• Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory not working in JBoss AS 7.0.2

    Hi @ll,   I created a Webservice which should start a process. I want this process to be persisted in my database. I had a look a this example (https://community.jboss.org/people/bpmn2user/blog/2011/03/25/jbpm5-...
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    last modified by renez
  • TransactionImpl: XAException using Hibernate

    Hi, We are currently are fazing out our own persitence layer based on DAO's and a custom Connection Pool in favor of Hibernate and the JBoss - Datasource. But now we ran into a strange exception. We will also be post...
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    last modified by thunder
  • org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException using RESTful

    well, I really don't know if this issue goes here     I'm having problems implementing RESTfull in a proyect because the eternal lazy initialization exception   this is the stact trace:   10:19:...
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    last modified by icarusdb
  • <Classname> is not mapped [SELECT ...

    Hi, I'm trying to retrieve an "Users" object from my database querying by username/password. I have the following Entity:   @Entity(name = "users") public class User  implements Serializable {   ...
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    last modified by klauskinski
  • Deadlock occurred .... plz help

    Hi,   One of our instances has gone into a deadlock state. I am Pasting the stack trace below. Looking at the stack trace, i feel this is related to MySQL connector/J, can anyone of you please let me know if th...
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    created by lokeshdotp
  • No Persistence provider for EntityManager

    HI, I have tried to test my application using Testng methods. But my tests are failed and it returns the error:: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named... Can anyone...
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    last modified by dheerajsega
  • JPA error on @JoinColumn or @ManyToOne @OneToMany

    I made a mistake in placing a foreign key. but I don't really get what's wrong. Can I place @JoinColumn and @ManyToOne together? I have followed what shown on the book Could somebody help me out? giving me some ...
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    last modified by ryannewbie
  • Injection of EntityManager using @PersistenceContext fails in EJB tier

    Hi there,   I have the following EJB, that works fine: (the code below has been simplified)   @Stateless public class LoginSession implements LoginSessionLocal {       @PersistenceCo...
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    last modified by raffaelbechara
  • NamedNativeQuery and Inheritance

    I have an inheritance heirarchy as below, a named native query and of course a problem. Excuse the strange formatting.   JpaRegistee -- JpaOfferingRegistee ---- JpaFacilityRegistee ---- JpaProviderRegistee &#...
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    created by aneh
  • EJB3 code in EAR can't see JPA entities defined in EJB client jar (in /lib) (throws “java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Not an entity:”)

    I have factored my EJB3 code into:   business logic interfaces and JPA @Entity-annotated entity beans (POJOs) that are used to build the "EJB client jar" and business logic code which implements the business inte...
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    last modified by mperdikeas
  • Very strange and annoying problem with hibernate

    Hi i have encountered this big problem and cannot resolve....I have 3 jboss at work:one is the official in production,second is on a test machine,third is on my local pc....i modifed a production module (with ejb and ...
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    created by superalex
  • re: Are Extended Persistence Contexts gaining popularity?

    If your using extended persistence contexts in your application, could you answer the questions in this other forum post.   Scott
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    created by smarlow
  • dedicated server process results in ORA-24777 error

    I am using JBOSS v3.2.4, Hibernate 2.1.3 and Oracle9i and when my databse query returns an 'ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed'. Basically we have a postcode table that has been set up as a DB...
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    last modified by ckokotsis
  • Autogenerated Field in EmbeddedId

    I have a table with a composite Id of two fields, one autogenerated and one Foreign Key. In the Entity class I have the following Code:   @Entity @Table(name = "personascambios") public class PersonasCambios impl...
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    last modified by dolos
  • JBoss 7.1.1 and Hibernate 4.0.1 with mySQL - java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver found for jdbc:mysql://

    I'm trying to create an ejb that programmatically configures hibernate to connect to a database.   I'm able to connect using just jdbc calls, but when I use hibernate, I'm getting a "No suitable driver found" er...
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    last modified by madchedar0
  • JBoss 7.1: No suitable driver found java:mysql - could not open connection

    I was looking for an answer but didn't find solution. I'm developing simple web-app using JSF2 and Hibernate. This is first time I'm using Hibernate and I'm facing many problems with configuration. My current issue is...
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    last modified by masig
  • Problems with Spring JBossNativeJdbcExtractor and Oracle CLOB

    I am using Spring 3.0.7 and Jboss 7.1.1.  My unit tests pass since i am not running in a container.  When i run in the container i get dumped:     Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could...
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    created by nauvil
  • JBoss 5.1 GA JVM Crash using PriorityQueue

    Hi,   Our application runs on a Tomcat - JBoss 5.1 environment.   Sometimes, the JBoss server just crashes down, with no log entries or nothing like that.   That happens only sometimes, like once eve...
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    last modified by fabianopereira
  • Persistence Unit fails when security domain configured in persistence.xml(DS)

    HI guys,   I was trying to deploy a persistence unit, having a datasource and using a security domain, but i always receive an error. Using user-name and password directly in the datasource configuration the dep...
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    last modified by tmarques
  • Error JBAS011440 with JBoss 7.1.1: persistence unit not found

    Hi all,   I'm developing a simple example with jboss 7.1.1 under Windows using persistence APIs. The database driver installation (both postgres as well as mysql) were ok, as well as the datasource creation: ....
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    last modified by maulattu