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Thread how to avoid duplicate constraints in mysql table
how to avoid duplicate constraints in mysql tableHi, we are using Mysql 5.x and JBoss 5.1.0. We stop/start JBoss often, and found duplicate constraints, for example, mysql> show create table Book CONSTRAINT `FK61687183494D1F9` FOREIGN KEY (`user...
ClassCastException JDBCStoreManager2 ->JDBCStoreManager?Hi, I have set an EJB to use container configuration "cmp2.x jdbc2 pm" from standardjboss.xml which uses JDBCStoreManager2. Upon startup of the application I receive the following error: 12:04:02,089 W...
Thread PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED and Transactions
PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED and TransactionsJBoss 5.1 JPA 1 The EXTENDED pattern of coding appears to be the model that fits my needs, but I'm having problems finding reference material for it that makes sense and works. As I understand it, every comma...
Thread EntityBean in sync with underlying table data
EntityBean in sync with underlying table dataLooking for some help to figure-out this issue: Description: We have an entitybean which has a custom method that uses datasource to execute a select query to retrieve a set of values from the table. There is...
JPA 2 support in JBossI am extremely frustrated with the support (or lack of) for JPA 2 in JBoss. I just can't get my JPA 2 + Spring 3 + hibernate application to deploy in JBoss - JBoss 5.1 is just too rigid to support ...
Thread Unable to build EntityManagerFactory with netbeans
Unable to build EntityManagerFactory with netbeanshello, my problem concerns the link between an EJB session 3.0 and a persistence layer : JPA entities. I use fedora 14, the computer's name is "vetiver" (name that I use for mysql e.g. in the "host" pr...
Thread Persistence unit doesn't start but no exception
Persistence unit doesn't start but no exceptionHi, I have a persistence unit that worked before but after some restructuring it won't start anymore. The log says it is starting the persistence unit, then loads the entities but the starting does not...
Problem auto creating tableI'm getting these errors while deploying a bean that has a persistence unit (edited names of classes, fields): 15:00:33,636 INFO [SchemaExport] Running hbm2ddl schema export 15:00:33,636 INFO [SchemaExpor...
JPA annotation best practiceHello, What are the best practice on using JPA annotations? Which way is the most common used? 1. on fields 2. on getter methods Any ideas? Thanks.
duplicate persistence unit in same EARI have an EAR with multiple JARs. There are two persistence.xml files that have the same persistence unit name. These PUs are showing up twice in the persistence units section of jmx-console (jboss 4.2.x)....
hibernate-mapping ClassNotFoundExceptionHello, the deployment of a web project with a hibernate-mapping runs into a ClassNotFoundException 2010-09-11 10:15:41,575 ERROR [org.jboss.kernel.plugins.dependency.AbstractKernelController] (HDScanner...
Thread cannot override persistence unit property in JBoss 6M5
cannot override persistence unit property in JBoss 6M5I want to override the datasource specfied in persistence.xml. Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(<PU name>, <map>) is returning null. <map> contains javax.persistence.nonJtaDataS...
Thread can I use same persistence unit name in multiple wars?
can I use same persistence unit name in multiple wars?I have 2 wars that use the same PU name in their respective persistence.xml. This works in Glassfish v2.1.1 and v3 however I get a component already exists error in JBoss 5.1.0GA The first war is deployed succ...
Thread Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configuredhello, i cant seem to get my jndi name bound, i've read in various searches that i need to adjust a hibernate xml file, but my jboss (4.0.5) does not have a hibernate folder, i'm using ejb3 with annotations and oracl...
Thread Getting a "MySQLSyntaxErrorException" on deploy
Getting a "MySQLSyntaxErrorException" on deployThe specific error, when I deploy my WAR is: Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version...
Thread TwoPhaseCoordinator.beforeCompletion - failed for null
TwoPhaseCoordinator.beforeCompletion - failed for nullHi We really need your help! The situation: Bean A is stateless Bean B is an MDB with @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.NOT_SUPPORTED) on class level. Bean A sends bean B a message. Bea...
Thread Error with IoC of EntityManager and JBoss Embedded
Error with IoC of EntityManager and JBoss EmbeddedI´m am developping an application with EJB 3.0. I am trying to use JBoss Embedded to test the code, but when running the test, the "em" (EntityManager) is not injected. Any idea about what is occurring? Thank ...
JBoss 5.1 Shared persistence unit issueHello. I am in the process of upgrading my server from Jboss 4.3 to Jboss 5.1. However, when I try to migrate all my current apps over (1 Seam War, 2 separate EJBs), I am getting an error with how my persi...
New Features IN JPA 2.0Hello, Why we use MetaModel Api while we have the magnificent new Criteria API? Could you please give more details or use case of the new locking modes? When we use the new Cache (Level 2) , does the prov...
Thread Hibernate set table name dynamically at runtime
Hibernate set table name dynamically at runtimeHello, this is my first project using Hibernate so I have very little experience but also haven't found the solution to this on Google, I see a lot of posts asking this same question, but never any clear a...