• Jboss supports quartz or not?

    Hi did you get an answer for your question ? I found a jar in JBoss 5 that seam to use Quartz ... I'm searching ... Oli
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  • Jboss portal and Spring JTA TransactionManager is not availa

    Hello In my application-context.xml I configure the jtaTransactionManager like this <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionManager"> <property name="transa...
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  • XAER_RMERR and JBOSS crash

    We are having a JBOSS crash after a mismanaged transaction to a different server and we think that our system couldn't cope up with it thus we are receiving the following error and made the JBOSS crash. WARN [org.jbo...
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    last modified by jithy