• Jboss5.1 server crashes and Big size of core file generated

    last two week jboss server5.1  is getting crashed and big size of core file is getting generated . As a result server is not responding. So each time we need to delete core file and restart the server .  On ...
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    last modified by mundrika.raj
  • Not able to output application logs to file on JBOSS EAP 6.4 XPASS image using periodic-rotating-file-handler

    I'm using JBOSS 6.4 EAP  on openshift v3. I'm able to view application logs on console but not able to output them to file. I'm trying to use the  periodic-rotating-file-handler. Below is my standalone-opens...
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    created by ignatan
  • Configuring JBoss Datasource for DB2 HADR automatic failover

    I have a JBoss 5.2 application server. Can anyone help me in configuring data source for  DB2 HADR automatic failover.
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    last modified by kbsivacse
  • mudar porta do servidor de 8443 para 443

    bom dia   a onde eu faço a alteracao da porta 8443 (padrao jboss 5.1) para a porta 443   eu fiz a alteracao no server.xml mas continua com a porta 8443   giovani
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    created by gsschmidt
  • Jboss4.2.3 migration and Apply Hot-Deployment feature.

    Hi All, I have to migrate the application which is supported by Jboss4.2.3 to some latest Jboss that would support Hot deployment feature. I have already converted the ear project to war for this removed ejb and adde...
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    last modified by gaurav1216
  • How to use public void move in jboss?

    IN THIS LINK https://docs.openkm.com/apidoc/com/okm/6.3.2/com/openkm/api/OKMDocument.html#move-java.lang.String-java.lang.String-java… It showed this : public void move(String token, String docPath, String des...
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    last modified by rrct10
  • how to pass a file to another user for review ? (jboss workflow)

    I am using JBoss to create a workflows for OPENKM. *I am using openKM 6.3 *Jboss 5.00 HERE IS THE WORKFLOW I NEED TO CREATE:   1. After user1 uploaded a file. user1 will input some data on it. the data on it ...
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    created by rrct10
  • Remote JMS Connection from Producer and Consumer in JBoss 6

    Hi!   I Need help with this scenario: I have 2 JBoss 6 servers, in different locations. In one of them I have a "client" application, and in the other I have a "server" application. The JBoss 6 instance where t...
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    last modified by luiz_gustavo
  • JBoss not shutting down because it seems to get busy processing AxisServlet requests

    We have couple of web modules deployed in Jboss 4.2 server. One of them is axis.war. After invoking shutdown.sh to start shutting down process, the logs show EJBs getting undeployed, however Tomcat keeps on processing...
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    last modified by sprajapati
  • lookup remote bean from JBoss AS 6.0.0.GA (ejb3) to Spring application (JBoss 7.1.1. Final)

    Hello everyone!   I faced with the problem listed below. I have two different JBoss (standalone) servers in my corporate intra-network. No problems with networks, firewalls, etc. It works good.   1st - JBo...
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    last modified by serpentcross
  • TEXT_FULL_WRITING error in JBoss EAP 6.3 with Web Socket

    Hi, I'm using JBoss EAP 6.3 with WebSockets.  The functionality is "hit and miss" meaning sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  When it doesn't work, I get the following error:   java.lang.Ill...
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    last modified by davidj
  • SSL using PFX file in Apache

    Hi All,   Am trying to create https link of my application using PFX certificates in Apache 2.4   Could any one please help me how to achieve the same.   Thanks, Sreekanth
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  • @Remote and @Local may not both be specified on the same interface

    Hi All,   We are upgrading JBoss AS 4.x to 5.x. while deploying our application, we are getting the below errors. The same Application is deployed in 4.x Env successfully. We are using EJB 3.0 spec in 4.x Env wi...
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    last modified by odetoraja
  • No value for the url parameter.

    I am getting "No value for the url parameter." error during page redirection. Any idea on why this error occurring?
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    created by rahul198
  • Removing EJB modules stalls JBoss start and causes ClassNotFoundException

    I apologize for incomplete information, but this all I have.   There are 4 EJB modules in the application.xml     <module>     <ejb>currentmsgmanager.jar</ejb>  ...
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    last modified by konieczny69
  • console log rotation

    How can we rotate JBOSS console.log without having to write a cron job?
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    last modified by gunutd19
  • Admin console - Items per page

    Hi,   we are using SOA 5.3.1 server. On Admin console, when exploring WAR files, there is a default 10 items per page view. (I can select up to 50 as well). Is there any setting for number of items per page, for...
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    created by aleshiukas
  • No ManagedConnections available within configured blocking timeout

    (Brasileiro) Bom dia. Estou encontrando problemas no servidor de aplicação JBOSS onde é informado esse esse a seguir:   org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: No ManagedConnections available wit...
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    last modified by danielz007
  • How to add jboss-deployment-strcuture.xml to project before EAR creation

    Background: I need to add sub deployment to jboss-deployment-structure.xml in the ear. But, the ear is packed ear using which unable to edit jboss-deployment-structure.xml Can anyone suggest how to add jboss-deployme...
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    last modified by rehanamd
  • Custom File Handler in JBoss AS 6

      I want to configure logs with time and size both . Same this which is mentioned in the below mentioned link. But It is for Jboss 7 and the sme thisng is not working in JBoss 6 How to configure PeriodicSizeRo...
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    last modified by happy13