• Problem after switching to SQLServer from Hypersonic

    Hi We are having a problem with JBossMQ. We have recently switched from using the Hypersonic db to SQLSever 2000. Things run smoothly for a while but then we get the following error every time we try and receive/brow...
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    last modified by smada1980
  • post message to IBM MQ Queue ( Urgent )

    Hi JBoss gurus, I am new to Jboss. We are migrating our applications from BEA Weblogic to JBoss. I need to post some message to IBM MQ. I am posting this message from Webservice. I could implement it successfully ...
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    created by ramnreddy
  • How to send to remote JMS provider using JBossMQ

    Using JB 4.2.3, I would like to code a sample client that uses JBossMQ to send a message to a remote JMS provider listening on a socket. I have configured a local queue reference in jbossmq-destinations-service.xml a...
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    last modified by weinfie
  • DLQ not recieving messages upon Exception

    Hi All, I posted the following issue on Jboss Messaging earlier. Am I in right place this time??? :) For now I am running single jBoss 4.2.3GA (which is going to be part of a jBoss cluster). I want to test the JMS F...
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    last modified by sjunejo
  • Setting persistence manager or security manager on queues dy

    Hi I have used DestinationManager mbean to create a queue dynamically. Can I set a security manager on it via some other MBean method (addChild?) Can I set a persistence manager on it? If either of these are yes, ...
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    created by bendg25
  • Non-transactional MDB bean

    How to make message driven bean that does not use transactions for receiving messages (in JBoss 4.2.2)? Is it enough to set acknowledgeMode to Auto-acknowledge? : @MessageDriven(activationConfig = { @ActivationCon...
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    created by hjhjr4
  • JmsXA not installing esception listener on QueueConnection

    Hello, I have the following problem: In a cluster of two nodes (both jboss 4.0.3 sp1), I use MDBs and SLSBs sending messages to the MDBs. For this, the SLSBs use the following code to access a queue connection: Ini...
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    created by stone_42
  • In Jboss Logs -

    I have an application X that reads the messages from Topics in applications A and B. When A is shutdown, I keep getting messages in the log of X - "Trying to connect to JMS". This is expected. However, when B is shu...
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    last modified by papiyamisra
  • UILClientILService Stopping

    I use jboss-4.0.5.GA as my JMS server. i am getting below MDB (EJB3) error when onMessage() triggered. Can anyone help me to trace the issue? [org.jboss.mq.il.uil2.UILClientILService] Stopping 2009-06-11 10:51:22,360...
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    created by mohan.nara
  • JBoss-MQ – Problem in consuming message by MDB

    Hello friends, I have configured and deployed MDB to consume messages from the remote queues; the remote queue is in Cluster Environment of JBoss ESB. JBoss ESB: -Server 1. It is deployed on cluster environment 2. J...
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    created by hardew
  • JBossConnectionFactory

    Hallo I try to request a ESB Service via JMS from a JBossWS. The Queue is created. The Line which caused the error is ConnectionFactory qcf = (ConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup( "ConnectionFactory" ); After looking in J...
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    last modified by tar_szator
  • Problem with generic clientIDs

    Hello, since we have an upgrade from an JBOSS 4.0.2 to 4.2.2 We have Strange Problems with an JMS Client System. The JMS Client "sometimes" loose the connection to the durable Topic. The Client want's to re-register ...
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    last modified by oliver.stauss
  • org.jboss.mq.SpyJMSException: Cannot authenticate user

    Hi I am trying to connect to JBoss MQ which is running on a remote unix box. I am simulating a client from a windows machine. I am unable to connect because of a authentication issue. I am not exactly sure what is i...
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    last modified by ashish.abrol
  • I am having java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS

    Hi All, I am running on jboss3.2.2RC3 on windows XP and Linux 9.0. I am getting an error while publishing to topic (Not always). I am publishing object message. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong? Thanks and ...
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    last modified by cheenu78
  • Socket closed exception in JBossMQ

    Hi, I am using jboss 4.2.0 and i have couple of MDBs in my application which is bound to queues Every now and then i am seeing following exception in my server.log I am running Jboss in cluster mode and we have 2 no...
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    last modified by vons1234
  • Grouping queues

    Can we group the queues under a group (like QueueManager in Websphere MQ )?
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    created by jboss_dxb
  • Begin Not Followed by End

    In the filtered out log file below, the "Begin" ReadTask.run and WriteTask.run doesn't seem to be followed by "End" until JBoss crashes. There's a long list of "End" at the end when JBoss shutdowns. The first "Begin"...
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    last modified by nxsimon
  • java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused

    Hi, I am connecting to an external jboss server using its host and port, its running properly when run as standalone program. But when the same code is packaged as an ear and deployed on the Jboss it is giving the ja...
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    last modified by amar1818
  • Using MySQL with JMS

    Hi I am using Jboss 4.2.3, I replaces the hsqldb-jdbc-state-service.xml with mysql-jdbc-state-service.xml and hsqldb-jdbc2-service.xml with mysql-jdbc2-service.xml. I changed the data source to point to the datasource...
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    created by muddassar.shaikh
  • Deadlock race-condition committing JBossMQ txn

    Hello. We are getting an intermittent exception when our system processes a large number of JBossMQ messages in parallel. Whenever we get this exception, one of our Message Driven Beans becomes deadlocked, and never ...
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    last modified by scotto