• Transaction timeout warning message interpretation

    Hi,   I got a transaction timeout warning message from the log file as below :   WARN  [org.jboss.tm. TransactionImpl] Transaction Transac tionImpl:XidImpl[FormatId=257, GlobalId=pmtisap01/232246, B...
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    last modified by bensonfungjava
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/transaction/RollbackException

    Hi, I migrating my app from WebLogic to JBoss AS 5.1.0 and I have deployed my app (an ear with 2 wars) to JBoss successfully. Now I am trying to run my existing integration tests and I got java.lang.NoClassDefFoundEr...
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    last modified by jymc
  • Calling a @TransactionAttribute(REQUIRES_NEW) method from a @Timeout/Timer method breaks transactions?

    Hello!   I've got a EJB method which is marked with @Timeout and called by a EJB Timer. The bean containing this method is marked with @TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.SUPPORTS).   This timeo...
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    last modified by t3chris
  • [jacorb.giop.conn] Abnormal connection termination. Lost 1 outstanding replie(s)!

    Hi All,   our setup is as below: we have three jboss4.2.3_GA servers Server-1 and Server-2 are the clients and run on CENT OS. Server-3 runs on Solaris OS.   There are EJB calls from Server-1 and Serve...
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    created by manguaravind
  • No JTA transaction found - Transacational inserts and updates not working

    I have a Spring 3.0.5 application deployed in JBoss 5.1 with JPA entities using javax.persistence.EntityManager for database operations like entityManager.find(id), entityManager.persist(object)...
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    last modified by davestar
  • Howto implement Webservice Transactionmanagement

    Hello Everyone,   I would like to implement an compensation mechanism for webservice calls that write into other systems (using JAX-WS). I call webservices from my (stateless) EJB Services.   I thought of ...
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    last modified by alexander.paluch
  • Difference between resource manager and adapter

    I am trying to understand but not getting very clear answer as to what's the difference between resource manager and adapter.   Also, I am still puzzled if resource manager run on the application server or on ex...
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    created by mohitanchlia
  • NullPointerException at arjuna when restart JBoss 5.1.0.GA

    On some machine, when the JBoss 5.1.0.GA restarted, we got the following exception and the JBoss server cannot be started successfully:   java.lang.NullPointerException       ...
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    last modified by gfzhang
  • Transaction timeout after 10 minutes

    The application in question contains a Stateful Session Bean (SFSB) which has one method which runs for a particularly long time. In my case some times for several minutes. However after exactly 10 minutes the transac...
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    last modified by ejb3workshop
  • Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering non-serializable XAResource

    Hi,   I already read a lot of this "problem" but I couldn't solve it right now ;( Every 130sec. this message is prompted by the server (JBossAS 5.1):   Could not find new XAResource to use for recovering n...
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    last modified by jensmander
  • hanging transaction / exhausted connections

    Hello, I'm maintaining an application on jboss in which the developers  decided to put business logic in the front end / jsp's and servlets etc.. also of course to accomplish this the transactions are started an...
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    last modified by acurvers
  • Concurrency problem:

    I have the following situation: I'm using JBoss 5.0, hibernate 3.3.2 and Oracle 10g xe.   The problem is when 2 clients A, B call at same time the m method. Basically when call the method m to make a change i...
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    last modified by nasamdp
  • Transaction Timeout -> Exception

    Hi there,   is there a possibility on JBoss 5.1 to configure that the Transactionmanager throws an Exception an gives it to the Application (EJB), when the transaction run's into the default timeout?
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    last modified by mschu
  • activeMQ 5.4 and JBoss 5.1 config

    Hi * We used ActiveMQ 5.3.2 with JBoss 4.0.5, Spring 2.5.5. without any problem. We are in the process of upgrading to JBoss 5.1 and faced a few issues with ActiveMQ as an RA.  We have upgraded to ActiveMQ 5.4....
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    last modified by benoitx
  • Transaction-time doesn't take into effect -- JBoss510 GA

    Hi,   According to my test, the transaction-timeout setting on the method does't work. It doesn't throw the exception even if the transaction time exceeds the set time. Similar issue reported https://jira.jbos...
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    last modified by thunder.farmer
  • Exception: Trying to start a new tx when old is not complete

    Am using hibernate for inserting some records to a table in an Oracle 10g DB from a spring based application. THe application is deployed on JBOSS 4.2.2 which has 2 data sources defined for 2 different schemas (using ...
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    last modified by rajsjha
  • Oracle XA DS for JBoss 5.1

    Hi   looking at the example oracle-xa-ds.xml it still says:     <!-- ===================================================================== --> <!-- ATTENTION:  DO NOT FORGET TO SET Pad=...
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    last modified by benoitx
  • what is the transaction factory class for jta in hibernate jboss5.1

    Hello all,   What transaction factory class name will be added in hibernate.cfg.xml file so that it uses the default transaction manager provided by the jboss 5.1 server.   Please help me . I am using hibe...
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    created by pratap_184
  • Why is one in 2000 transactions mysteriously timed out immediately?

    Hi all,   I have a remote client holding several instances of a stateful session bean, and it is repeatedly calling the same method on all the instances. The bean is hosted in JBoss 6M3, and I have also tried th...
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    last modified by byron.hawkins
  • Using jts TransactionManager

    Hello,   what do I have to do, to use the jts transaction manager? We have some transactions spanning over multiple application servers (running in different virtual machines). But the default (jta) transactio...
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    created by dreske01