• Generate Tables from entities (Eclipse - Jboss - Derby)

    Hi,   I try to use JPA-Project with Eclipse Indigo, Jboss as 7.1.1, Derby and EclipseLink 2.3.2.   I'll start by explaining what I did before going out my problem :   - Create Database DerbyDB with...
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    created by choupi
  • Foreign Key as Primary Key and Cascaded persistence

    Hi all,   I have problem with cascading persistence with the following code consisting of 2 annotated classes Listing and ListingLocation. if a Listing instance is set to the listing2 of a ListingLocation insta...
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    created by jcf
  • JBoss Batch Inserts Usage

    Hi,       I am trying to use batch processing in JBoss 6.1. In order to do so, I updated my EJB persistence.xml with the property,       <property name="hibernate.jdbc.batch_siz...
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    created by drackmorph
  • ManyToMany read past end of file

    Unusually I cannot find anything on the web refering to this issue so I am at a loss as to a starting point to try and understand what is going on.   I am using 7.1.1.Final, Eclipse Indigo (windows), JBoss Tools...
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    last modified by aneh
  • Error loading entity new on JB AS 7.1

    I've got an application that I've been working on under JBoss 5, then I moved it to 6.  Now I'm running under AS 7.1.  One of my tests to load an object entity is failing under 7.1 although it worked fine un...
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    last modified by lancetx
  • EntityManager injection on ServletContextListener not working with @Inject only @PersistenceContext

    Hi,      I've created a simple test to show a problem I am having when trying to inject EntityManager objects on a ServletContextListener using CDI @Inject on JBoss 6.1 Final (or JBoss 6.0 Final): ...
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    created by carlos_eugenio
  • Can not set java.lang.Integer field Xyz.id to Xyz - IllegalArgumentException

    Hello,   I came across this error while trying to persist some values. Since I am new to the technology and the project was developed by someone else, I have difficulties in finding the source of the problem. &#...
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    created by zemunk
  • JBoss "Debug" (Connection Closing) Problem

    Hello, I have an application running on JBoss (4.0.5GA)+Oracle . I know there are connection leaks in the application code. For the time being i am using the "Debug" set to true which automatically closes all the ope...
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    last modified by jw2343d
  • Auto commit remains enabled in transaction

    Hello. I have been developing/maintaining an application over the last couple of years that runs in JBoss 5.1.0.GA using JPA 1.0 with Hibernate 3.3.1.GA/Hibernate EM 3.4.0.GA as the persistence provider. Long ago I sa...
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    last modified by falcor1
  • jboss-6.0.0.Final: Unable to process @Resource annotation (title changed)

    Hi, Fed up from vendor lock in and pushy not so intelligent support, and hopeful from the ever growing JBoss fanbase, we started a new development project on JBoss 5.1.0.GA. We are using JBoss 5.x because we want to ...
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    last modified by abhi0123
  • Transaction demarcation - automatic flush

    Hello,   based on the quickstart examples which come with jboss as 7.1 I created the example below. Problem: although e.g. a select on the database during the login process works fine a new user is not persist...
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    last modified by jobame
  • how to call oracle stored procedure in jpa?

    I made the oracle stored procedure,   PROCEDURE SP_SELECT_ORA (     ID_INPUT IN VARCHAR2,     ID_OUTPUT OUT VARCHAR2,     PASSWD_OUTPUT OUT VARCHAR2,   ...
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    created by aupres
  • Multiple Datasources - When starting JBoss the entities are created in all datasources

    Hi guys,   I am facing a problem, and i "google it" for some time and i not found any solution.   Due to logistic issues i have to distribute the tables in different data bases. When i run the application...
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    last modified by tmarques
  • JBoss 5.1.0.GA, JPA 2.0, and EClipseLink 2.0

    I have been working on an issue getting JBoss, JPS, and EClipseLink all working together for several days now.  I believe it's in the class loading of the JPA through JBoss, but I just can't figure it out.  ...
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    last modified by dghighfill
  • JBoss 5.1 GA + JPA 2

    Can some one please help me deploy my JPA2 application on JBoss 5.1? Going to JBoss 6 is not an option since it is not GA yet.   I can deploy my app in jetty/tomcat but not in JBoss... Never thought JBoss will ...
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    last modified by rajan11
  • Changing Hibernate Version in JBoss SOA 5.0.2?

    In my WAR application I would like to use a different version of Hibernate (hibernate-core 3.6.8-Final and other compatible Hibernate packages) than the one provided by my server: JBoss SOA 5.0.2, which ships with Hib...
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    created by andypickler
  • could not initialize lazy properties when using build time instrumentation

    We are trying to enable build time instrumentation for our product. The main reason is to enable lazy loading of to-one relations. Everything seems to work fine except for our import process. The import reads from one...
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    last modified by thomas10
  • Detached entity passed to persist after timeout, but which one?

    Hi,   In my seam application i encountered the following issue :   In a stateful sesion bean i create a persist method which use an EntityHome bean to persist an entity , if i call this method in the first...
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    last modified by christophe.carvalho
  • ManagedConnectionFactory is null

    I've seen this error happen before due to a hot-deploy of a -ds.xml file but I'm now getting this error without a hot-deploy. If I restart the server, everything will be OK for a couple of days, and then we get proble...
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    last modified by jimmycallaghan
  • Unable to register deployment mbean org.jboss.metadata.jpa.spec.PersistenceUnitMetaData.eBikes

    Hello all,   I am trying to deploy one of the application based on EJBs and it's giving the error like as below:-   15:39:20,795 INFO  [JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:ear=eBikes.ear,jar=jboss-s...
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    last modified by rajveer.singh