• JNDI problem with SeamTest/JBoss Embedded

    Hi,   I read numerous articles about using JBoss Embedded with SeamTest but could not find the solution to my problem:   [testng] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: EntityManagerFactory not fou...
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    last modified by petermucsi
  • JBoss Embedded AS

    Introduction EmbeddedAS provides an end-user API for the creation, configuration, lifecycle, and deployment operations of the JBoss Application Server.   Pages JBoss Embedded AS | API Guide JBoss Embedded AS | Q...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • JBoss Embedded AS | FAQs

    Frequently Asked Questions  Q: What versions of the Application Server may be used with the Embedded APIs? A: Currently, releases after 6.0.0.M3.
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • JBoss Embedded AS | API Guide

    Introduction The Embedded APIs to JBoss Application Server provide a code-based analouge for tasks ordinarily accomplished through traditional command-line and filesystem operations.  This guide will provide a fe...
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    last modified by alrubinger
  • JAAS

    Hello all, I'm trying to make Embedded JBoss work without success. Each time I try to call a protected EJB3 method I get the following error: javax.ejb.EJBAccessException: Caller unauthorized at org.jboss.ejb3.sec...
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    last modified by silenius
  • Embedded JBoss - clustered EJB3

    Hi all   Is it possible to use Embedded JBoss to deploy clustered EJB3 stateful beans? I receive message like this:   jboss.j2ee:jar=classes,name=UserManagmentActionImpl,service=EJB3 -> javax.management...
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    last modified by yura.taras
  • Errors starting up Embedded AS from maven test

    Hi,   I followed and double checked the instructions on http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-13843, I am using the full maven classpath configuration.   When running "mvn test" from the EJB project, I g...
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    last modified by coenos
  • How much heap space needed for Embedded AS?

    Hi, I tried the new Embedded AS to test my EJB's using JUnit. I followed the examples on the community   However, when starting Embedded AS, I always get a outOfMemory Error, although my heap space is set to 150...
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    last modified by coenos
  • JBoss Embedded AS | Minimal ClassPath via Manual (ie. Ant) Setup

    Introduction This shows a basic ant configuration for running Embedded AS. The current way this is accomplished is by including jboss-embedded-assembly-<version>-launcher.jar and the shrinkwrap libs (shrinkwrap-...
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    last modified by jhutton
  • Switch off "plague of jars" in embedded Jboss on Tomcat6

    Hi,   when starting up Tomcat6 with embedded Jboss (beta3.SP10) I have a class explosion called the "plague of jars" in my $CATALINA_HOME/temp/ folder.   See: http://ourcraft.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/plag...
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    created by coenos
  • Which JBoss Embedded to use?

    I am trying to write unit tests for deployments that will be in 5.1 AS. Looking through the embedded site, I can use   Old - EmbeddedJBoss - where the embedded-all.jar file exists. or New - JBoss Embedded AS &...
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    last modified by rareddy
  • UnitTests EJBs cannot be successfull

    When I'm launching the EJBs unit test for Embedded Jboss béta 3.10 I've got the following error : << INFO [org.hibernate.ejb.Version] Hibernate EntityManager 3.4.0.GA INFO [org.hibernate.ejb.Ejb3Confi...
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    last modified by blured75
  • Cannot start JBossEmbedded beta3 SP10

    Hi, When trying to launch JBossEmbedded beta3 SP10 through the eclipse project included, some lib seems to be missing (the ones related to annotations for MDB) Then when I try to launch : EasierEjbTestCase.java or E...
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    last modified by blured75
  • NullPointerException while shutting down EmbeddedJBoss Beta3

    NullPointerException while shutting down EmbeddedJBoss: ERROR AspectDeployer - Error during undeploy: vfsfile:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/classes/deployers/ejb3-deployers-beans.xml java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss....
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    last modified by drorb
  • JBoss Embedded and JUnit testing

    Hi, the first thing I have to say is that I searched a lot for a simple JUnit Test of a simple Session Bean using Embedded JBoss. I still haven't found an example that shows me a successful usage of Embedded JBoss. I...
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    last modified by tbar0711
  • Login doesn't work

    I'm using Embedded JBoss beta3.SP9. All tests are working fine as long as I don't use a security domain Using the EJB jar within an EAR inside JBossAS 5.1 (inclusive security domain) also works fine. Any hint for se...
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    last modified by juergen.zimmermann
  • Use of MBeans not working: "jboss:service=Naming" not found

    With Beans labeled @org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Service and with services deployed through a jboss-service.xml, I'm seeing this sort of error: org.jboss.deployers.client.spi.IncompleteDeploymentException: Summary of ...
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    last modified by genman
  • JBoss Embedded and JBossWS

    Just wondering, is it possible to write a JBoss WS client and run it inside a JBoss Embedded container? Would I need to pull libraries from the WS release?
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    created by meetoblivion
  • deploy vritual jar failed on embedded jboss

    Hello, I am trying to use embedded jboss to test my EJB3 session bean. It is failed on the vritual jar deployment. I am using maven2 + jdk1.5. The error message: ---------------------------------------------------...
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    last modified by liuxiaodu
  • Newbie tomcat 6 + embedded SP9 caonnt start ?

    hi I install the last embedded-jboss-beta3.SP9 as said in the doc SEAM 2.2.0.pdf AT tomcat 6, start up the logs are : 31 août 2009 13:49:41 org.apache.catalina.core....
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    created by pilou13