• Will Embedded Jboss be updated to support Seam 2.0?

    Embedded EJB and Embedded JBoss are different projects. Please follow the guide in the Seam2 ref manual to set up Embedded JBoss in Tomcat.
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    created by pmuir
  • Accessing oracle from JBoss is slow

    We have this problem: when we are trying to run an application using Oracle as backend, its response is very slow compared to MS SQL server. Both the application and DB are hosted on different high end machines (DB is...
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    created by vijayabhaskarv
  • Does it support CMT?

    HI,guys I would plan to use Embedded jboss to do unit test for EJB3 application, but I wonder if Embedded jboss support CMT to mananger transaction? thanks, my regards
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    created by justin.gong
  • obtaining remote ejb ref via localhost lookup?

    Hi Guys, I have an issue with looking up a remote ejb via JNDI lookup when I use localhost instead of the actual machine name. I know that in a real environment, one would never use localhost, but we have a large tea...
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    last modified by skomarla
  • Embedded JBoss in WebSphere 6.1

    I am an architect at a large company. Our company is committed to using WebSphere as it's application server. This is for many reasons most of which are political. I would like to introduce Embedded JBoss to allow our...
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    created by nsshah_jboss
  • Strange behaviour wit 1:n collection with EJB 3.0 and Tomcat

    Hi, Can anyone explain me what is going one? I got collection mapped (one directional) from planet->buildingsProd class like this @OrderBy("index ASC") @OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, fetch=FetchType.LAZY) @J...
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    created by statelessbean
  • remote client wants beans

    I have a microcontainer with embedded jboss. I deploy resources within it (i.e. simple session beans). I also have a client in another elsewhere, in another machine, and I want it to use the methods of this beans. Ho...
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    last modified by patruzzrock
  • Possible platforms

    Sorry for the dumb question but.. does anybody know what could be the minimum target platform for Embedded JBoss? Do you think that intel network processors (IXP4XX ) are suitable platforms?
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    created by iginio
  • ManagedConnectionFactory org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentExce

    Hi, I'm trying to use embedded JBoss with my application without much success; I'm keep getting the following exception (complete log is enclosed at the end as well): ERROR 22-10 16:26:37,515 (DeployerWrapper.java:c...
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    last modified by davidw1839
  • InstanceNotFoundException: jms-ra.rar is not registered

    Hey, I deployed an MDB and started getting these exeptions at startup: [java] Starting server... [java] WARN 06-07 01:01:04,984 (UnifiedLoaderRepository3.java:addClassLoader:675) -Tried to add non-URLClassLoader. ...
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    last modified by canterburry
  • Can't find resource in validator bundles, key validator.notE

    Found the solution, have the hibernate-validator-*.jar preside any other hibernate jars. Cheers Ravi Nallakukkala
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    created by rnallakukkala
  • Is anyone having success with embedded JBoss?

    I'm having limited or no success with embedded JBoss. My set-up: Tomcat 6.0, embedded-jboss-beta2, jdk1.0.5_06, win XP SP2 I'm trying to deploy jboss-seam-registration; I guess I'm terribly confused with components....
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    last modified by raviies
  • How to get import.sql to execute?

    I have set up a persistence unit in "create-drop" mode and included import.sql in the root of the jar file that I deploy with my unit tests. What do I need to do to make Hibernate execute it too?
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    last modified by alexg79
  • Bootstrap and Classpath deployment

    Hello, I have the following code. I have more that 100 Entities and would like to pass kind of Classpath to the AssembledDirectory class. My POJO are in the package myapplication.domain.* Is there a way to specify a...
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    last modified by johanmicoud
  • Exception while executing the tutorial tests of embedded-jbo

    Hi*, i get the following exception if i execute the AllTests in tutorial (eclipse 3.3/JDK1.6.0_01) Maybe someone can push me to the right direction. Thank you Per ERROR 09-10 14:11:17,031 (DeployerWrapper.java:comm...
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    created by newgro
  • dynamic deploy

    I'm using Embedded Jboss in my plain java apps. I always bootstrap this way Bootstrap.getInstance().bootstrap(); Bootstrap.getInstance().deployResourceBase(HelloBean.class); // my app code... // Bootstrap.getIns...
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    created by patruzzrock
  • EJB3StandaloneDeployer does not find annotated beans

    My deployer is not finding the annotated beans. I tried adding the URLs explicitily EJB3StandaloneBootstrap.boot(null); EJB3StandaloneDeployer deployer = EJB3StandaloneBootstrap .createDeployer(); try { URL lDeplo...
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    last modified by fzuppa
  • EJB 2.1 support?

    Hi all, does the Embedded JBoss support older EJB 2.1 (the ejb-jar.xml descriptor etc) along with EJB3? Thanks!
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    created by m.vysny
  • Compiling Embedded from source

    Since the embedded beta 2 does not work with Java 6, I tried my luck by pulling the JBoss source tree from SVN, but couldn't get it to compile. The original post is here: http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&...
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    created by alexg79
  • Presentation About Using Embedded JBoss

    I just did a presentation for the Philly JBoss Users Group about using Embedded JBoss. I talk about what it is and walked through the examples. The presentation is available from http://www.innovationontherun.com/pre...
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    created by robdimarco