• Jboss 5.1.ga remote deployment failure

    I am getting error while deploying war file to remote jboss 5.1.ga server, but local deployment is working perfectly? <groupId>org.codehaus.cargo</groupId>         ...
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    created by rohanlukose
  • Migration from jboss4 to jboss5

    Hi   I am new to jboss development. The current project I work in, is in jboss4 and we are migrating that to jboss5 enterprise edition. Would migration bring in the old jar files from jboss4 or would it be a com...
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  • I feel I am close but I need some advice on login-config.xml with LDAP

    Hello LDAP experts,   I defined a LDAP in the login-config.xml and I was able to get roles. But the roles were in the format of cn=ABC,o=team,dc=company,dc=com.   Trace. 17:09:07,347 TRACE [LdapExtLoginMo...
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    created by tomliu6999
  • Credentials still cached in ThreadLocal after logout

    Hello,   First of all, happy new year to all the JBoss teams and JBoss users. I wish you more productivity and less bugs.   I'm running a web application on JBoss AS 5.2 and I've got some issues with the l...
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  • jboss

    Hi, I am new in jboss so I wish to ask something.   In front of any jboss application is an web server(i.e. tomcat),who pass every client requirement to an virtual host where the jboss application runs.right? ...
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    created by tanislavm
  • Problem with migration from Jboss AS 5 to Jboss AS 6.0 finall

    I am fairly new user jboss AS. I have developed some application on jboss AS 5.1. In application I use EJB, JSF and HQL for communication with database. Now I try to swith AS to 6.0 final, but I get some exception whe...
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    last modified by movuka
  • java.sql.SQLRecoverableException: Closed Connection

    Hi, I have found that in JBoss 6 server the connection recovers automatically after the network connection disconnection. But in JBoss 7.1 its not reconnecting to the server after the connection starts. When I conne...
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  • Apache mod_jk configuration in Fedora

    Hi, I am using apache2220 as a web server for load balancing and JBoss 7.1 AS in Solaris.When I copied the same apache and run it inside Fedora it is giving error message as follows:- "cannot execute binary file". ...
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    created by anelsonwilson
  • How to avoid Session Fixation

    Hi ,         Now our security team reported an issue Session Fixation :    after user login project on machine A , if i copy cookie JSESSIONID to the machine B , the user ...
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    created by wguo
  • How to resolve UserTransaction from another JBoss server in JBoss 5.1

    Hi,   I have a 3rd party tool (EJB 2.0) deployed on remote JBoss 5.1.  I have to use these EJBs using the client code (a plain servlet deployed on my local machine's JBoss 5.1) somewhat like this :   ...
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  • How to deploy my application in an external directory in JBoss-5

    If you want to deploy an application outside the "deploy" folder of JBoss in JBossAS-5, you can add your user directory to the ProfileService bootstrap process. This will automatically pick up the specified directory ...
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  • JBoss 7.1 with Solaris 10 OS Issue.

    Hello Team,   We are facing an issue while deploying our application in Solaris 10 using JBoss 7.1 Application Server. The problems what I am facing during deploying is shown below:- -- The deployment time is ...
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  • xxx

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  • Multicast problems on a production segment in JBoss 5

    We have a test-segment and a production segment with various JBoss 5 clusters on it. In test there is nothing wrong but in production clustering was not working (in the server.log we see on all the nodes that the clus...
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    created by willemnoorduin
  • How to run multiple domain on a JBoss 7 Server.

    Hi,'I want to run multiple domains on a single JBoss7 Server. Is it possible to do that. Please mention the details of the configuration or the idea how to make multiple domain run on a single JBoss 7 server. Thanking...
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  • Issue migrating from Jboss 5 to JBoss 6

    We are facing a issue migrating from jboss 5 to jboss 6. We are internally calling a webservices and a soap handler is binded to the webservices port from our application. The webservices which is a third party app ge...
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    created by dheepa08
  • Unable to reflect the changes made in JSP from tmp directory of JBoss 7.

    Hi, I am unable to reflect the changes which is made inside .jsp file situated in the tmp directory of the JBoss 7. Here i have to restart my server after every small changes made inside .jsp. I was able to do this v...
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  • Migration from JBoss 6 to JBoss 7

    Hi, I have migrated our application from JBoss 6 to JBoss 7. I am using the full feature mode i.e stanalone-full.xml. While deploying the WAR and starting the server it shows the following error:   Caused by:...
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  • Migration, HELP!!! .... tools, guides, and web site

    Migrating a whole running Java EE environment from one Java EE server implementation to another is like moving from one IDE to another.  All IDEs do pretty much the same thing.  All IDEs UI are similar yet d...
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  • How to create a new profile in jboss-eap-5.1.2

    How can I create a seperate profile in jboss other than the default profile? What all are the steps I need to follow while creating a new profile? Can anyone please help me with this?
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