• Disable Instance Pooling for a Stateless bean

    From this link http://planet.jboss.org/post/jboss_as_7_0_1_configuring_ejb3_pools, I can undestand how can you configure customized pools for your beans.   Last few lines in the same post suggests that disabling...
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    created by mandarbk
  • Does jboss-as-7.1.1.Final supports entity beans?

    I am using EJB2.x. So I just want to confirm whether jboss-as-7.1.1.Final supports entity beans or not?   If yes then can you please help me how to lookup for local EJB ?   I tried but getting  Naming...
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    last modified by surendra.konna
  • EJB2.x invocation in jboss-as-7.1.1.Final

    Hi,      I had a problem while invocating ejbs in jboss as 7. Here i have a statefull session bean named EJBController.The jndi lookup works fine but when i say HomeInterface.create() i am getti...
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    last modified by surendra.konna
  • Remote ejb jboss restart

    Hi,   I have distinct client + server jboss instances for remote ejb invocation running similar to https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/EJB+invocations+from+a+remote+server+instance They are running on di...
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    last modified by andresavva
  • Calling entity bean mutators in client class and business methods in session Class?

    Hi,   I am migrating my ejb 2.1 application into ejb 3.0. I have done following changes:     EJB 2.x EJB3.0 1 Entity beans implements EntityBean having callback methods and abstract getters and setter...
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    last modified by jashan07
  • EJB Deployment issue with Local JNDI Name

    Hi,   I am deploying and EJB application (EJB 2.1) in Jboss EAP 5.1.  The problem that I am facing now is my local JNDI names are not getting created in the java name sapce, insted they are getting created ...
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    last modified by jijopmathew
  • jax-rs 2.0 client  api

    i 'm studing resteasy 3.0 user guider, for  jax-rs 2.0 client  api Knowledge Lack of examples although i search all from eaxmple ,Can you provide a detailed eaxmple jax-rs 2.0 client  thanks very much
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    created by a7724172
  • org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException

    i I spend a lot of timeWorking on this problem but fail  please help me   The environment is jboss 7.1  ,use the jboss7.1 jar   I am in accordance with the resteasy-jaxrs-3.0.1 user guid   ...
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    created by a7724172
  • how to bind EJB 2.1 bean with JNDI name specified in jboss.xml

    I have deployed a simple ear with a ejb 2.1 session bean and a war that utilizes this bean, The problems after deploying the ear, the session bean is bound to a module specific JNDI name (appname/modulename/beanname...
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    last modified by kavcrus
  • how do I get the stateful session bean instance once again?

    my client public static RemoteCounter lookupRemoteCounter() throws NamingException {    final Context context = new InitialContext(jndiProperties);    final String beanName = CounterBean.class....
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    last modified by tuhaihepan
  • SLSB method not working as per expectaions

    Hi all. We had developed an application using Struts2.1.8,EJB3.0,MS SQL Server 2005.  Application runs on JBoss4.2.2GA in all Dev,QA,Prod env. As we are using EJB, we expect either the whole operations in method...
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    last modified by amjoshi
  • EJB Narrow function - EJB2.1 application migration from jboss 4.3 to jboss eap 6.1.0 alpha

    I am trying to migrate the jboss 4.3 EJB 2.1 Applications to Jboss EAP 6.1.0 Alpha.   In EJB 2.1 Jboss 4.3, we use the narrow functionality to create the EJB Home as below. In Jboss 6.1.0 EAP i dont think the na...
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    last modified by georgesg
  • getEjbObject on SFSB throws JBAS014354: Bean has no EJBObject

    I am working on jboss-as-7.1.3.Final and want to access the Handle of a StatefulSessionBean:   <code> @Stateful @Remote(Session.class) public class SessionBean implements Session {     &...
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    created by shadogray
  • Registered Interceptor using EJBClientContext.registerInterceptor(..) is not called on EAP 6.1.0

    Hi,   My requirement is to pass some additional information to security interceptors and do the same I am using " org.jboss.ejb.client.EJBClientContext.getCurrent().registerInterceptor()" for registering "EJBCli...
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    last modified by sunil_dixit
  • Method annotated with transaction "REQUIRES_NEW" always hit ConcurrentAccessTimeoutException

    Hi all, i have a stateful session bean where the transaction set in the class level is "REQUIRED", inside the session bean there is a public method which annotated with transaction "REQUIRES_NEW". According to Java sp...
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    last modified by td121136
  • About EJB 2.1 Transaction Rollback

    Hi   I can't understand the following server log from executing the code 1)method removeTradeBySqlAndLockByAgreementId() call method removeTradesBySqlWithNewTransation() both are 'require-new' transaction meth...
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    last modified by bondchan921
  • loader-repository in enterprise application

    hi maybe it is a  silly question but I'm really new in JBoss and EJB and couldn't find answer anywhere I had problem with custom log4j configuration and finally sovle it with some suggested solutions. as a pa...
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    created by matt2007
  • Load class from client on server

    hi is there any way to load class from client on server in runtime ? suppose we have a method in server side which has an argument like Class<?> class , and user who has access to server via Remote interface...
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    last modified by matt2007
  • no security manager: RMI class loader disabled

    hi I'm using JBoss 5 and trying to call a bean's method which deployed on JBoss. My project outline is like this: -enterprise app    - ejbmodule      -statelessBean   &#...
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    last modified by matt2007
  • Jboss EAP 6.1.0 alpha - Unable to Connect to Entity Bean from Another Entity Bean

    I am currently doing migration of ejb2.1 applications from Jboss 4.3 to Jboss 6.1.0 alpha EAP.   In my application, an entity bean named Package_Bean from which am getting reference to another local entity bean...
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    last modified by georgesg