• PermGen error

    We're getting this error when we redeploy a Seam application: 2009-07-02 10:11:30,745 WARN [org.jboss.system.ServiceController] Problem starting service jboss.web.deployment:war=forms_new_employee.war,id=-1855897005...
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    last modified by oneworld95
  • problem by using rich:tabPanel with switchType=ajax in ie7

    Hello, iam using the jbossportal 2.7.0 under windows vista and richface lib 3.3.0.GA (with 3.3.1.GA also) i have a tabpanel with the switchType "ajax". in firefox everything works fine, but in ie7 the tabs move under...
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    last modified by fuchs
  • Servlet depending on MBean: loading order

    Hello All, How to specify that particular servlet in WAR has dependency on MBean and should not be loaded until that MBean is loaded first? JBoss ver. 5.0.1.GA Thanks, Alex.
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    last modified by sanches
  • Referencing ${catalina.base}

    I am a newbie to JBoss and the reason for using JBoss is that we have a tomcat-based application which our customer wants to run in JBoss. Our app is also a spring-based application and we have some properties file ne...
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    last modified by juanavelez
  • Problem with NDC

    Hi everybody, i'm not sure if this is the right section for my post, but i couldn't find something more suitable... I'm working on a tapestry application and we found out, that it would be very helpful using NDC to ...
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    last modified by adalse0
  • SSO session destroyed using a4j:poll

    Hi, I am using JBoss 4.2.0, all conf, ClusterdSSOValve with cookiedomain, ajax4jsf, richfaces 3.3.0 GA and a4j:poll component in some jsp pages, the whole thing in a production environment that receives more than 400...
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    created by pablo.fraga1975
  • Put a file on jboss 4.0.2 with out bundling it in a jar, war

    Hi, I have multiple applications running on multiple servers. There are some system properties which are common across all these applications. I want to put all these common properties in one common file on one of the...
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    last modified by shsharma79
  • emptySessionPath with HTTP/1.1 Connector

    Using emptySessionPath="true" with HTTP/1.1 Connector does not seem to work with JBoss 5.0.0.GA anymore as I still get my JSESSIONID cookie set with Path=/[contextRoot] instead of just Path=/ . I need this behaviour ...
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    last modified by joe563za2
  • Browser hangs intermittently when request for images are for

    We are using JBoss v4.2.3.ga and Apache v 2.2.9 and mod_jk v 1.2.26 are being used as the load balancer. We have observed that sometimes JBoss fails to send response for a image file. At this stage the browser hangs ...
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    last modified by gbansal80
  • jsessionid missged in the request

    Hi, I used JBoss 4.0.4 GA, which embeds Tomcat 5.5.17. I found an issue that I can not interpret if it is a bug in Tomcat. When I used domain name (like http://domain.com:8080) to login my my application by form-bas...
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    last modified by gfzhang
  • New jsessionid on every request

    I am in the process of upgrading from 4.0.5 GA to 5.1.0 GAI am using mod_jk with rewrites. My app is deployed as "web.war" (exploded - not sure if that makes any difference), <context-root>web</context-root&...
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    created by webalgorithm
  • Communicate between WAR and EJB in separate servers.

    Hi, I don't know whether anybody knows in what way how to code WAR application (eg. struts) in Tomcat in one server to communicate with EJB beans in JBOSS which is located in another server? Any links/example is ver...
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    last modified by samwan808
  • Tomcat / JBoss mod_jk with Apache Bad Gateway

    Thanks ahead of time for anything anyone can do to help me! I am running Apache 2.2 in front of JBoss 4.2.3 that uses Tomcat as its web server. I am using Apache to connect my virtual hosts to JBoss through mod_jk. ...
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    last modified by jbosshog98
  • APR and https in jboss 501

    I'm upgrading 422 to 501 and am trying to configure the native apr stuff over https. In my server.xml I have the following entry. <Connector port="8443" address="${jboss.bind.address}" maxThreads="250" maxHtt...
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    last modified by lukeb
  • Application home page from servlet

    Hi, I am developing a web application in Java EE, which will be deployed on JBoss at the root of a public web server. The home page needs to be served through a servlet, not just an index file. I have set the contex...
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    last modified by antony_s
  • WebAuthentication class - IllegalStateException "request is

    I am attempting to use a programmatic security to login to a JBoss server. I'm trying to passing in login credentials through the request object from one JBOSS server to a LoginServlet on another JBOSS server. The log...
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    last modified by clevelam
  • Newbie not sure how to strict users access to web pages base

    Hi everyone, I'm creating a web portal using jboss and hibernate. Wondering what the best approach is to control user access within the site, i.e. i dont want to make pages visable that they shouldn't have access to....
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    last modified by alyssak
  • Erase jsession id from url(first time itself)

    Hi , I am using jboss as my app server , i want to erase the jsession id param from my url if the cookie is enabled . current behaviour is if the cookie is activated the param will come with url only once for the fi...
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    created by tijomon
  • JSP's servlet and javascript not working together

    Hi everyone, I'm having trouble trying to get javascript running on a form in addtion to a servlet. Its a login form, I would like to check if the fields have been filled in, prompting the user if they have not. Once...
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    created by alyssak
  • problem with loader constraint violation?

    Hello everyone, I am having problem with loader constraint violation. I am using jboss-5.0.1.GA with JDK 1.6. The server starts normally with welcome page of my application but when I start to login through that page,...
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    created by ritesh163