• JBossWS inside Embedded Container?

    hello, is the JBossWS supported inside the embedded container? we are running a integration test with a jbossws client connecting to a webservice. i can see correct transmission in the tcpmon, but i get this excepti...
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    last modified by boopet
  • Using Maven with Embedded Jboss

    Hey folks... I've been banging my head into the wall trying to come up with an easy way to configure maven so that I didn't have to copy the embedded jboss bootstrap directory into every one of my projects that wanted...
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    created by ptruax
  • Seam Component Returning Null In Seam Testing

    my Action class @Stateful @Name("catalogueMasterSearch") @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) public class CatalogueMasterSearchAction implements CatalogueMasterSearch{ @Create @Begin(join = true) public String create()...
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    last modified by mreddysudarsana
  • MDB deploying problem

    Hi, Please specify which version of embedded jboss you are using? Is deploy/jms-ra.rar in the classpath? Test if the example ExampleMDB is working at our machine. This example looks a little bit like your example cod...
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    last modified by pbolle
  • libs with diferent version

    Hi all, I am having a problem with libs version, more specifically with Hibernate jar. Some functionalities that work in the JBoss 4.2.2 do not work in the Embeddable Beta version, or have different behavior. I am r...
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    created by pozzo
  • Bootstrap.undeploy doesn't work properly

    I have a test case that extends from jboss's BaseTestCase Here's the code for the deploy and undeploy methods. private static AssembledDirectory jar; public static void deploy() { jar = AssembledContextFactory...
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    last modified by gumnaam.suri
  • embedded-jboss-beta3 do not work with apache-tomcat-5.5.25

    I want use the embedded-jboss-beta3 with apache-tomcat-5.5.25, i follow the suggestion in the wiki: http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/EmbeddedAndTomcat but when i start the tomcat i got Exception, INFO [org.apache.catalin...
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    created by rainhust
  • NullPointer exception when publishing project

    I Installed Eclipse for JEE (Eclipse Europa) binaries. I launched it and created a sample Web Project. I created a Embedded JBoss 4.2 server in Eclipse. I tried publishing my Sample web project on JBoss server It thro...
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    created by pradtk
  • Beta 3 generating NoSuchMethodError

    Hi All, I just tried to get a very simple JUnit Test to run with Embedded JBoss Beta 3. Unfortunately though I get the following error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.cfg.ExtendedMappings.getReflectionM...
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    created by beanjar
  • Bootstrap.deployResourceBase not working

    I can deploy a VFS file , but I have lot of ejbs, so I want to deploy using the deployResourceBase call. I am using maven, and the classes are stored in the standard "target/classes" directory. Using deployResourceBa...
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    last modified by gumnaam.suri
  • JDK6 , Embedded JBoss and maven 2 PROBLEM SOLVED

    For all those who are trying to run JDK 6 + maven2 + embedded JBoss and keep getting the Array error, The trick is to use the following system property -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true But the trick i...
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    created by gumnaam.suri
  • javaee-api-5.jar causes Problems

    In my maven project I have a dependency on <dependency> <groupId>javaee</groupId> <artifactId>javaee-api</artifactId> <version>5</version> <scope>provided</sco...
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    created by gumnaam.suri
  • NullPointerException when calling @Remote EJB

    Hi, I am trying to implement unit test for my EJB3 application, but I am facing some issues. I am using the beta3 and followed the instructions from the Wiki (Bootstrap.getInstance().bootstrap() and Bootstrap.getInst...
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    created by bruno.marchesson
  • Pb deploying vfs file

    It's this piece of code in PersistenceUnitParsingDeployer that doesn't like your virtual file: @Override protected PersistenceUnitsMetaData parse(VFSDeploymentUnit unit, VirtualFile file, PersistenceUnitsMetaData ...
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    created by alesj
  • Integration Testing Failed with SeamTest Jboss-embedded Mave

    I am having problems building Simple Integration tests with SeamTest. My environment contains the following: Seam 2.0.1 GA Maven version: 2.0.7 Java version: 1.5.0_09 I obtained my embedded-jboss by placing the foll...
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    last modified by sheadley
  • firewall issue with 4.0.4

    I have JBoss 4.0.4 installed on a Linux box. It is running behind a firewall with NAT. It has its own private IP address non-addressable from outside - very typical. I searched and found some document regardingt to se...
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    last modified by justin100
  • Am I attempting the impossible? (Tomcat6+JBossEmbedded+Seam2

    Please, please can someone at JBoss tell me if I am attempting the impossible? I have been pulling my hair out for 3 days trying to get this to work: Tomcat 6 JBoss Embedded beta 3 Seam 2.0.1.GA It feels like I am ...
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    created by billevans
  • How to configure ports in BaseTestCase

    Hi community, I am using the class org.jboss.embedded.junit.BaseTestCase to crate unit tests. All works fine on my pc. But if I run the tests parallel on the ci-server I get conflicts in the used ports opened by the ...
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    last modified by pbolle
  • Problemas ENCODING

    Hello, I am working with JBPM, and meet the problem that there is to make a submit or recharge(overload) the page, the information that contain tildes or ñ's they turn into other characters. My application ...
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    created by lgg82
  • how to turn off XML validation

    Hi, i am developing a seam based app and use embedded jboss for the tests. I use JBoss Tools generated project layout and Seam 2.0.1.GA. I noticed that if internet was not available my tests did not work with the folo...
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    created by laksu