• Autoreload jsf page no work in google chrome

    regards,   I'm trying to reload a page in jsf, with the following statement:      response.setHeader("Refresh", "3;URL="+request.getRequestURI());   I am using this to reload a page to forc...
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    created by rart3001_1
  • Parametered inputText,...

    A problem. I have many h:inputText, comboBox, calendar on my page. Each of one is identified by an unique index. I have a bean saving and retrieving the value of these video-input. So I have for example: <h:i...
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    last modified by giant2
  • JSF with Struts

    Hi,          I am using Struts 2.3 with JSF 2.       I want to know how to invoke Struts action class from JSF.   Regards, Shankar Vignesh S
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    created by shankarvignesh
  • jsf components appear in ie 7 but not ie 8

    jsf and html components will appear in ie 7 with no problems or error messages.   But in ie8, the components as well as text in the web page will not display at all.  no error messages.     ...
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    created by brucespringfield
  • ADF Faces on JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final - PageContext is null

    Hi,   I'm trying to migrate a WAR (using ADF Faces from OC4J to JBoss AS 6.1.0 Final. This is an old implementation of JSF 1.1 with servlet version 2.4. The WAR includes the ADF and Oracle...
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    created by brunoteixa
  • JSF Question about passing parameters (needing converters) to resource bundles from facelets...

    have a JSF question about how to pass mutliple complex parameters to resource bundles. Take the following example below where I am passing a value to a resource bundle for a parameter. Works fine.   <h:output...
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    last modified by qdog1028
  • Basic JSF2 Setup in JBoss 7 : Infinite Loop when loading page

    I'm new to JBoss but have worked with Tomcat and JSF2 in the past. When trying to start a basic .xhtml page in JBoss AS 7.0, I'm running into the following problem: javax.servlet.ServletException javax.faces.webapp...
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    last modified by cobold
  • Getting Facelets parsing problem with JBoss v4.2.1

    I have a some.xhtml file with jsf libs in it. In <h:body> tag I am trying to display 2 words: For the first one I use plain text: Hello For the second one I use: <h:outputText value=" there"/> I expect ...
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    last modified by sweetchariot
  • JSF - input field is not updated

    I have a problem with a JSF page which I can't solve. I have a JSF page which is used to store application settings into database table. This is the source code of the JSF page:     <div id="settingsdiv" ...
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    created by rcbandit
  • Problem with navigation using Spring security in JSF 2.0 running in JBOSS 5.1.0 GA

    Hello everyone,   I am trying to implement spring security check  for authentication in login page.   public String doLogin() throws IOException, ServletException {      ...
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    created by reena_jacob
  • Submit form with many inputs

    Hello Community,   How can I submit a form like:   <h:form>     <rich:comboBox defaultLabel="Enter some value">         <f:selectItem item...
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    last modified by nt2005
  • JSF 2.0 and JBoss5.1 GA

    Hello all,   After several days of no success to make things work in JBoss 6 (see 1 and 2), I decided to migrate my application to JSF2 but staying with JBoss5.1.   I have followed this manual but with no ...
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    last modified by kirillica
  • Method invocation from JSF-Page failure in PrimeFaces dataTable - WeldClientProxy does not have the property

    Hello all,   well, I have a problem that's driving me rather insane for quite some time now. Basically I try to invoke a method rather than querying a property of an EJB Bean from a JSF page. And that fails beca...
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    last modified by komat
  • taglib and passing parameters

    I have created a taglib with some tags like:   <tag>       <tag-name>myPanel</tag-name>       <source>myPanel.xhtml</source> ...
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    last modified by giant2
  • Getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on JBoss 6.1 for trinidad table component

    Hi   I am getting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on jboss 6.1 for table component.   The scenario is like if I use same table on two pages keeping the backing bean in session scope and use binding attribut...
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    created by nitinkhekare
  • looking for simple project about JSF+SPRING+JPA

    I create a maven project in eclipse , it's an an spring+jsf+jpa archetype(shown below), but when I package it to .war file and deploy it to jboss 7.0.2,jboss gives me the wrong info as below. So I wish some one can gi...
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    created by woniu17
  • Phase listener not calling after logging out

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2 , Jboss AS 5.1.0 , Liferay Portal 6.0   When I login, my Phaselistener gets called and I will land on Home page. My beans are in Request scope for Home Page except for one bean which...
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    created by selfcare
  • How to parse a jsf page into ViewRoot?

    Hi,   I have a requirement to parse the given jsf page and get the corresponding View roo, which is actually being done in 'Restore View' phase. Can I do it outside JSF engine? Or are there any JSF-APIs/3rd part...
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    created by winsterjose
  • How to change the column width at run time in extendeddatatable in jsf

    Hi,   I am using Richfaces 3.3 version in my application. I want to add the functionality in ExtendedDataTable component of resizing the coulmns at run time. At present we cant increase the column size at runtim...
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    created by purnima.shukla
  • suggestion Box Jquery $ conflict: I don't want to use $.noConflict();

    Hi,   My app is using JSF, Jquery heavily. I am using rich:a4j only in the app. this is the first time I am using the suggestion Box and getting $ conflict between Jquery and richfaces 's PrototypeScript.js and ...
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    created by aryanjaiswal