• Problem with workbook example ex15_1

    I'm trying to run the example where an EJB has a webservice endpoint. The build file is trying to include a SAR (jboss-net.sar) that does not show up in my clean JBoss 4.0 installation. Here's the snippet from the bu...
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    last modified by gpnewton
  • rmh - enterprise javabeans, 4th ed. exercise 15.1 doesn't wo

    recently, i bought "enterprise javabeans, 4th ed" by richard monson-haefel, bill burke and sacha labourey. i have installations of jboss 3.2.3 (java 1.4.1) on my gentoo linux server and jboss 4.0.0 rc2 (java 1.5.0-rc...
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    last modified by mettlerd
  • Error build workbook examples with Mysql

    I have looked at the previous post and I am not sure if this is th same problem. I am trying to get mysql working with the work book. I am doing this so that I know that Mysql is working correctly with Jboss. The reas...
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    last modified by pompa909
  • An view from an individual developer

    HI JBoss : I am a individual developer and work with JBoss start from 2.X. It is OK to work on JBoss but I cannot get a detailed docs on some advance features like developing MBean etc.... Even I am willing to pa...
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    last modified by lawrenceleung
  • java.net.BindException: Address already in use: Cannot bind

    Hi, I install jboss-4.0.0RC1 configure the environment settings and then ran the run.bat to start JBOSS. I got the error below: 15:09:49,793 ERROR [TrapdService] Starting failed jboss.jmx:name=SnmpAgent,servi ce=tra...
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    created by dtiong
  • EJB instance swapping question

    Hi, I am hoping someone can clarify this one for me. I was reading O'Reilly's "Enterprise JavaBeans" book and was a bit confused by the following... It describes how there is such a thing as an EJB object. Remote a...
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    created by ypfamily
  • Exercise 7.2f -- Column not found: SHIP

    I'm getting this error from the O'Rielly EJB workbook exercise 2f, chapter 7 (Client_72f). Is this a error in the workbook code? Is anyone else getting this error -- does anyone have a fix? Here is more of the messag...
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    last modified by lesterlaforce
  • P. 618, workbook 4

    Hi, I have the EJB 4th edition. I bought this book to learn a bit more about EJB's. I've setted up a JBoss 4 environment with CMP beans that interacts with MySQL. I want to create an application CMP EJB's and Servle...
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    last modified by chatbuilder
  • need immediate help in deploying web applications in product

    Hi, I would like to know how to set up virtual hosts in jboss 3.2.5 on my production box running jboss-3.2.5/Tomcat 5.x using MySql 4.0 on Linux O.S. I have more than one web application developed using JSP/Servlets ...
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    last modified by namitajain
  • How to reference EJB deployed in another JAR ?

    Hello, I'm reading this book and trying the probleme described in the title. For instance, I have two JAR files a.jar and b.jar where I deployed respectively the A and the B entity bean. Now, I want to create a rel...
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    created by onlytoine
  • porting workbook examples 04_01 from jboss/hsqldb to jboss/m

    i have configured the mysql 4 to work with jboss 4.0 Can Bill/Sacha kindly tell me what corresponding change do i need to make in the ant script as that it works with mysql. I have tried to make the ex_04_01 work wi...
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    last modified by robinbajaj
  • XAConnectionFactory not bound (workbookEJB3)

    I need to update 15_1. Apologies for the delay and such. We're trying to arrange with O'Reilly where the examples files are hosted on sourceforge so that we can update them easier. Bill
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    created by hubaghdadi
  • Newbie - another ex04_1 deployment problem

    New to EJBs, downloaded JBoss 3.2.5 and bought the OReilly EJB 4th edition, but don't seem to be able to make it past the starting post. I'm running XP Pro and using JDK 1.4.2_01-b06 which came with JBuilder X Foundat...
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    last modified by coolbyte
  • jboss banking sample

    Hello when I try to access the ant compiled bank sample through the link http://localhost:8080/bank/main, I obtain the following error : ivers 10:12:38,711 INFO [RARMetaData] Required license terms present. See deplo...
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    last modified by skouthon
  • Enterprise JavaBeans 4th edition - JBoss Workbook example co

    As per the book, the downloadable example code is available at http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/entjbeans4/workbooks/index.html This URL results in a 404. Does anyone know where the example code is available?
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    last modified by swagle1
  • ant run.client41a not getting built

    hi i am trying to make the client41a frm chapter 4 work....the CabinEJB deploys fine and creates the table in Oracle 9i..but for some reason when i do ant run.client_41a nothin happens.. ant run.client_41a Buildfile...
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    last modified by premi
  • org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Invalid encoding n

    Hi, Folks, I can run ex041a(b) successfually. So I tried to run ex042 by using "ant run.client_42", but I failed. The error message is: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: TravelAgentHomeRemote not bound. Anyone ha...
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    created by zzhang999
  • Cannot run JBoss 3.2.2 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org

    Hi, i've installed JBoss App server 3.2.2 and trying to run the exercise examples that have been downloaded from http://www.jboss.org. i've set the following env variables in Autoexec (i'm working on a Windows 98 PC):...
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    last modified by bibudh
  • Ebook edition ?

    Hi, I'd like to know if there is already an ebook edition available for the book. THX. Seb
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    created by sturiot
  • ex 12_1 public abstract getHomeAddress() auto generated or p

    I found in ex12_1 the com.titan.customer.CustomerBean.java have a public abstract AddressLocal getHomeAddress(); I do not see any implementation of it , does the jboss server automatically generate the body for this m...
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    last modified by icheung