• Active MQ-JBoss 5 integration

    Hi All,   I'm very keen to know about the functionality and benefits of using Active-MQ. I started out working on the same referring  Apache ActiveMQ ™ -- JBoss Integration.   Everything went no...
  • Static variable gives different values on how its accessed in jboss 6.4

    we have an application with EJB's , servlet's  and a class with static variables during the deployment time from DB via servlet init --> ejb -->DAO We are using Jboss 6.4    Application1.ear ...
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    last modified by vp889x
  • Migration Issue :: JBoss 4 with EJB 2.1 to JBoss 7.1

    Hi All,   I am in the process of Migration of an Application which was developed in EJB 2.1 and was hosted in JBoss 4. We are moving to JBoss 7.1.   I have below files for EJB. Remote  public interfac...
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    last modified by debashish2016
  • jboss.cli data format

    Hi, I have a simple question: What data format is jboss-cli returning? At first glance it looks like JSON, but instead of "name":"value" pairs it returns "name"=>"value" pairs.   Example output:   { ...
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    last modified by freelancr

    Hi guys I'm currently using JBoss 7.1.1 running on CENTOS 6. I'm trying to gain access to the console but I'm having problem with it.. It says " This webpage is not available, ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT " I'm very n...
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    last modified by trishen
  • ¿Como se instalar JBoss?

    En netbeans 8.1?
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    last modified by cagoscra
  • How to integrate JbossCach/infinispan with Jboss As?

    Hi All,   As part of research on performance enhancement, got to know about few products "JbossCache, Infinispan " which are used to minimize the traffic on database level by creating cache. I tried to analyze ...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • Jboss developer studio jars (eap and standalone) doesn't work on IBM power platform

    Hi,   I am just trying to run the ''java -jar jboss-devstudio-9.1.0.Beta2-installer-eap.jar" but it doesn't work on ppc64le, exit with following error. It clearly means that ppc related plugins are not availabl...
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    last modified by snjagadale
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.driver.ClassRef

    All,   I am running JBoss EAP 6.3 and my war deployments are failing with the following error:   Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class oracle.jdbc.driver.ClassRef   wh...
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    created by jmeloro
  • LDAP OU Integration

    Hi   I am trying to integrate jboss 5 with AD.The users in the users OU are authenticated but users of the rest of OUs are not authenticating.The settings in login-config.xml are as follows;   <applica...
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    created by mukhan
  • MBeans in EAP 6.4 vs. Wildfly 10

    There seems a difference in the MBeans between EAP 6.40.0 and Wildfly 10. In EAP 6.40 when we added -Dorg.apache.tomcat.util.ENABLE_MODELER=true we could see the jboss.web type, however in Wildfly even after enabkin...
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    created by paychexwebops
  • Unable to bind HornetQ administered objects to a HA-JNDI

    So we have a non-HA JNDI cluster along with a HornetQ setup that we want to migrate to HA-JNDI. I have followed the documented steps in my test environment - started a two node JBoss cluster that runs the HA-JNDI serv...
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    last modified by gravetii
  • Java is taking more memory than configured!

    Hi All,   I have observed suspicious memory behavior in Jboss/Jvisulavm.   I have JBoss7.1.0 running on Windows OS. Have configured configurations as below "-Xms64M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M" However...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • JBoss Fuse(open source vs Enterprise)

    Hi All,   We are on plan to migrate to enterprise world of Jboss Application server. We also Jboss Fuse running in our environment. Just want to know what all are the differences between enterprise fuse and open...
  • CONFIGURATION FAILED! Class org.jboss.as.jsf.injection.JandexAnnotationProvider is not an instance of com.sun.faces.spi.AnnotationProvider

    Hello,   When i am starting my Jboss Server below error is displayed? I have listed out the configurations and other things below.   16:42:00,427 WARN  [org.jboss.seam.security.permission.PersistentP...
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    last modified by sivaprasad9394
  • Redirection of Port in JBoss 5.1.0

    Hi All,   We have enabled SSL on jboss and able to access application thru https://localhost:8443/Myapp   Client requirement is when the user fires URL https://localhost:8443/Myapp it should be redirected ...
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    last modified by sreekanth.munarai
  • jsf 1.2 and jboss 6.2 java.lang.InstantiationException: org.jboss.as.weld.webtier.jsf.WeldApplicationFactory

    Hi,   I am trying to run jsf1.2 on JBoss6.2 I come to the following exception   20:57:12,026 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/bookstore6]] (ServerService Thread P...
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    last modified by binko.georgiev.binev
  • Unable to load Rules files Dynamically

    Hi, Am trying to load spreadsheet/drl based rule files dynamically i.e. adding new .drl file during run time, but am getting below error . Though I've added KIE-CI as dependency to use KIEScanner but till no gain . P...
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    last modified by chauhan_27
  • optimistic lock occured and the transaction rolled back.

    After the application is started , while performing some operations, the error page occurred.In the mean time optimistic lock exception is observed in the log and the transaction was rolled back.   How to procee...
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    last modified by sai12345
  • How to update JBoss [EAP] 4.3.0.GA_CP08 on Windows 2008 R2

    Hi All I have to update the actual Jboss version on a Windows server 2008R2 used as a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, there I have installed the Java 6 update 31 and the SE development kit 6 update 31. Due to a vulnera...
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    last modified by aselhage