• new kernel profileservice test

    Building off Scott's tests of the profileservice I've added another test (DataSourceTestCase) and supporting classes under org.jboss.test.profileservice.* in the kernel module. Basically the tests just try to create s...
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    last modified by ccrouch
  • ProfileService management view

    Let's discuss the next iteration to expose the management view aspect. I updated the ProfileService api to include a ManagementView plugin. See: http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=ManagementViewClasses This wa...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • SNMPAgent adaptor does not respect jboss.bind.address

    There is a problem with the SNMP Agent in the latest 4.0.x code as well as in 4.0.4CR2. The service does not respect the jboss.bind.address configuration. When I start two instances of the all configuration, the addre...
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    last modified by rali.genova
  • Need to get going on a ProfileService api

    So the management view of the server is non-existent from the perspective of a stable API that could be the basis for managment tools/consoles. We need to try to agree on a ProfileService API that would form the basis...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • JBoss admin console

    We have developed a console application for JBoss , the application currently supports basic configuration features like : 1. Deployer service ( ear ,war ,exploded file structre ) 2. server instance creation (start /...
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    last modified by shantanugera
  • JBossIDE 2.0 Management Features

    Hey guys... I'm trying to collect ideas for features in the next version of JBossIDE 2.0, specifically in regards to management. Keep in mind that any management features that will exist in 2.0 will be hopefully some...
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    created by mculpepper
  • Fix for JBAS-2651 (Restore stable JSR77 names for ejbs)

    So the first question I have is, is fixing the jsr77 name what is needed? This is actually independent of the ejb container jmx name and there is no dependency on it. The same is not true of the ejb container jmx name...
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    last modified by starksm64
  • Web console development?

    Is anyone working on the evolution of the web console. It seem that this part of the Jboss Server has basically stopped development. The reason I ask I would like to get involved in Jboss development again and I think...
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    last modified by mclaugs
  • automated patching

    Thinking about patching JBossAS and other products, we are trying to think of ways to do it. Any one know of an open source product that either: A) performs automatic download and/or installation of patches or B) p...
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    last modified by mazz
  • Expose "number of messages per second" to the MDB metrics

    RE: http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3898820 I think the steps are to create a "RateStatistic" interface and implementation and have it returned by "MessageDrivenBeanStats". Unfortunat...
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    last modified by genman
  • Populating the ActiveAlarmTable

    I've made a simple active alarm table that is supposed to hold important system faults, see ( http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-2220) so you can go to a single mbean and find out important facts for a server. Th...
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    created by dimitris
  • Binding Manager Testsuite Failures

    I'm seeing a testsuite failure for the binding manager examples. http://cruisecontrol.jboss.com/cc/artifacts/jboss-4.0-testsuite/20050907123703/results/org/jboss/test/binding/BindingServiceUnitTestCase.html junit.f...
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    last modified by ryan.campbell
  • LocalJBossServerDomain and SubDeployer.START_NOTIFICATION

    I´d like to know if there is a reason to LocalJBossServerDomain use SubDeployer.START_NOTIFICATION in handleNotification to create ManagedObjects. I´m asking this because if we replace the START_NOTIFICAT...
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    last modified by fabcipriano
  • How come there is no reciprocal of JBoss multiple server sta

    How come there is no reciprocal of JBoss multiple server start,how to stop a particular jboss server instance from command line? >run.bat -c minimal works fine How to stop the above minimal server instance fro...
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    last modified by avanish_ks
  • Error : No ManagedConnections Available

    We are using JBOSS Application server to run our web site. Now and then we are getting a problem "When user trying to login to our website (after he clicks on submit button)", then server prompts the following error. ...
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    last modified by sivakumarreddyp
  • Self deployed DataSources are not accessible through JSR-77

    We are currently developing a JSR-77 Management Console and found that self deployed DataSources are not accessible through JSR-77 because they have the "JBoss LocalTransaction JDBC Wrapper" as parent. But the spec al...
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    created by mredeker
  • Not spec complient

    We are currently developing a JSR-77 Management Console and found that JBoss's class "org.jboss.management.j2ee.ResourceAdapter" which represents the JSR-77 j2eeType "ResourceAdapter" is not spec complient. It must h...
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    last modified by mredeker
  • Closing DataBaseManager shutdowns JBoss4.0 too

    I'm sorry if this is not the right place to post this. I couldn't find any other relevant link on the JBoss web site. If you close the DataBaseManager; it also shuts down the JBoss server. This is reproducible with t...
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    last modified by ctaunk
  • Alerts that fire on the results of operations.

    The original post became unavailable after a reply with code: Hi, I'm pleased to join you here. I have a problem with the annotation Java 1.4 together with a Class[] parameter. My annotation is related to a refact...
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    last modified by mcorey
  • Adding NotificationFilters to the listeners of JBossMonitor

    I have been looking into using JBoss monitoring framework for my services over past few days. I have noticed that there is no way of adding NotificationFilters to the listeners of ThresholdMonitor via the deployment d...
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    last modified by gabramovic