• Help with datasource dynamic credentials.

    Hi JBoss Comunity's members.   For a couple months I have been studing JBoss and about 2 weeks or so, I'm stuck at datasource dynamic security. So if is possible, please I would like a hand on it.   In m...
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    last modified by jsperafico
  • Oracle JDBC Extensions, problem

    Hi,   I have a problem using JDBC Oracle Extensions :   I need to use them because I need to work with complex Data Object like Types, CLOBs, etc...   The problem is that each service call consumes a...
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    last modified by altar
  • autoReconnect possible in AS7?

    Based on the new xsd schemas in AS7, I do not see anything that will make the datasource automatically reconnect a connection that was closed by the database (i.e., "stale connection").  For example, if the datab...
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    created by achaniotis
  • JBoss AS 7 database connection pools: MaxUsedCount incorrect?

    I'm using the native interface to read pool statistics of JBoss AS7 datasources. I retrieve ActiveCount and AvailableCount and both seem to be correct. But MaxUsedCount always seems to be the same as ActiveCount. ...
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    created by ulrich-scholz
  • Jboss-as maven plugin with Mysql datasource configuration

    Hi There,   I am attempting to configure a MySql Database to be deployed on jas 7 using the jboss-as-maven-plugin. I am having trouble setting it up and my persistence unit doesn't seem to detect the datasource....
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    last modified by jarednagle
  • Installing Oracle9i JDBC JAR on AS 6.1

    Hi there   Apologies if this has been asked before. I am very new to JBoss, transitioning from IBM WebSphere.   I need to add Oracle9i  to the available list of drivers on the application server. ...
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    last modified by puneetmathur
  • Problem creating a connection to Postgresql V9

    I am getting a series of errors trying to setup a datasource to Postgresql V9.  Below is the log file with the errors:   07:31:00,634 INFO  [org.jboss.as.jpa] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 48) JBAS0114...
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    last modified by rcorak
  • JBOSS 5.1 using a Windows service account to connect to MS SQL Database

    I am using JBOSS5.1 and MS SQL Server 2008 and it needs to connect to database using a windows service account. How integrated security works in JBOSS 5.1, what needs to be configured. Appreciate your help.
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    created by nagesh_jboss
  • Oracle XA datasource with oci driver

    Hello,   I've a problem trying to use the oci driver with Oracle 10g XE for an xa datasource.   My app runs in a Jboss 5.1 server and this is the datasource configuration:   <xa-datasource> &l...
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    last modified by raizcor
  • DB2 XA datasource issue

    I have several non-xa datasources that work in my standalone.xml.  However, I can't seem to find the magic words to get an xa datasource to work.  I have tried a couple different ways of going about it as sh...
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    last modified by snoack
  • PreparedStatementCache

    Hi,           Is there a way to quantify the number of elements to be configured in this cache based on actual production data ? Should I turn on a JVM switch or analyze O...
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    created by rm0han
  • Amazon RDS Master Slave configuration for JEE 6

    I have a JEE 6 application deployed on JBoss 7.1 that currently connects to a standalone MySQL instance. It connects to a localhost MySQL using a standard datasource.xml (deployed on app server) and persistence (deplo...
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    last modified by toriacht
  • Data source transaction isolation level descriptions

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  • Regarding the Jboss thread connection

    Dear Folks,   The number of connection from Jboss to Mysql is usually 24 or 25 as normal value. In contains(Resident batch(1or2) + Jboss connection pool(16+6) + check script(1))but today when we checked the moni...
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    created by imranbaseer
  • JBoss 6.1 wrong database schema/user

    Hello,   Iam using Jboss 6.1 with Hibernate as JPA Provider. We were using some old Database schema and switched to a new one by just swapping the datasource of JBoss to the new Schema.   Now, when start...
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    created by congor
  • Is background connection validation without on-the-fly validation possible?

    Hi!   I want background validation only and I expected this to be the motivation for background-validation tag. When enabled, however, this option works only with check-valid-connection-sql, but this always come...
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    last modified by bodzolca
  • Fedora vs Windows 7 MySql Driver

    I am running jobss eap 6.1, and develop on my desktop and would like to have a server where I install checkpoint relases.  The desktop runs Windows 7, Jboss eap 6.1 and has a MySql datasource configured to use My...
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    last modified by paularber
  • How to view all of the JNDI name in jboss7?

    In JBOSS5, we can access the jmx-console by ip:port/jmx-console, and we can see the all of the JNDI name by JNDIView. But in JBOSS7, I just can see several JNDI name on the container/naming page. I want to lookup a ...
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    last modified by andy215
  • Unable to perform XA Transcation

    Hi,   I  trying to do an XA enabled transcation with my EJB 2.1 application deployed in EAP 5.1.  Backend database is Oracle. When I call the create() on my Entity Bean I  am getting the following...
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    last modified by jijopmathew
  • How to configure Oracle Datasource (oracle-ds.xml) for FCF (Fast Connection Failover) for Oracle RAC?

    In order to have fail-over work with Oracle RAC, i guess i have to use FCF (fast connection failover mechanism). This essentially involves including ons.jar, and setting properties on your datasource.   I belie...
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    last modified by jasper2000