• Can you run XDoclet in AS 7

    We are migrating from weblogic 9.2 to JBoss AS 7 and use XDoclet to build the ejb's. Can we run XDoclet in JBoss AS 7.
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    last modified by mschwery
  • Local bean reference to self creates new bean instance for every call

    This problem is in AS 5.1.0.GA with a EJB3 stateless session bean. An example TestSelfRefBean has public methods called method1() and method2(). The code for method1() makes a call to method2() via a "local reference"...
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    created by heapstor
  • InitialContext.lookup() retorna null

    Buenas tardes.   Estoy construyendo una aplicación en J2EE que corre sobre un JBoss 7, esta aplicación va a invocar los EJBs que estan desplegados en un JBoss 4.0.2. Al intentar hacer el lookup con...
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    created by fadavidos
  • StreamGobbler with javax.resource.spi.work.Work inside EJB

    Hey all,   I have a Stateless EJB that does a "Runtime.getRuntime().exec" and uses a StreamGlobbers around the process inputStream and errorStream. Each one of the gobblers has a "javax.resource.spi.work.Work" r...
  • JBAS011843: Failed instantiate InitialContextFactory in a Session Bean

    Using there properies in a Session Bean to                 Properties env = new Properties();        &...
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    last modified by bangau
  • Common id between @Asynchronous method and a caller's Future<V>?

    Is there any way to correlate the invocation of an @Asynchronous method and the Future<V> returned to the caller?   I was thinking to call Thread.currentThread() in the @Asynchronous method and somehow get...
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    last modified by kwatsen
  • Dynamic provide user login & password via remote connection from different thread

    Hello   I create remote connections with EjbClientContext and use following CallBackHandler to provide user information:     class AuthenticationCallbackHandler implements CallbackHandler {  ...
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    created by fargus
  • Problem running EJB with jboss

    Hi, I'm trying to run a java .ejb project with jboss. I have deployed my .ear in the jboss/server/default/deploy location. when i run it and try to access the LoginServlet, I get this exception. pls help.   e...
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    last modified by jessie_84
  • Handling authentication failures during remote EJB invocation from client

    Hello, I am looking up and invoking a remote EJB from a standalone client using these instructions:   https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/EJB+invocations+from+a+remote+client+using+JNDI   But when ...
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    last modified by raylite3
  • LookUp remote EJB from local EJB

    Hello   Please help me with my problem.   I have many servers and one main server that should manage others. All servers is JBoss AS 7.1.1Final and deployed same ear file. Main server can administrate rem...
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    last modified by fargus
  • Any specific instructions for running EJB 2.1 on AS7?

         Now that EJB 2.1 is supported in AS7, are there any specific instructions for running EJB 2.1 vs EJB3.1 on AS7?  I've been looking but haven't seen anything...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • Unable/failed to create activation spec for MDB 2.0

    Hello all,   I am trying to deploy MDB 2.0 application which has two MDBs on Jboss app server 5.1.1v, on deployment getting the following exception. I appreciate and thank for your time and help.   IDE: Jb...
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    last modified by venkat.521
  • Issue when accessing nonserialized java object in stateless session bean

    I'm using JBOSS AS 7 and jdk 1.7. In which i created a simple ejb project with session bean(BookCatalogBean) and a local plain java object(SimpleClass.java) which is not serialized. When i tried to call a method by in...
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    last modified by bsudhananthan
  • ejb timer service - delayed timers after shutdown

    Hello,   I use EJB timer service in JBoss 6.1   I experience strange behaviour: - set up persistent timer with repetition (let's say 5 minutes) - while jboss is running, everything is fine, timer.getNext...
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    created by mikedundee
  • Problem: no security manager rmi class loader disabled

    Hi all,   I have a created a Job (Quartz) which call an EJB ( it is a @Local EJB type ) I deployed the Job and my EJB into the same Jar. When the Job is started and call the EJB I get this error :   java...
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    last modified by warxsg
  • How to catch or handle OptimisticLockException?

    I ran into a problem. I develop a test application on EJB3.1 (Jboss AS 7.1.1). The project has several entity and one stateless-bean. Entity`s have annotation @ Version. In the method of stateless-bean, I get an objec...
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    last modified by bravefox
  • EJB3-MDB (listening to ActiveMQ queue) problem

    Hi, I have simple EJB3-MDB, listening to the ActiveMQ queue, deployed on JBOSS6.1.0 final app server. The ActiveMQ activemq-rar-5.4.3.rar is in place and all acivemq configuration is done properly. The activemq queue...
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    last modified by seeaganesh
  • Migrating from EJB2.1 to EJB3.x

    We are looking at migrating from EJB 2.1 over to EJB 3.x and I have what should be a simple question.   How do most folks maintain their EJB 3.x 'business interface' classes?   Do you just create t...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • Is it possible avoid rollback from a particular exception ?

    Hi all,   I have the following situation in a method of a Stateless EJB ( 3.0)   public void writeInDB(String userName,String password) throws UserNotFoundException {       //  ca...
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    last modified by warxsg
  • DEPLOYMENTS MISSING DEPENDENCIES (should be in state "Installed", but is actually in state "Create")

    Hi,   I just started to integrate my EJB int my first web application, but I can'r figure out, why it doesn't work.   I'm getting the following error: 2011-02-20112 18:00:47,846 ERROR [ProfileServiceBootst...
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    last modified by glotzich