• How to do global JNDI lookup

    Hi, given that my global JNDI tree looks like this: global JNDI Namespace    +- UserTransactionSessionFactory (proxy: $Proxy175 implements interface org.jboss.tm.usertx.interfaces.UserTransactionSessionFact...
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    created by viggo.navarsete
  • JNDI lookup JBoss 6 -> JBoss 5.1: ProxyFactory not found

    Hello, I need to perform a remote JNDI lookup from a JBoss 6 to a JBoss 5.1 server. I get the following exception:   Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception while trying to locate proxy factory in JNDI...
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    last modified by icordoba
  • Failed to migrate HA EJB Messaging from JBoss 4.4.2 to 5.1

    Hy guys,      I developed an clustered application in JBoss4.2 with two MQ queue in HA. Here all stuff goes well and every node was able to send message to both queues using HA-JNDI lockup. I’ve...
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    last modified by topizio
  • LDAP presistance issue

    We are using External Context in jboss-service.xml for LDAP. When the LDAP server restarted jboss is not re-establishing the Context again. I use JMX console to stop and start the ExternalContext service manually. Is ...
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    last modified by rajasundaram
  • Problem in HA_JNDI list.

    Hi all,    using jboss-AS 6.0.0.Final "Neo", with ALL configuration, I'm unable to list jndi tree. I start a clean jboss, just downloaded, with ./run.sh -b -c all I browse to http://localhost:8080...
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    last modified by l.visconti
  • How to override providerAdapterJNDI in @MessageDriven bean? Naming alias?

    JBoss 4.2.3GA   I have an application that needs to connect to a remote JMS topic (another JBoss box). For the deployment of this application I have a *-ds.xml file to specify the remote JMS provider ("RemoteJm...
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    created by pkrasko
  • JBoss autocommit problem

    Hi all. After running my web application I get exception: java.sql.SQLException: You cannot rollback with autocommit set! My oracle-ds.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <datasources> <l...
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    last modified by sherst
  • Standalone JNDI/Datasource

    How can I start a standalone JNDI server with a datasource programmatically?   I am able to start the naming server using the below code. How can I create a datasource and bind it so it can be looked up from a r...
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    last modified by jayeshpk
  • @Depends not supported in Jboss AS 4.2.2 ?

    Hello,   I've got a problem that seems to have already been solved on these forums... but the solution doesn't work for me.   I have a Queue and a simple MDB that implements MessageDrivenBean, MessageListe...
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    last modified by alansmanne
  • Unable to create the InitialContext object for JNDI service

    Hi,   I am new to JNDI, Just I want to use the "Connection Pool" which is created by JBOSS server but unfortunatly I am getting the following error:     Exception in thread "main" javax.naming.NoIniti...
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    created by softwareenganeer
  • Issue with HA JNDI and Singleton MDB

    Hi guys,       I'm trying to build an develop environment with two JBoss AS in cluster mode balanced via Apache mod_jk to deploy an EAR application with two WAR and two MDBs in HA mode.   Un...
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    last modified by topizio
  • jndi standalone server

    I am trying to run the standalone jndi server and I have followed the following two documentation links to the letter. I am getting the following error. Any help would be appreciated. Documentation Links Used =======...
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    last modified by daniel.a.clark
  • Getting the JBoss naming service with corbaloc

    I'm trying to contact the JBoss Naming Service using the syntax of corbaloc. Since it's based on jacorb, it should be possible for a client (java o c++) to get the object reference of the JBoss Naming Service as follo...
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    last modified by jlsredondo
  • datasource not bound?

    Hi !      I use jboss5.1.0.GA and set a datasource in it.I can get connections with lookup this datasource(context.lookup("java:/MSSQLDS")) in standalone application(MSSQLDS works well),but when i...
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    last modified by frh10
  • JNDI lookup issue - EJB not bound

    Hi All, I am new to Jboss...We are migrating from WAS4 to JBoss4.3 and are running into issues for EJB. For all the EJBs, it is giving below exception:   2010-12-17 09:52:29,008 ERROR [STDERR] javax.naming.Nam...
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    last modified by gurmat
  • [org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingService] Error writing response to Socket

    Hi,   I'm using 2 JBOSS in cluster and one of them are generating several messages like the following (more or less 1 message per second):   2010-12-22 10:37:17,143 DEBUG [org.jboss.ha.jndi.HANamingServic...
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    created by rconstantino
  • java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: TRACE  :Log4jLoggerPlugin.java:8

    Hi I am facing a problem with accessing the JBOSS. according to the exception it seems to me --- log related exception. when I call the following code Hashtable env = new Hashtable(); env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONT...
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    last modified by shankha
  • Lookup bean from AS 4.0.5 to 5.1.0

    I have an EJB3 stateless session bean deployed in AS 5.1.0 that I am trying to look up from some client code deployed in a remote AS 4.0.5 installation. The client isn't a true EJB client, just something that happens ...
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    last modified by gvalenc
  • javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Model not bound Deployment

    Hi all,   I am getting this error when deploying - Please help me running this simple ejb3 application :   Failed to create Resource RemarksEJBS.jar - cause: java.lang.Exception:Failed to start deployment [...
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    created by omardawod119
  • EJB (SLSB) invocation ignores read timeout, blocks indefinit

    I have an application which is exposed as an EJB 3 stateless session bean, and which is running on a clustered environment of JBoss 4.2.3 instances under Java 6. In some cases, the service exposed by the SLSB never re...
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    last modified by sumitsu