• response.setXXX() before rd.include()

    Hi, I'm using the following code snippet in one of my applications... ------------- response.setDateHeader("...",xx); response.setStatus(304); RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("abc"); rd.include(...
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    created by sureshrk19
  • newbie encoding question

    Hi All Im doing my first project with JBoss a server and Im having quite some problems displaying special characters such as the stress marks we use in Spanish (or French) á é à ó...
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    created by gonso75
  • "work" temp folder in "jboss-4.0.4/server/xxx/"

    Im using jboss 4.0.4. When jboss is staring, there is a "work" folder created in jboss-4.0.4/server/xxx/. I was told it's created by Tomcat. I need to redirect this "work" folder to somewhere else, where can I config ...
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    last modified by datasunny
  • Getting rid of Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length headers.

    Is there a way to do this ? I just want to add some headers and Connection: close header, send content ,after server or client should close connection. Tomcat adds Transfer-Content : chunked or Content-Length . I don'...
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    created by gioni_go
  • JBoss kills accept-encoding Header?!?!

    I'm using jboss-3.2.6 with its jbossweb-tomcat50.sar. Now i'm testing gzip-compression of http-requests... Using this web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Micros...
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    last modified by threca
  • [TomcatDeployer] Failed to map vhost: xxx.domain.com

    JBoss: 4.0.4 JVM: Sun J2SE 1.5.0_10. Plattform: Fedora Core 4 Linux I have added a second element in server.xml, but it throws a "Failed to map vhost". I also have the vhost mapped in jboss-web.xml: <context-root...
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    last modified by sshrestha
  • session getting changed while switching between HTTPS and HT

    Hi, I have Apache 2.2.9 with SSL and JBOSS 4.0.5, JDK 1.6, Struts 1.2 application. JSESSIONID is maintained by Cookie. Problem is My whole site is running on HTTP but one shibboleth login is on HTTPS. What happening ...
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    last modified by deepakgupta_721
  • Reading files from another archive

    I have this web-application which is distributed to different end users. The application consists of servlet, classfiles and xsl files. The xsl-files are end-user specific. As it looks now I have to package my applica...
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    last modified by eriksson.viktor
  • Urgent: Problems of running web service war on JBoss

    Hi, I have deployed the web service war on JBoss successfully. But I get the ServletException of "non-HTTP request or response" thrown by server after the client invoke an operation. The information on server is as ...
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    last modified by sara1232007
  • "The requested resource () is not available"

    Hi, I'm new to JBoss and trying to migrate a webapp from Oracle AS to JBoss 4.2.3. The app is using JSF (ADF Faces) and i had to mess around a bit with jars and stuff, but it now deploys successfully into JBoss. The...
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    last modified by d_strand
  • load-on-startup Servlet doesn't lookup EJB

    Hi all, I need help... I am creating a multi-war project inside an EAR. So inside every WAR I have a Servlet load-on-startup and I lookup an EJB that is inside the same EAR too. The problem is that JBoss calls my Serv...
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    last modified by landir
  • can jboss log active jsessionids

    I need jboss to log all active jsessionids, is there a way to do that?
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    last modified by phadnism
  • Struts + 3.2.4/5-Exception Processing ErrorPage 404

    Hi, I have a struts 1.1 based app that specifies error pages in web.xml like so: <error-page> <error-code>400</error-code> <location>/error/error400.jsp</location> </error-page&g...
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    last modified by persabi
  • Migration from Tomcat to Jboss 4.0.4

    Hi people, in my company i have a web application running in Tomcat 6. That application connects to an oracle database. These configuration is defined in context.xml: <Context path="/ngincard" reloadable="true" do...
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    last modified by gfca
  • servlet init hangs reading /WEB-INF/web.xml 5.0.1

    I have a very simple servlet which hangs on the servlet init method. Another similar example I have throws an OOM excetpion doing the same thing. All the code is doing is trying to parse the web.xml using the commons ...
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    last modified by mlybarger
  • Session id JBOSS

    Hi Guys, I need to get the session id of JBoss. How do I do that? Thanks!
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    last modified by kaduzeraaa
  • JSP build problem with JBoss AS 5.0.x

    Hi all, I am quite new to web development and run into problems using JBoss AS 5.0.x. It seems that JBoss Web is not building the servlet class correctly when generating servlets from JSP. According to the specifica...
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    last modified by skybeam
  • http proxy servlet

    I'd like to create an http proxy servlet and host it on JBoss, so that I can let people on the private network get access to the internet. I found various code bits that'll let me create a servlet that handles the pro...
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    last modified by okidoky
  • Session parameters & WAR encoding change

    Hi there, is there any possibility to: 1) change session params (CookieName, CookiePath, persisten storage etc.) for WAR? 2) define charset for specific WAR application? Thanx
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    created by saiya-jin
  • jboss forum 2.0

    hi. i have jboss portal 2.6.7 and when i deploy jboss forum 2.0 generated this problem: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.jboss.portal.core.hibernate.SessionFactoryBinder; - nes...
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    created by raffaele.letizia