• Read timed out

    We've got sporadically (about one time in a week) the following exception: 2007-04-24 16:47:36,676 DEBUG [org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext] Publishing event in context [org.springfra...
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    last modified by rabkinv
  • Strange exception when migrating to HornetQ

    My legacy application used JBossMQ successfully, however after migrating to JBoss6 (and HornetQ) i am getting the following exception:   10:37:44,361 ERROR [STDERR] javax.naming.NamingException: Could not derefe...
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    created by mikevan
  • JMS client running in Tomcat

    Hi, I would like to know how a web application running in Tomcat container can consume a message from a remote destination created using JBossMQ in JBoss. Could you give the details ASAP? If you refer me to see the...
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    last modified by nbsubbaiah
  • Load Balancing topic requests

    Hi,   I have two Jboss EAP 5.1 nodes in a cluster with a topic in each node. The message from client side needs to be load balanced at cluster level. Meanwhile it shouldn't be a clusterd topic as the message is ...
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    last modified by deepak.ac
  • Messages pending in subscriber queue.

    Hi, I am using jboss-5.1 to deploy message driven bean which is used to subscribe messages from a third party queue.   Around 16 messages were posted to that queue but they remained pending in our subscriber q...
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    created by devvv123
  • Unable to set JBoss 5.1.0-GA consuming IBM MQ in annotated MDB

    Hi,     I'm searching for some help on setting up JBoss to work out with a remote WebSphere MQ.     I've read some info around, but still I'm missing something, and I have some specific needs tha...
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    last modified by zecas
  • I would like to send/receive messages between IBM MQ and Hornet.  can someone help please? I am really new to Hornet

    I am hosting an IBM MQ server running on Windows, and need to know if i can send / receive message to a 3rd party running Hornet Q.  is this possible?
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    last modified by aazzopardi
  • javax.jms.IllegalStateException: MQJMS1019: invalid operation for non-transacted session

    Hello all,   I am trying to configure (migrating from Websphere to Jboss), MQ queues on my JBoss 5.1.1 app server. I am getting following exception, your help is highly appreciated.   Application throwing ...
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    last modified by venkat.521
  • QueueSession commit() of MQ Queue throwing Exception

    Hello all,   I am trying to configure (migrating from Websphere to Jboss), MQ queues on my JBoss 5.1.1 app server. I am getting following exception, your help is highly appreciated.   Application throwing th...
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    last modified by venkat.521
  • Commit() method of QueueSession throw an Exception (WebSphere MQ + Jboss 7)

    Hi,   I have configured WebSphere MQ 7 with Jboss 7 and my problem is when i create a new QueueSession with transacted=true, an instance of a queue session (com.ibm.mq.connector.outbound.QueueSessionWrapper) is ...
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    created by sbourguiba
  • How to configure Websphere MQ in JBoss AS 7 using SSL

    Hi all,   I have configured Websphere MQ with Jboss7 successfully and i would like to secure the connection with SSL, i have started to create a truststore with IBM Key Management and i copied it under "D:\Progr...
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    last modified by sbourguiba
  • Configure JMS provider in AS 7.1

    Hello,        I'm trying to find out how to set up an alternative JMS provider (specifically Oracle AQ) in AS 7.1. So far my searches have turned up nothing - does anyone have any pointers to...
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    last modified by simonbirt
  • JMSException in onMessage(): javax.jms.JMSException

    hi im trying to send object through jms queue..   <code> public void onMessage(Message queuemessage) { try { if (queuemessage instanceof ObjectMessage) { ObjectMessage Objmsg = (ObjectMessage) queuem...
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    last modified by siva156
  • How broken is the MQ threading model?

    Reading the TuningJBossMQ community wiki page, and wondering how broken is the MQ threading model?  The text in particular is:   Unfortunately, the threading model is pretty broken in JBossMQ. It has been s...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • Problem with retry in JMS using JBOSS 5.0

    Hi,   I have a problem in my application. When a messaged is being processed and before the response in sent if my server is shutdown, then on restart the message is processed again. I find this behaviour unique...
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    last modified by krishna.b
  • MQ  thread leak help requested

    We have a customer encountering what looks like a thread leak that after about 12 hours of use causes our server to go OOME and crash.  I have read a lot of the forum postings, like this one, http://community.jbo...
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    last modified by mikemil
  • Does the JMS Bridge suffer the same threading issues as MQ

    We have a customer that is currently on JBoss 4.2.3.GA with MQ and we have encountered threading problems.  We have a Central Server that has a remote MDB configured for every one of our customer's retail stores,...
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    created by mikemil
  • Invoke stopdelivery on consumer of a queue

    I have a situation where I am monitoring the traffic on a queue,, and if it exceeds to a certain limit, then stopdelivery of consumer is to be invoked. can anybody help me, how can we invoke this method. Below is the ...
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    last modified by ayushgupta
  • How to send message to non-local JMS queue

    I'm a little new to JMS, so please forgive me if I am missing something here.   Basicaly what I have here is a cluster of three JBoss SOA-P 5.1 boxes.  I have all of them sharing the same database instance ...
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    last modified by davija001
  • Why hornetq paging very slow?

    Hi,      I'm using hornetq 2.2.5, linux aio. I wrote some codes to test hornetq. The program continue sent messages to hornetq, and don't cosume them. Before paging, the speed is fast. But when be...
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    created by bjrenyong74