• Using different ORB with JBoss 6.2

    Hi Folks,   I'm trying to use IBM ORB in place of JacOrb in JBoss but find that JacOrb is always loaded and injects its own configuration. This is specifically an issue because IBM Orb has some classes that are...
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    created by avalanche2133
  • Migrate connector configuration to JBos AS 7

    Hi,   We are using the following connector configurations in JBoss AS 6: <Connector protocol="HTTP/1.1" port="${jboss.web.http.port}" address="${jboss.bind.address}" redirectPort="${jboss.web.https.port}" /&...
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    last modified by valsaraj007
  • Convert jms-ds.xml to JBoss AS7

    Hi,   We are using the following jms-ds.xml in JBoss 6: <connection-factories>    <!--     JMS Stuff    -->    <mbean code="org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMS...
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    last modified by valsaraj007
  • Migrating SystemPropertiesService to JBoss AS 7

    Hi, We are migrating from older JBoss to JBoss 7.1. We are using SystemPropertiesService and it is done in JBoss 7 as given blow:   JBoss AS 6: <mbean code="org.jboss.varia.property.SystemPropertiesService"...
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    last modified by valsaraj007
  • sometimes jboss eap5.1.2 not inject ejb to BackBean,in TomcatInjectionContainer the encInjections no the backbean annotation thing

    my application faceconfig.xml has hundreds of  backbean . some backbean can not inject ejb. for example ,the CharaGrpDefTmpMB can not inject ejb ,but I move this Bean to faceconfig different lines. THE BEAN IS OK...
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    created by gaoyonglu
  • DataBaseConnection

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  • Authorizing users from external Login Module

    Hi Folks,   Looking for some insight into how I would configure my application to allow users to get at secured resources when they are authorized from a separate Login System.   For instance if I have a c...
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    created by avalanche2133
  • Jboss eap 4.3 - org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection cannot be cast to org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6

    Hi, I am new to Jboss eap, I got the bellow error with jBoss eap 4.3.when i am trying wrap the connection as   org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6.WrappedConnectionJDK6 wc = (org.jboss.jca.adapters.jdbc.jdk6....
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    created by sureshpdn
  • JMS : How to get list of connected client ip of particular topic or queue?

    I am able to list all connected remote address with topic and queue.But I am not able to print which IP is connected to Which queue or topic.   Topics     :->[pkjFParmTest_1] Queues &#...
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    created by p18mar
  • ZipException with JSF 2.2, JBoss AS 6 and primefaces 4.0

    13:46:54,136 SEVERE [config] Unable to process annotations for url, vfs:/D:/jboss-6.0.0.Final/server/app/deploy/app.ear/lib/primefaces-4.0.jar/META-INF/faces-config.xml.  Reason: java.util.zip.ZipException: z...
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    created by valsaraj007
  • JBoss AS 6 and JSF 2.2

    Hi,   When I tried to use JSF 2.2.4 with JBoss AS 6, got some error as there is no suitable jboss-faces.jar. Can anybody help to upgrade JSF?   Thanks!
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    last modified by valsaraj007
  • TrustAssociationInterceptor equivalent in JBoss EAP?

    Hi Folks,   I have a custom TrustAssociationInterceptor being used in WAS (Websphere) 7 today. Where should I look for equivalent interface in JBoss - 6.2? I'm looking to migrate my applications and need to re...
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    created by avalanche2133
  • JAAS problem. JBoss 4.2 vs 6.1

    Hello all   I have two ear applications. Ear structure each of them is simple:   app1.ear -- meta-inf      --  application.xml      -- jboss-app.xml  &...
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    last modified by maksrma
  • moving TCP configurations from jboss EAP-4.2 to Jboss EAP-6.1

    Hi,     In my case i am working on one migration project. We are migrating Jboss EAP 4.2 to Jboss EAP 6.1.     In one place I got damn confused , the clustering properties of TCP are defined in %...
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    last modified by swapnil007
  • 13:24:20,180 ERROR [org.infinispan.interceptors.InvocationContextInterceptor] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 79) ISPN000136: Execution error: org.infinispan.marshall.NotSerializableException: org.jb oss.as.clustering.registry.RegistryService$1

    Hi ,   I am trying to add jvmRoute flag in my configuration.I am using Jboss EAP-6.1 AS. For configuring this attribute i have followed the link     https://developer.jboss.org/message/63286...
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    created by swapnil007
  • Cant' lookup an EJB via JNDI into java application under EAP6

    I have Tow separated applications : 1=> The first named : my-services (contains Remote Interfaces and Implementations) and this is an example:   @Remote(IPersonRemote.class) @Local(IPersonLocal.class) @State...
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    last modified by akrima
  • How OCSP Reponder can be set over JBOSS AS

    Dear All,   I am planning to set OCSP responder. i am using JBOSS AS. From Server Side any configuration is required to be done?   any idea how the url for OCSP responder can be created? Second question, w...
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    created by sudhirj
  • Ear File Deployment Error In Jboss 6.1.0

    Dear All,   Hope Every One Doing Good,Last couple of days iam struggling one issue regarding the ear file deployment in jboss 6.1.0.My Project is Multi module maven Project and the Both Eclipse and Net Beans Ge...
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    created by sanvi
  • How to find class of OOM in JBOSS.hprof using Eclipse MAT?

    I have a heapdump file created from JBOSS when it's OOM.   I tried to find the cause of problem by using Leak Suspects Report feature in Eclipse MAT,   but what I saw from the result is not make me underst...
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    created by phamorn
  • When can Hibernate SessionFactory be used?

    Hi all,   I have been migrating from Jboss 5.1.0 GA to 6.2.0 EAP and struggling with the Hibernate SessionFactory. As in JBoss 5, to use a Hibernate SessionFactory, I look up it via its JNDI name which is specif...
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    created by pirent420