• Two Clusters on the Same Network

    Note: this document is intended as JBoss Application Server documentation and not as general JGroups documentation. Some of the content may be useful in a general sense, but it is written from the point of view of con...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Web Beans integration

    The Web Beans integration project is located at https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbossas/projects/webbeans-ri-int/ and consists of a number of modules that collectively implement the Web Beans SPI - https://svn.jboss.org/r...
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    last modified by pmuir
  • Deploying Teiid Embedded in JBossAS

    This article shows how to deploy a Teiid Embedded and a VDB into JBossAS using the "File Path" profile. Using below instructions you should be able to deploy Teiid Embedded and configure the VDB as any other JDBC data...
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    last modified by jdoyle
  • JBossASTuningSliming

    Tuning and Slimming JBossAS   based on JBoss 3.2.6   REVISED FOR 4.0.4+ JBoss4Slimming  This article is obsolete, read JBossASTuningSlimming   Preface   This advice is primarily on how to...
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    last modified by xmedeko
  • JBossClassLoadingUseCases

    Advanced JBoss Class Loading  Introduction  One of the main concerns of a developer writing hot re-deployable JBoss applications is to understand how JBoss class loading works. Within the internals of the c...
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    last modified by ovidiu.feodorov
  • UsingJBossBehindAFirewall

    Configuring JBoss for use Behind a Firewall   JBoss comes with many socket based services that open listening ports. In this section we list the services that open ports that might need to be configured to work...
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    last modified by hlai.taos
  • Web-App Context Configuration

    PlatformsThe table below is a comparison of locations a context.xml can be used in Tomcat and JBossAS. The base directory, CATALINA_HOME, is defined in JBossAS as:         ...
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    last modified by dknox
  • JBossFrequentlyAskedQuestions

    JBoss Application Server Frequently Asked Questions  Forums Proper use of the Forums Asking questions the smart way   How do I JBoss Development Get Involved in JBoss Project? Get the JBoss Road...
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    last modified by dmlloyd
  • Buddy Replication and Session Data

    In JBoss AS 4.0.5, support for buddy replication was added to the HTTP session replication feature set. In 4.2.2 buddy replication support was added for clustered EJB3 Stateful Session Beans.   With buddy replic...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • CacheManager Service in JBoss AS 5

    Overview Many of the standard clustered services in JBoss Application Server use JBoss Cache (JBC) to maintain consistent state across the cluster.  Different services (e.g. web session clustering or second level...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • HttpSession Replication

    JBoss provides excellent failover capability for the HttpSession.  This page aggregates some useful docs you should read if you are going set this up and use it.   Setup Design and Setup of JBoss HttpSession...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Using JBoss Serialization For HttpSession Replication

    In JBossAS 5.0 there is a new system property to allow using JBoss Serialization as the serialization mechanism in replicating the session instead of the default value which is set Java Serialization.   To enabl...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • Distributable HttpSession Passivation

    HttpSession Passivation/Activation  Passivation is the process of controlling memory usage by removing relatively unused sessions from memory while storing them in persistent storage. If a passivated session is ...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • MeasureHttpSessioniReplicationSize

    HttpSession Replication is based on JBoss Cache which is based on JGroups.  You can ask JGroups to log the bytes sent each time replication happens.  All you have to do is add the SIZE protocol to the JGroup...
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    last modified by jiwils
  • JBossApplicationServer

    JBoss Application Server - EspaÃÂÃÂolJBossApplicationServer | DeutschJBossApplicationServer |  JapaneseJBossApplicationServer | Add Translation Here -   JBoss has established a track r...
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    last modified by anil.saldhana
  • JBossRunParameters

    Parameters passed to the JBoss Run Scripts  JBoss is started using either: ./run.sh on Unx run.bat on Windows   The parameters  help - shows the help message, example below version - shows the ...
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    last modified by hemalatha7
  • BasicClusterTest

    All JBoss clustering services rely on JGroups.  To test if all clustered machines can see each other through JGroups, do the following steps:   Take the log4j.properties file attached to this wiki page and ...
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    last modified by unitedfuture