• Question on JBOSS AS 5.1.0 deployment into /tmp

    We're trying to reduce the amount of resources that are consumed by JBOSS server during initialization.  I notice that each time that JBOSS starts, all the war files in our server/default/deploy directory are exp...
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    last modified by benro02
  • Is there a way to solve this without cluster?

    I have a very powerful machine, with 80 cores and 32GB RAM, but when there is a traffic peak, it goes down. It hosts Apacje/JBoss/Postgres with deployed Seam web applications and EJB 3 for app. logic.   In thread...
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    last modified by mglowacki
  • Large number of threads/connections marked "keep alive"

    Hello   We're seeing an issue where the performance of our application would degrade over time, to the point where its unresponsive. Based on what I see, I think it might be related to how we're configuring keep...
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    last modified by benhsu_at_bluefly
  • maxSpareThreads in JBoss5

    Does the maxSpareThreads setting work anymore?  Presumably one can set the maxThreads and minSpareThreads in the Executor element but I have found it is impossible to find any information about the maxSpareThreads.
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    created by ramboid
  • performance logging in tomcat or mod_jk

    Hi,   We recently had JVM crash problems on tomcat server. But there is no hs_error or core dump file.  We tried to identify what URL request caused the JVM crash. But in the tomcat or mod_jk.log, it only s...
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    last modified by jimyliu
  • Memory leak on org.jboss.classloader.spi.base.BaseClassLoader

    Hello everybody,   I've recently encountered some problems with memory leaks on JBoss, and even after having googled a lot, I still cannot manage to solve them. My application has several EJB3 web service...
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    last modified by johnnystrozzino
  • Application getting hanged

    Hello, i am using jboss-4.0.5.GA verison and recently migrated from websphere. The application is getting hanged frequently and require a restart. Can any one help me to get necessary parameters.
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    last modified by shaju12_nair
  • FullGC at start-up even before application deployment?

    I am performing tuning benchmarks on a web application that is running on JBoss AS4.2. What I have noticed is that the GC log starts always with a full GC at the server start-up even before the application is deployed...
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    last modified by elshafei.mostafa
  • AJP Connector currentThreadCount stays at maximum

    Hi Experts, I am not sure whether this has performance impact as the currentThreadCount for AJP connector never drops and stays at maximum. We use Apache in front of JBoss together with AJP connector and mod_proxy. T...
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    last modified by konami
  • Tool to monitor JBOSS performance and object causing memory leak issue

    Hi,   I am having JBOSS 5.1 on Unix server. application (j2ee, ejbs)  is running fine, but many times suddenly application occupied all the memory and i need to restart the server. so i wanted a tool which ...
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    last modified by jiteshagrawal
  • java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space + JBoss AS in Windows

    Greetings.        I need some help setting up a JBoss Aplication for production as is giving me memory problems.   The server configuration is as follows:   OS: Microsoft Windows ...
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    last modified by rart3001_1
  • Better single machine or cluster?

    hi,        I would like to get your opinion. I have web application with EJB3 usage which is getting more and more visitors. I need to start thinking about upgrading the hardware. Currently i...
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    last modified by mglowacki
  • JBoss 5.0 is slow in debug mode

    Dear Team,   We are currently migrating our core product from JBoss 4.2,Java 5 to JBoss 5,Java 6.We are using Eclipse 3.7 IDE for our development. After deploying our .ear file, the server start up from eclipse ...
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    last modified by sriman.b
  • JBoss 4.2.2 number of threads that could be supported

    is there any benchmark available for jboss 4.2.2, on the number of threads the applications could support.   I am having a HP-UX 11.23 server with 8CPU and 32Gb RAM. My application works on JBoss 4.2.2 with Java...
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    last modified by jerishsunny
  • Failover performance

    Since the ability (ejb) to failover relies on the client side(if im not mistaken), the failover on a node crashing shouldnt be measurable or? The client downloads the dp-object and handles it itsself, so will there b...
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    last modified by ronsen
  • Load-balance performance

    Hello,   since im interested in how load-balancing with ejb's affects the performance of a cluster/application (for e.g. different lb policies), does somebody have an idea on how to evaluate this? Does it affec...
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    last modified by ronsen
  • Call by value vs. call by reference

    1) Where is this configured (i.e. which Jboss xml file)?  2) what is the default?  3) what is the recommendation for a clustered Seam/JSF/RichFaces application wrt this?   /***************************...
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    last modified by asookazian
  • WorkerThread Reutilisation and JMS [JBoss 5.1]

    Hi JBoss Community,   i am having some configuration problems with JMS and the corresponding WorkerThreads from the ThreadPool.   I experienced some OutOfMemory exceptions when running some bigger batch jo...
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    created by michael.faber
  • JBoss4.2.2GA Cluster - SocketException: socket closed error

    We are having a cluster configured JBoss server as follows. Three nodes are available in the Cluster and the DBServer as well as Load balancer are available on a separate server. For Load balancer we are using Apach...
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    last modified by jaggee
  • HMAC_SHA1 encryption using TOTP (javax.crypto.MAC) performance problems in SPARC

    Hi, I'm trying to implement a method to synchronize TOTP cards. In case the server clock and the card clock were different. So I generate a lot of TOTP keys in case to compare it with the real key so at the end I get ...
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    last modified by danielfjb