• Timing Issue with Datasource configuration?

    In our JBOSS environment, we have many services that come up when initially starting up JBOSS.  Most of these are scheduled or on-demand services, but we have one where it comes up and starts on its own.  Th...
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    created by tombrey
  • How more than one XA Datasources participate in one container managed transaction ?

    Hi guys,   Recently I am involved in dealing with distributed transaction with JBoss 5.1 wherein Container Managed Transaction is used. But my worry is I am not understanding how different xa-resources are partic...
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    last modified by jboss.new.user
  • JBoss AS 7 connection pooling issues with Mysql

    Hi,   We are facing below two issues.   Unable to get managed connections for java:jboss/datasources/testDS com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after ...
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    last modified by prabhun
  • Problem while closing connection (wrappedConnection) retrieved from JBoss 5 pool.

    I have been using xa-datasource to have a connection pool for underlying oracle 10g database. I have created a pool of min size : 20 and max size : 40. I have a scenario where 20 threads are active, and each threads t...
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    last modified by ayushgupta
  • Exception when testing Oracle datasource connections

    For JBoss AS 6.0.0 M4, using Java 1.6.0_21 running on Solaris 10:   When I create a new Oracle datasource, the first thing I do is the "Test Connection" function (from Datasources -> datasource_name -> Con...
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    last modified by fibber
  • Connection "setAutoCommit" Feature in JBoss EAP 5.1

    We are Migrating our application server from Weblogic 10.3 to Jboss EAP 5.1.  We are experiencing a problem with respect to No TX Data source configuration.   In weblogic, we have an option to set "autocomm...
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    created by sundheepg3983
  • XADatasource and Oracle RAC - Load Balancing

    JBoss 4.2.3 GA - Oracle 11g RAC   We have configured a XADatasource pointing to an Oracle RAC. When we get the connection from this datasource we do not obtain any load balancing, in other words every time we as...
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    created by msarti66
  • Error : configuring hibernate.cfg.xml dinamically

    hello   i have a problem when i try to configure the hibernate.cfg.xml dinamically     this is the HibernateUtil.java            Configuration cfg = n...
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    last modified by thelostknight
  • Error : configuring hibernate.cfg.xml dinamically

    hello   i have a problem when i try to configure the hibernate.cfg.xml dinamically     this is the HibernateUtil.java (according to the reference book )         ...
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    created by thelostknight
  • Deployed datasource not showing up in webconsole

    I have a datasouce configured in an XML file that I am deploying through the webconsole.  The webconsole shows that it is enabled. However the new datasource is not showing up in the Datasources portion of the we...
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    last modified by mikevan
  • Deprecated elements?

    All,   I'm converting an application from 4.2.3 to 7.1.1, and am having some issues related to potentially missing or deprecated elements in the -ds.xml file.  Specifically,  I am seeing that the local...
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    last modified by mikevan
  • WrappedConnnection object

    Hi,   im using JBoss 6 and JNDI to recieve a datasource. I discovered that datasource object contain a wrapped connection object (org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrappedConnection). Could me someone explain the...
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    last modified by mpriess
  • Remote Jndi Datasource: ResultSet gets randomly closed

    Hello experts,   A short description of our deployment: We have a central reporting application that reads database divided (for scalability) among a number of machines. Each of these machines have one databas...
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    last modified by troubleshooter
  • A-Z guide on JBOSS

    This is my blog about JBOSS.. I think this is a good blog. Because, when I was learning about JBOSS, I have to face lot of difficulties. So i thought  to write this blog. This is a easy guide to learn JBOSS. Ther...
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    last modified by akusith
  • need help with config - cannot connect to db2 - using jboss 5.1 and spring 2.5.6

    hello all,   i am converting older webshere, spring and ibatis services to jboss 5.1.   i have my web services deployed but when i fire my test calls (using soapUI) at the service, i get the following erro...
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    last modified by geeky2
  • need help with DB2 connection - JBoss 5.1

    can someone post their working -ds.xml file - for DB2?   it would also be great if you could detail what driver files (.jar's) you are using in /server/default/lib.   if you are using Spring - even better ...
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    last modified by geeky2
  • Database connection taking time in Jboss as 7.1.1

    Hello everyone,   I am testing a servlet on Jboss AS 7.1.1.Final. In production environment it is expected to get around 10,000 requests in a minute. When I have simulated it without connecting to database it wa...
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    last modified by mandarv99
  • Oracle XA ds, ojdbc, jboss-6.0.0.Final, multiple connection properties

    How can i set multiple connection properties for an oracle xa datasource:   For a single properties, the following works, as described elsewhere here in forums: <xa-datasource-property name="ConnectionProper...
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    last modified by work_registries
  • Does min-pool-size is honored when connections are IDLE?

    Hi, I'm using JBoss 4.3 and I have a question regarding datasources.   Lets assume this is my datasource config:   idle-timeout-minutes: 5 max-pool-size: 10 min-pool-size: 5   Lets say that I ran some...
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    last modified by gutierrez.ge
  • accessing custom created datasources in JBOSS 7.1

    Greetings of the day Generally we define the datasource in standalone.xml and then we will use the same in the application code based on JNDI Name and this is working fine for me. But we have a peculiar functionality ...
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    last modified by srinivas.bijjam