• Junit environment in Eclipse IDE for EJB testing in Embedded

    Hi, I have troubles setting up environnement for unit testing with Junit in Eclipse IDE. I have prepared a couple of tests in a BaseTestCase as shown in Bill Burke's page : http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-96...
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    last modified by dauvertpj
  • FileNotFoundExccption error During the ra.xml reading

    Hi all, i am using JBoss Embedded for unit testing purposes along with testNG.I have setup a maven project where it holds the bootstrap/ configuration of the embedded along with some wrapper classes to the Bootstrap c...
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    last modified by shadukan
  • Embedded JBoss with JBoss 5, how?

    We currently use JBoss4.2 + embedded jboss for faster round trip development + some tests. I want to migrate everything to JBoss 5, how do I run the JBoss 5 codebase within an embedded environment. We currently use ...
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    last modified by fatbatman
  • Embedded JBoss within Jetty6.1??

    hi, i am trying to run my seam application in Jetty 6.1, so i guess i should add the Embedded JBoss to Jetty. but unfortunately i can't find something about that in internet. had someone already try this? is this ev...
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    created by orangeven
  • Order of the jars in the pom.xml important?

    Hi all, I want to execute my TestNG-test in the Embedded JBoss with Maven. If I execute it with the TestNG-Plugin it works perfect. But if I want to execute it with Surefire-Plugin Maven I get two different errors. ...
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    created by fenixx
  • Totally confused.. help with maven2/testng/ testing with emb

    I'm confused on how I'm supposed to set up things so I can test my ejb3 components with using embedded jboss? I want to make it simple, so I figured the easiest way would be to simply build my ejb jar and deploy it to...
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    last modified by rickcr
  • How does injection work in EJB ?

    I want to know if the jboss-ejb3-embedded-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT project supports field injections, for example, @EJB or @PersistenceContext. I don't know when it is injected. Is it in jboss-ejb3-core-1.0.0 ? Is it when ejb i...
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    created by landir
  • error running jbpm-enterprise.ear under embedded

    i try to run jbpm-enterprise.ear under jboss-embedded to run my testng tests with seam application. but i got error jbpm-enterprise.ear state=PostClassLoader mode=Manual required State=Real is it not possible to do...
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    last modified by ajanz
  • Release according to JBossAS 5.0.0.GA

    Is a release according to JBossAS 5.0.0.GA being planned?
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Embedded JBoss / Maven / SeamTest

    Hello, In case it can help someone, I put below the pom.xml which permits us to run SeamTest. we have successfully run SeamTest implying JMS and JPA with a persistence.xml. The SeamTest have been be run in Eclipse u...
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    last modified by claumond.bd.mu
  • Embedded Beta3.SP4 Source?

    Hi, Does anyone know where I could find the source code for Embedded Beta3.SP4? In SVN, I'm only seeing tags for up to Beta3.SP3. Thanks! Matt Tucker
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    created by mtuckah
  • UndeclaredThrowableException caused by strange ClassNotFound

    I'm trying to use beta 3. However, I get the following stacktrace. Any hint is appreciated. DEBUG [org.jboss.kernel.KernelFactory] Starting JBoss Kernel construction... DEBUG [org.jboss.kernel.KernelFactory] Complet...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Where is Jboss-embedded 2.0.0 beta1 ?

    Hi, I use JBoss 4.2.3.GA for production and JBoss-embedded beta3 for some unit tests. For some of my EJBs, I use jboss annotation such as @Service or @ResourceAdapter. These annotations have been from org.jboss.ejb3....
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    created by jc7442
  • Problem while shutting down with Boostrap

    Hi, I hope i'm in the right place for asking this. I use Embedded Jboss beta 3 sp 2. Boostrap & deploy works well but when i call Boostrap.getInstance().shutdown(); the application crashes. First i get this mes...
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    last modified by eligriv
  • Getting entity manager

    Hello, is it possible to retrieve the EntityManager when using JBoss Embedded? All of my EJBs and the persistence context is deployed: when I lookup an EJB, the entity manager is injected properly (with @PersistenceC...
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    last modified by adamw
  • What's new in Jboss embedded beta3 SP4?

    Hi dear jboss embedded folks, Is there a place where I can find a release note of what has changed in the new beta3? Thanks, /Benoit
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    created by benoit.heinrich
  • own jaas domain not working

    hello, I'm trying to use a self defined jaas domain policy inside my ejb3 tests with embedded jboss. But i got only "invalid user": [testng] javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Invalid User [testng] at org.jboss.ejb3....
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    last modified by nias
  • Embedded JBoss and MBeans

    I've managed to get the Embedded JBoss deploy my EJBs successfully. Here are my configurations: Maven Surefire plugin: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>mave...
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    last modified by silenius
  • Problem with Embedded Jboss and MySQL

    There is my problem with Embedded Jboss and MSQL. I trying to solve him more over 2 weeks. I obviously can'™t find ri...
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    created by stevovukovic
  • Embedded JBoss and Maven

    I see a lot of examples how to use Embedded JBoss, but all of them add classes manually one by one like the example at http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-9684. Does anyone use maven and have an example about how...
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    last modified by silenius