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Thread loader-repository in enterprise application
loader-repository in enterprise applicationhi maybe it is a silly question but I'm really new in JBoss and EJB and couldn't find answer anywhere I had problem with custom log4j configuration and finally sovle it with some suggested solutions. as a pa...
Load class from client on serverhi is there any way to load class from client on server in runtime ? suppose we have a method in server side which has an argument like Class<?> class , and user who has access to server via Remote interface...
Thread no security manager: RMI class loader disabled
no security manager: RMI class loader disabledhi I'm using JBoss 5 and trying to call a bean's method which deployed on JBoss. My project outline is like this: -enterprise app - ejbmodule -statelessBean ...
JBoss 5, EJB3 and C++ clientHi, I am looking for an "A to Z" example how to connect a C and/or C++ client to a remote JBoss 5 server where are EJB3 beans deployed. Can somebody help me? Thank you. SK
Thread Unable to instantiate container with factories []
Unable to instantiate container with factories []Hi I got a problem while invoking createEJBContainer() in POJO class. public static void main(String[] args) throws NamingException {/* AccountBeanClient obj...
Thread NameNotFoundException for EJB Handle of a Stateful Bean
NameNotFoundException for EJB Handle of a Stateful BeanHi folks ! Our design is like this: A server keeps a cache of javax.ejb.Handle objects of Stateful Session EJBs. Clients get the handle by a key using something like: javax.ejb.Handle handle -...
Ejb proxy mechanism in Jboss 7.1.1Hello there, We are doing a migration from Jboss 5.1 to Jboss 7.1.1 , which will be eventually deployed to EAP 6.x.x. Most part of migration went fine. EJB 2.1 is deployed, using t...
Thread where to configure JNDI in jboss AS 7.1.3 Final
where to configure JNDI in jboss AS 7.1.3 FinalI understand that in jboss as 7.1.3 (EAP 6.0.1) , jboss.xml is no more supported. Instead jboss-ejb3.xml is introduced and is used to override ejb-jar.xml or set the configurations specific to JBOSS AS7. ...
Thread InitialContext for ejb lookup locally in Jboss as 7.1.3 Final
InitialContext for ejb lookup locally in Jboss as 7.1.3 FinalI am migrating EJB2.1 from jboss 4.3 to Jboss 7.1.3 Final. For RMI lookup , i am using "ejb client" project and during this lookup i need to use provider url, package prefix and Initial Context Factory....
Thread Unable to get Home Interface during EJB Lookup JBOSS 6.0.1 EAP
Unable to get Home Interface during EJB Lookup JBOSS 6.0.1 EAPWe are in the process of migrating from JBOSS 4.2.3.GA to JBOSS 6.0.1 EAP. In this, we migrate ejb 2.1 applications as well to jboss 6.0.1. I have made appropriate changes for the ejb 2.1 modules t...
RMI - JBoss runtime differencesHello, I have an EJB deployed on AS 6.0.0. Final. When I try to invoke it from a client with JBoss 6 runtime, it works like a charm. When I try to invoke it from an AS version 4.2.2.GA, I get a ClassCa...
EJB getting Initial Context FailedAm getting the below mentioned exception stack trace while initialization of the Initial context for the EJB 2.1 in our application. We are using JBOSS EAP 6.0.1.GA In our application, we use the below piece o...