• Ear sufix in ejb jndi name

    Hello, I have problem with ejb jndi name. When I deploy my ear with sessions ejb(with annotations @Remote, @Stateless). The all names have ear name sufix for example   test/SimplService   But when I deplo...
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    last modified by mireksz
  • How to obtain ejb reference in AS6?

    Here is the JNDI tree view: Global JNDI Namespace  +- lhserviceear (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)   |   +- TestService (class: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext)   |   |...
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    last modified by kingpmp
  • List all objects using JNDI

    Hi all,   I would like to generate a tree structure of all objects existing in JNDI starting from the root ("/") no matter if it is a JDBC connection or ann EAR application.   I'd appreciate any ideas. &#...
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    last modified by somostetoikilato
  • Context Lookup error

    i will explain my project breifly   I need to create a webservice which calls an EJB that execute a query on a sybase database this database is a datasource on glassfish server ( i am using Netbeans 7.1.1 ) &#...
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    created by mohamedmostafa
  • spi.NotBoundException

    Hi all, first - sorry for mu English. I have following problem. I create the EJB3 bean DbCleanerBean which I want to be executed when JBoss (v5.0) starts. So I create the MBean AutostartService that is looking for t...
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    last modified by remi-at-work
  • JNDI in AS7

    I am interested to know how JNDI works in a clustered environment in AS7, any links/documentation would help. Thanks !
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    last modified by ranga033
  • How to bind objects to the java:jboss/exported from OSGI code

    Hi,   I'm migrating some code currently working when deployed in JBoss AS 5.1.0 to 7.1.1   I have converted what was originally a SAR based deployment to an OSGI bundle deployment. A service which was or...
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    created by ejroberts
  • JNDI over HTTPS

    Hi all,   I'm using JBOSS 4.2.3GA. I implemented JNDI over HTTPS and i'm struggling with problem for a few days now. I'm using the following code:   Properties properties = new Properties(System.getProper...
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    last modified by sasi2103
  • Easy jndi sample

    Hi,   Im trying to make a simple connection. Until now i was using Tomcat, and the only thing i need to do is include the next line in context.xml->   <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="co...
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    last modified by scpsintersa
  • JNDI not resolving localhost to

    Hello,   I have an Amazon EC2 instance (could be any cloud server, or even any server I guess) running Open SuSE. I am running JBoss 4.0.4GA on there. When I do a JNDI lookup with a provider URL of "localhost:10...
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    last modified by petal1
  • How to create a JNDI string value on AS7?

    Hi, I'm looking to create a JNDI lookup for a String resource, but can't quite figure out how to configure it in AS7.  I looked in the standalone-preview.xml file, but do not see any examples that would enable ...
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    last modified by benze
  • Why JBoss enforces java:/ java:boss/ naming and how to override it in the jboss-ejb3.xml?

    Good Day,   I am busy writing an application that uses JPA and JMS and noticed during the setup process of JBoss 7.1 CR1b (but it possibly relates to JBoss 7.x) that JBoss enforces the java:/ and java:jboss/ nam...
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    last modified by mpashworth
  • javax.naming.CommunicationException: Could not obtain connection to any of these urls

    I am getting this error when i am trying to open a JNDi connection with Jboss. When i am clicking on the URL: https://localhost:9580 it is opening the jboss server but in program it is showing below error.   Exc...
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    created by imshaan
  • Get ejb3 from remote host (jboss 5.1) to jboss 4.x

    Hi, I'm trying to get an ejb3 from a remote host (that uses jboss 5.1) inside jboss 4.x. The code I use is the following:   public void myFunction() {         Properties jndi...
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    last modified by clanfur
  • Interoperability of EJB2/3 between JBoss EAP 4.3 and JBoss EAP 5.1.1

    Hi All JBoss gurus,   I had one geric question. Is Interoperability of EJB2/3 between JBoss EAP 4.3 and JBoss EAP 5.1.1 will work?   Let's take my EJB2/3 application is running in JBoss EAP 5.1.1 and ejb c...
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    last modified by dasmurali
  • JNDI Connectivity from JBoss EAP 4.3 to JBoss 5.1.1 EAP

    Hi,   We are facing issues in JNDI Connectivity from JBoss EAP 4.3 to JBoss 5.1.1 EAP server.   EJB is deployed on JBoss 5.1.1 EAP(all configuration) and Client is deployed in JBoss 4.3 server. When clien...
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    created by dasmurali
  • HAJNDI problem

    Hello,   First of all I will try to describe goal we would like to achieve plus the configuration we are using.   Application server version is JBoss 5. There are 4 nodes which form a cluster. All nodes a...
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    last modified by apph_
  • NameNotFoundException with "Not Bound" message

    I have a stateless EJB application packaged as jar file, where ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml & persistence.xml files are there.  I am using the lookup in a web application as below: I am doing lookup as:  &#...
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    last modified by memunis
  • JNDI binding and NameNotFoundException

    I'm an EJB-newbie, so please bear with me.  I'm running JBoss 5.1.0, and I'm trying to define/deploy/access a stateless session bean.  It's my understanding that JBoss 5.1.0 conforms to EJB 3.0, and so I can...
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    last modified by edwardpig
  • JNDI lookup fails in load-on-startup servlet Jboss as7

    Hi,   I am able to perform JNDI lookup using the following code in any of my servlet as follows,   DataSource ds = null; Context ctx = null; try {         String strDSNa...
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    last modified by abiya