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Thread Failed to connect to localhost:1099
Failed to connect to localhost:1099Hi, I am using jboss 3.2.5 application server for my application and its working fine. But recently my admin configured the same in some other machine and he can able to start the server using run script, when he tri...
Thread How to Access EJB over HTTP in remote machine?
How to Access EJB over HTTP in remote machine?hello everybody, I am having problem to access EJB over HTTP in remote machine. I have to access EJB which is running in remote server. In between two EJBs, there is routing IP as these are running in different netwo...
Remote JMS connection over NAT'ed IPHi, I am trying to connect to a remote JMS queue from my JBoss Server 4.0.3SP1 and using JBossMQ. The other server also hosts JBossMQ. The machines involved and their IPs are as below: The client Machine: Name: XYZ...
Binding a JNDI name from a remote clientI have a Java application that connects to my WildFly 10 server. I want to be able to bind a name for my client into the JNDI on the standalone WildFly server. I am trying to bind the name: java:/Name-1 However, I kee...
Thread Binding Dynamic Remote Object in Jboss 7.1.1
Binding Dynamic Remote Object in Jboss 7.1.1Hi, I have been trynig to bind object to Jboss 7.1.1 JNDI using the following code: public static void main(String[] args) { final Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<Strin...
Thread Request Parameter for HttpNamingContextFactory
Request Parameter for HttpNamingContextFactoryHi, JNDI over HTTP from a swing client needs HttpNamingContextFactory. Is there a way to set an HTTP request attribute / cookie while getting the HttpNamingContextFactory? The reason is there is a SAML proxy...
Bind custom object to JNDIHi, I wouldn't say this is a problem, I'm just curious of internals which might be a problem as I managed to achieve binding custom object to JNDI via ServiceActivator etc. I don't like how code looks like and it us...
Thread javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name not found
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name not foundHi , I have integrated JBoss 5.1.0-GA and Tibco EMS(Remote) on SSL as per the TibcoIntegration Document. After completing all the required configs, I am getting the following exception when I deploy my ear (wh...
Thread Cannot bind transaction factory in CORBA naming service
Cannot bind transaction factory in CORBA naming serviceHello, I am running JBoss 4.0.5 with SDK6. On the server there are two Jboss and both server have the same problem. I am been tried only one Jboss and it is still problem. I don`t know, what ist problem. =========...
Thread How to configure custom URL JNDI name binding in JBOSS
How to configure custom URL JNDI name binding in JBOSSHi, We are using some custom URL name space for JNDI look up. This has been configured in WAS Admin Console --> URl Providers. Can any one suggest me how to do the similar settings in JBOSS. I am using in ...
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jnp.interfaces.NamingCJBoss 4.0.4-CR2, EJB 3.0 I have a client which accesses EJB's successfully when I create the InitialContext as follows:
ctx.addToEnvironment("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory...
Thread JBOSS AS7 EJB invocations remote client vs remote server
JBOSS AS7 EJB invocations remote client vs remote serverI know that with JBOSS AS7 exist two ways remote EJB invocations: via JNDI-EJB client API or remote-naming project. All the examples that I've read uses EJB client API to invoke from a remote standalone client and the...
Thread spring 3.x + jboss 7.1.1: how to get the datasource from jndi
spring 3.x + jboss 7.1.1: how to get the datasource from jndiHello everyone, I have to go into production with my web application. The application server is JBoss 7.1.1. So I was looking for moving the datasources from the spring application context to the container. I confi...
Thread Remote JNDI lookup with Jboss EAP 6.3 not working
Remote JNDI lookup with Jboss EAP 6.3 not workingI am running jboss EAP 6.3 on my local machine. On same machine I am running another application which needs to communicate with jboss bean remotely Following is a partial code : ...
Thread Using JNDI to connect to Websphere MQ, without hardcoded info
Using JNDI to connect to Websphere MQ, without hardcoded infoHi, I'm struggling with JBoss to properly use a JNDI connection to completly make a connection to Websphere MQ Series, to feed an MDB. I need some help, I'm trying to "sell" the idea of JBoss for this ...
JBOSS NoInitialContextExceptionI have just started working with NetBeans. I registered jboss AS 6.1 with NetBeans and created a sample application using a tutorial. You can refer to the application creation below if you feel like: Link to t...
Thread getting a JDBC connection through JNDI on JBoss 6.x
getting a JDBC connection through JNDI on JBoss 6.xI have an application using JSF (primefaces 4) + JPA on Jboss 6.1 All my DB mapping is made through annotation and my DAOs extend a generic DAO configured by a Factory Producer Factory Producer I declare my Entity ...