one our web applications. Recently we are facing issues with application very frequently..  some times, At the Data base end blockings are getting created ...
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    created by neethal
  • Validation Tags in standalone.xml

    Can some one please explain the perfect use/meaning of these following each lines:- (e.g. what is the meaning of <validate-on-match>,<background-validation>,<stale-connection-checker>,<exception-s...
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    last modified by anelsonwilson
  • How to load MyFaces jsf 1.1.7 in jboss AS 7.1.1?

    Hi,   I am migrating an application which runs on jboss 4.2.1 in to jboss AS 7.1.1 Final. In the project it uses jsf version 1.1.7(jsf title - Apache MyFaces JSF-1.1 API) . When i deploy the ear in server it pro...
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    last modified by maneendr
  • Issue Deploying jdk7 compiled code to JBoss [Trinity] 4.2.3.GA, IllegalStateException: Cannot build JAXB context

    <plugin> <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId> <artifactId>jaxws-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.12</version>   <dependencies>     &...
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    created by patel_lk
  • Upgrading from Jboss 4.2 to Jboss 5

    Hi all   I am new to jboss, we are trying to upgrade Jboss from 4.2 to jboss 5. Since I am new to Jboss, I Just copied ear and war from old version to new version. We have some error message which we fixed. ...
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    last modified by venugopalan
  • JBOSS service couldn't be started

    We have applications deployed in JBOSS 4.2.3 server. Recently we have installed NetMon tool in the server system to monitor the network traffic. When we run the NetMon tool to track the traffic, we have seen the ser...
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    created by biswajit_sahu7
  • Problem with deployment

      hi there, I' am having a problem in deployment using EAR project......It shows no error when i clean and publish through eclipse .....but its not being saved inside the deploy folder....tried every possible thi...
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    created by muzakkir
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError - loaded by org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedClassLoader3

    I am getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space, upon analyzing the hprof, I found that  One instance of "org.apache.jasper.compiler.JspRuntimeContext" loaded by "org.jboss.mx.loading.UnifiedClassLoader3 ...
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    created by vineetsingla
  • How to set Httponly and secure cookie in jboss-4.0.5.GA??? I am using servlet 2.3

    How to set Httponly and secure cookie in jboss-4.0.5.GA??? I am using servlet 2.3
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    created by raviikumar
  • Jboss 6 : Not able to push messages in Jboss 4.2.2.GA queue

    Recently we have upgraded to from Jboss4.2.2.GA to Jboss6.1.0.Final.   Now we have a queue set up (.ear ) deployed on Jboss 4.2.2.GA, in which we are trying to push messages from our client deployed on JBoss6.1....
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    last modified by muktesh.mishra
  • Lazy loading Stateless session beans

    Hi, I am having a J2EE project with thousands of Stateless session beans. When ever I start my jboss server in my development environment it takes around 15 minutes to bring up my server. Time taken is mostly due to ...
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    last modified by surendrand001
  • le serveur localhost à l'adresse XDB requiert un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe

    Bonjour, mon problème est que lorsque je veux exécuter mon projet,la  première fenêtre indique due je dois saisir un nom d utilisateur et un mot de passe : voici le message: le serveu...
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    last modified by alajj
  • TurnDeploymentScannerDown

    Turn the Deployment Scanner frequency down or turn it off if you do not hot deploy.  Note:  The guidance on if you should do this or not is this.   If you use this in a test or development environment...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • Loading custom run.conf with different name and different location in JBoss 4.3?

    Hi,   Is there any one who can guide me that "How we can load custom run.conf with different name say abc.conf and having different location?".   Thanks!
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    last modified by kuldeep11
  • Deployment error in JBoss 6.10 Final

    Hello All,   It would be really helpful to proceed further if I have a answer or solution for the below problem.   We started migrating JBoss 4.2.2 GA to JBoss 6.1.0 Final. I directly started server as win...
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    last modified by prabhucbe
  • Inconsistency between ManagedConnectionPool and CachedConnectionManager

    Hi all,   We are working witn jboss-4.2.3.GA. Our application uses several connection pools. For all poos, MinSize and MaxSize are the same (60), and IdleTimeoutMinutes is set to "0".   On the customer s...
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    created by yoavgur
  • looking for downloading source code JBOSS at work: a practical guide book

    Hi Guys, I'm looking for any link to download source code JBOSS at work: a practical guide book but i couldn't find any link, does anybody know where i can download source code from? i appreciate if you can help me. ...
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    created by david_zargh
  • Jboss 4x to Jboss5x or Jboss6x or Jboss7x advantages and deficulties

    I presently use Jboss 4.2x  version.Now i plan to move any one of next versions.I went so many  from, but i didn't get clarity which version more use full for my production. my application consists of follo...
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    created by 98satyakrishna
  • Jboss 5.1.ga remote deployment failure

    I am getting error while deploying war file to remote jboss 5.1.ga server, but local deployment is working perfectly? <groupId>org.codehaus.cargo</groupId>         ...
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    created by rohanlukose