• How to remove << and >> of a data scroller and align to right?

    I am using RichFaces 4, and have a data scroller code like this:   <rich:dataScroller align="right" for="dataTable">   <f:facet name="first" >     <h:outputText value="First" /&...
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    created by huahsin68
  • Space Trimming in JSF UI Components

    Hi,   In my Application, JSF Component(h:inputText or everything) automatically trims more than one whitespaces into a single one,   How it can be disabled in the UI Portion.   Values which are trimm...
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    last modified by geerameshh
  • Unable to find ServletResponse Facelet viewId:

    Am using JSF 1.2. In my PhaseListener I want to redirect to success or error page based on the result. For that am using below piece of code   FacesContext facesContext = null;  facesContext = e.getFaces...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • Why render attribute not working after commandButton is clicked?

    There is a text field, a data table, and a button in a form. Imaging I enter some string in text field, click on the button, a list of data will output into data table. Anyhow, I am not able to render the table the ou...
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    created by huahsin68
  • Why does h:graphicImage tag appends JsessionId but not <img> tag

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2 , Jboss AS 5.1.0   In my servlet, I have to render some images. Am using h:graphicImage for this.   My images gets appended with jsessionId like this http://myDomain/images/my...
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    created by selfcare
  • Behaviour of h:commandLink

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2   I have 2 h:commandLink in my page. A user has to fill in the details in the input text box (I have used h:inputText for this and all fields are mandatory), and click on "Submit". If...
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    created by selfcare
  • getOutputStream() has already been called for this response

    Hi   I am using JSF 2.1 and use the following code to down load the file.   Code used in Managed bean :   public void downloadFile() throws Exception {   HttpServletResponse response = (HttpS...
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    last modified by sabarinathsss
  • JsessionId getting appended to image rendered by h:graphicImage

    Hi,   Am using JSF 1.2   I have an image which should be clickable. Below is how I have coded,   <h:commandLink value="" action="#{myBean.myAction}>       <h:graphi...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • Changing h:outputText "value", or even the value expression, using JavaScript/jQuery

    So here is my problem. I am trying to take the value that comes from the backend and get rid of unwanted text in the value. So basically I get a color back and there is an asterisk or two at the end of the color name....
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    last modified by jsmoorejr
  • Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'jswing'  in JBoss AS 7.1

    We have been using jswing from jquery.easing.1.3.js in JBoss AS 6 and it was working fine. But after migrating to JBoss 7.1 we facing the following error during animation:   Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Objec...
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    last modified by arkhalil
  • FacesServlet threw exception: java.lang.NullPointerException

    Hi   I m using a4j:commandButton to call the method in managed bean.It shows the following error and not able to call the method present in the managed bean.   Servlet.service() for servlet FacesServlet ...
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    created by sabarinathsss
  • Unable to convert string "3" to class "javax.el.ValueExpression" for attribute "columns": Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager

    Unable to convert string "3" to class "javax.el.ValueExpression" for attribute "columns": Property Editor not registered with the PropertyEditorManager jsf code is   <h:panelGrid columns="3" styleClass="tbl...
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    created by vkanungo
  • Necesito ayuda urgente

    Hola realizando una aplicacion personal con richfaces y spring mvc, al tratar de mostrar los resultados en la pagina me dice que mi controlador es nullo.   controlador: @Controller("joyeriaController")   ...
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    created by jpsis
  • New Framework

    Hi,   I have an idea about new framework that called JPF (Java Persian Faces) in presentation layer  that it is not like jsf and other binding solutions but it is based on (HTML 5 & RESTful & JavaSc...
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    last modified by javaee5
  • After clicking the button,how to move the data one form (xhtml) to another form(xhtml) in jsf

    hi to all, I am new to jsf. I have one button and two (xhtml)forms in same popup. After clicking the button ,I want to move the data from one (xhtml) form to another (xhtml)form in same pop up. How to achieve the a...
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    last modified by sivaji.balla
  • h:selectManyCheckbox last selected items are not checked in JSF2

    I opened the xhtml page. Selected some checkboxes(services) and saved it. Then opened it in the Edit mode. But it does not check last selected checkboxes(services) even though selected items are available in the bean....
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    created by arkhalil
  • JSF1053: (Listener: org.jboss.portletbridge.lifecycle.PortalPhaseListener.afterPhase(), Phase ID: RESTORE_VIEW 1,  View ID:

    Hi,   Am using Jboss AS 5.1.0 GA, JSF 1.2 , Rich faces 3.3   My application gets deployed with no problem. But when I hit my web application, below warning is thrown and redirection from one link (within m...
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    last modified by selfcare
  • [Help] Bean Validation

    Hi,   I'm learning JSF 2 and the new features that are coming with this version. Currently I'm testing the new bean validation and I'm facing a problem I'm unable to solve. Maybe it's the correct behaviour but I...
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    last modified by grubi
  • Nested composite compounds not working in combination with ui:include

    Hello everyone,   since we updated from 7.1.0.Final to 7.1.1.Final we ran into some troubles with nested composite compounts. (7.1.0.Final everythings works like a charm). Maybe someone got a bright moment and c...
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    last modified by valentinx
  • Validation Error: Value is not valid

    Hi All I am developing a small application in which the user can enter the student details which includes the course in which the user can select 1 or more subjects . adding the student works fine but while editing...
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    last modified by techbrainless