• Problems with WAR within EAR

    I'm deploying a WAR within an EAR and getting the following error. Does Tomcat expect an exploded directory in order to be deployed? The file being passed is a tempory .jar file created by NestedJarHandler. 15:18:2...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • cookies are used even when context.xml is configured not to

    I found a realy strange behaviour here which is different than tomcat. If the web browser send a valid cookie to JBOSS, it will be used event though I have jbossweb-tomcat55.sar/context.xml with: Context cookies="fals...
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    created by shandor
  • Modifying session's jvmRoute when cookies are disabled

    The JvmRouteValve includes this bit of code: if (req.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL()) { // Warning but do nothing log_.error("JvmRouteValve.checkJvmRoute(): Can't handle clustering where session id is from URL. Wil...
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    last modified by brian.stansberry
  • What is the difference between Apache Tomcat Apache HTTP Ser

    What is the difference between Apache Tomcat Apache HTTP Server and does JBoss 4.0.5 installation come with these servers already installed....
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    created by johnybravo2004
  • jboss4.0.2 & tomcat 5.0 setup

    Hi all Since 10 days i am trying to setup jboss 4.0.2 and tomcat 5.0. i am new to jboss. please some one help me with this set up or if you know any useful website plese suggest me. i really need help with this Than...
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    created by snejboss
  • username/password for tomcat pages

    is there any module i can use in jboss tomcat to allow user/password authentaction using my sql?? i know about mod_auth_mysql is that the sulotion? if so how can i install it on tomcat?
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    created by haplo_3
  • Tomcat embedded setup

    Hello all, I would like to move from seperate tomcat server to the embedded service. I am currently using 4.0.4.GA, where should I start. I believe by default, tomcat is already running. Thank you, Shawn
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    created by sboying
  • testsuite about single sign on fails

    hi.....I'm triing to start org.jboss.test.web.test.SingleSignOnTestCase with jboss 4.0.4GA..... it fails when it reconnect to protected Servlet and try to take the cookie wirh JSESSIONIDSSO param.......I ask me why t...
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    last modified by sviluppatorefico
  • From Eclipse 3.2  org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable

    I am using Eclipse 3.2, and trying to develop a simple JavaBean to be called from a JSp using The Eclipse editor let me declare the bean inside my JSP My bean class is generated without error I export the WAR file to ...
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    created by antoniojsg
  • A bug in jboss-web.xml parser.

    According to the jboss-web_4_0.dtd, the resource-ref should have a res-ref-name child. Now in the /org/jboss/metadata/ResourceRefMetaData.java, it's misspelled to resource-name. And this caused me 2 days can't get the...
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    created by shiyusen
  • Session Persistance

    Hi All, I am trying to achive http session persistance using jboss-tomcat55.sar and modifying context.xml Can anybody help am i in right direction for doing HttpSessionPersistance,Please give your input. Many...
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    last modified by susantpatnaik
  • Mod_python & Jboss

    Hi all :) I wish to use python with Jboss AS, i found out I can use mod_python with apache httpd. Do you know if there is a way of using mod_python in Jboss. Or use 'apache httpd' as the Jboss web server.
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    last modified by rajuanye
  • Correct log level if "distributable" webapp is deployed in d

    JIRA http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBAS-3513 is a request from a partner to only log a WARN instead of an ERROR if a webapp with the distributable tag is deployed in a non-clustered environment. This allows the ex...
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    created by brian.stansberry
  • How to implement JGroups-RMI Clustering in Tomcat

    Hai! I had tried to replicate my RMI Server using JGROUPS in the following manner. RMI Server running in one node with rmireplicated code using jgroups api (downloaded from soucreforge.net) and Tomcat server running...
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    created by sivasharma
  • Tomcat java compiler ignores annotations

    The java compiler that compiles JSPs that comes with Tomcat does not insert annotation information into the .class bytes. This means that if you use @EJB, or whatever in your USP, the field/method it is annotated to w...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Intiatial annotation support

    Ok, I've implemented annotatin support for tomcat with a small test in ejb3 module under: org/jboss/ejb3/test/dd/web/servlet/EJBServlet.java I haven't tested any XML stuff beyond basic EJB-refs. This means the inje...
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    created by bill.burke
  • classloader problems in doing injection framework

    I'm having a classloader problem when implimenting the EE5 injection framework. Maybe this will go away with JBoss 5, I don't know. here's the description: Before the WebModule is created and registered with the ker...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • Real classloader required before WAR startup

    I'm running into a Catch 22 in integrating the EE5 injection stuff I'm doing. I need a classloader set up and initialized before the start of the Web container so that I can scan classes for annotations and set up any...
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    last modified by bill.burke
  • tomcat injection status

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    created by bill.burke
  • Tomcat performance bottleneck

    Hi guys, This is not really a jboss/tomcat integration issue. But I cannot find a better forum to discuss it ... So, here it goes: In my performance tests at Dell, I identified a likely performance contention point ...
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    created by michael.yuan