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Thread Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory not working in JBoss AS 7.0.2
Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory not working in JBoss AS 7.0.2Hi @ll, I created a Webservice which should start a process. I want this process to be persisted in my database. I had a look a this example (https://community.jboss.org/people/bpmn2user/blog/2011/03/25/jbpm5-...
Thread TransactionImpl: XAException using Hibernate
TransactionImpl: XAException using HibernateHi, We are currently are fazing out our own persitence layer based on DAO's and a custom Connection Pool in favor of Hibernate and the JBoss - Datasource. But now we ran into a strange exception. We will also be post...
Thread org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException using RESTful
org.hibernate.LazyInitializationException using RESTfulwell, I really don't know if this issue goes here I'm having problems implementing RESTfull in a proyect because the eternal lazy initialization exception this is the stact trace: 10:19:...
<Classname> is not mapped [SELECT ...Hi, I'm trying to retrieve an "Users" object from my database querying by username/password. I have the following Entity: @Entity(name = "users") public class User implements Serializable { ...
Deadlock occurred .... plz helpHi, One of our instances has gone into a deadlock state. I am Pasting the stack trace below. Looking at the stack trace, i feel this is related to MySQL connector/J, can anyone of you please let me know if th...
No Persistence provider for EntityManagerHI, I have tried to test my application using Testng methods. But my tests are failed and it returns the error:: javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named... Can anyone...
Thread JPA error on @JoinColumn or @ManyToOne @OneToMany
JPA error on @JoinColumn or @ManyToOne @OneToManyI made a mistake in placing a foreign key. but I don't really get what's wrong. Can I place @JoinColumn and @ManyToOne together? I have followed what shown on the book Could somebody help me out? giving me some ...
NamedNativeQuery and InheritanceI have an inheritance heirarchy as below, a named native query and of course a problem. Excuse the strange formatting. JpaRegistee -- JpaOfferingRegistee ---- JpaFacilityRegistee ---- JpaProviderRegistee ...
Thread Very strange and annoying problem with hibernate
Very strange and annoying problem with hibernateHi i have encountered this big problem and cannot resolve....I have 3 jboss at work:one is the official in production,second is on a test machine,third is on my local pc....i modifed a production module (with ejb and ...
Thread dedicated server process results in ORA-24777 error
dedicated server process results in ORA-24777 errorI am using JBOSS v3.2.4, Hibernate 2.1.3 and Oracle9i and when my databse query returns an 'ORA-24777: use of non-migratable database link not allowed'. Basically we have a postcode table that has been set up as a DB...
Autogenerated Field in EmbeddedIdI have a table with a composite Id of two fields, one autogenerated and one Foreign Key. In the Entity class I have the following Code: @Entity
@Table(name = "personascambios")
public class PersonasCambios impl...
Thread Problems with Spring JBossNativeJdbcExtractor and Oracle CLOB
Problems with Spring JBossNativeJdbcExtractor and Oracle CLOBI am using Spring 3.0.7 and Jboss 7.1.1. My unit tests pass since i am not running in a container. When i run in the container i get dumped: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could...
JBoss 5.1 GA JVM Crash using PriorityQueueHi, Our application runs on a Tomcat - JBoss 5.1 environment. Sometimes, the JBoss server just crashes down, with no log entries or nothing like that. That happens only sometimes, like once eve...
Thread Error JBAS011440 with JBoss 7.1.1: persistence unit not found
Error JBAS011440 with JBoss 7.1.1: persistence unit not foundHi all, I'm developing a simple example with jboss 7.1.1 under Windows using persistence APIs. The database driver installation (both postgres as well as mysql) were ok, as well as the datasource creation: ....