• Interrupted thread not being uninterrupted.

    JBoss3.2.1 JDK1.3.1_06 Windows 2003 Every now and then we get: javax.resource.ResourceException: Interrupted while requesting permit!at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool.getConnecti...
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    last modified by ioparra
  • a Question about passivating StatefulSessionBean and EntityB

    Hi, I am reading JBoss 3.2.3 and have a question about passivating StatefulSessionBean instance and EntityBean instance. There are fellow statements, which are in line 120, StatefulSessionInstanceCache.java, used to ...
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    created by liu_linux

    Hello Jboss Guru's, Am trying to shift from weblogic to Jboss 3.2.3. I am facing problems while using LIKE and ORDER by clause in ejb-jar.xml. Can any one help me and tell me how i can use it in JBOSS. Can any one h...
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    last modified by anupsaini
  • JBoss' SessionContext.getEJBObject() vs. the spec.

    I'm sorry. I've been away.
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    last modified by perisb
  • a question about JDBCCreateBeanClassInstanceCommand

    Hi, I am reading JBoss 3.2.3 and have a question about the constructor of class JDBCCreateBeanClassInstanceCommand. There are follow statements in the constructor: beanClass = theContainer.getBeanClass(); fieldMap =...
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    last modified by liu_linux
  • Undetectable ApplicationDeadlockExceptions

    I have a stateful session bean that will deadlock relatively easily. I'd like very much for my client to be able to detect deadlock situations and restart offending transactions. However, ApplicationDeadlockExceptions...
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    last modified by drdm7321
  • EJB3 meta model and JDK 1.4

    EJB 3.0 relies heavily on Annotations as the way to define EJBs. The problem with this is that Annotation syntax is not available on JDK 1.4. So, what I will do is have a parallel JDK1.4 based meta model that we will ...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • EJB3 configuration model

    After reading the EJB3.0 specification it has become clear to me that Annotations are a perfect abstraction for our configuration meta model. Therefore all new container configurations will be defined in Annotations. ...
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    created by bill.burke

    Sorry to yell, but we will be moving EJB3 development discussions here and we cannot have user questions polluting this forum. I hope you will not find my bluntness too rude. Bill If you have problems with CMP (pers...
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    created by bill.burke
  • I think it is meaningless to define as_is_payload in com.cvi

    Hi, all I have a question about com.cvicse.inforweb.invocation.Invocation. There are three payload variables in the class, transient_payload, as_is_payload which used to store the parameters don’t need to be mar...
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    created by shi_hang_nk
  • Entity synchronization refactorings

    For performance reasons, I want to refactor the following classes: - GlobalTxEntityMap - Entity[MultiInstance]SynchronizationInterceptor - EntityMultiInstanceInterceptor - remove TxEntityMap as a class * GlobalTxEnti...
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    last modified by aloubyansky
  • multiple 1-* CMR TransactionRolledbackLocalException NoSuchO

    Hi, I am using JBOSS 3.2.2, RH9 and Postgresql as db. I have multiple 1-* CMRs on a single EJB (on this case, AccountEJB has 1-* relationships with 5 different EJBs). In the accountsessionejb I have the following c...
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    created by limatik
  • EJB Interceptor - passing context between invokeHome and inv

    Hello, I am using a client side EJB interceptor. I intercept the call to the home object using Interceptor.invokeHome, i would then like to store some context which i can access when I intercept methods on the result...
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    last modified by paul.robinson
  • org.jboss.ejb.EJBProxyFactory declaration

    Hi, The declaration of EJBProxyFactory contains (the relatively old) comment from marc: Moved from typed return to Object to allow for optimizations in creation I'm curious to know what this optimisation actually ...
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    created by scoy
  • call-ejb-store-on-clean

    A new *optional* element call-ejb-store-on-clean is added to jboss.xml in 4.0.0DR4. It can contain true or false. true means that ejbStore will be called at synchronization time on each instance associated with the c...
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    created by aloubyansky
  • Problem in EJB QL

    Hi, I have problem in COUNT query.I tried out following way: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CustoemrInfo customerinfo what's the problem i don't but jboss gives error. plz give me fast reply. thanks in advance.
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    last modified by hardik
  • setSessionContext problem in stateless session bean

    hi, i'm using jboss , eclipse and lomboz with tusc tutorial. As it is given in the tutorial i've typed the code this.ctx = ctx in setSessionContext method and this.ctx=null in unsetSessionContext method. after this w...
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    last modified by bharathpu
  • Deployment problem for two ejb modules that share the same c

    Hi All, I have an ejb1.jar module that by simplicity has a EJBHomeFactory session bean that caches references to other bean homes. The module by itself works fine. But I need to include two such modules (driving and...
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    last modified by maksymg
  • Standard Stateful Session Bean Error

    Hi, I have got the following error: java.rmi.ServerException: Could not get EJBObject; nested exception is: java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException: Could not activate; failed to restore state; CausedByException is: /jboss-3...
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    last modified by weis
  • Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NameNotFoundExcepti

    I'm a new jboss' user. I try to run example of mastering 2 EJB on jboss,but I have many problem about deployment file.I'm using "jboss3.2.3Tomcat.4.1.29 and Ant 1.6.1. The example I try to run is HelloWorld. Ant compi...
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    last modified by raffaelecorvino