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Thread Problem with jboss 4.0.5 and window vista...
Problem with jboss 4.0.5 and window vista...As in my previous post in thread http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&t=34392 the problem with jboss 4.0.5 [java] Root exception is java.io.InvalidClassException: [java] org.jboss.proxy.ej...
how to run ex04_1a from remote ?Hi all, running ex04_1a,b on one computer works fine, but running the client on a remote computer I get: javax.Naming.CommunicatonException. Root Exception is java.io.InvalidClassException:org.jboss.proxy.ejb.Generi...
Thread Alternative class for the LocalTxConnectionManager in Jboss
Alternative class for the LocalTxConnectionManager in Jbossi am getting an error, when i am migrating from the jboss 3.0.2 to jboss 4.0.2 . It is showing me the error as LocalTxConnectionManager is not found org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: No ClassLoaders found for...
Transaction over multiple entitity beansHi all ! I have read also the Oreilly's book, but can not figure out how construct the following: I have multiple Entities (Entity1, Entity2, ..., EntityN) and have put on top of each entity a session bean (Entity1D...
Thread Why is there a Hibernate setting in my persistence.xml?
Why is there a Hibernate setting in my persistence.xml?Why in the world is there a Hibernate setting in my persistence.xml for Chapter 4? I thought this was supposed to be a EJB3 tutorial, not a Hibernate tutorial! Please explain what is going on here... Also, how does ...
Exercise 5.1 problem using EntityManagerHello, I am having problems with the Oreilly EJB3.0 workbook 3 exercise 5.1on pages 553-554. When I run client_1, cabin_1 is created in the database after calling createCabin() mathod. However, immeditaly after, I am ...
SocketAddress- NoClassDefFoundErrorI am trying to run my example using the build.xml provided in the workbook. I get the NoclassDefFoundError for SocketAddress. Please help. Thanks
pk classhi, im using CMP in JBoss 4.0.1 and MySQL. I have one table that maps to this PK-class: package examenes.service.ejb.keys;
public class ExamenesResueltosKey implements java.io.Serializable{
public Integer idUsu...
Thread NameNotFoundException: CabinHomeRemote not bound
NameNotFoundException: CabinHomeRemote not boundI started up jboss, lookes OK, http://localhost:8082 has lots of entrys, all the HOME's are set, I found all the steps in the book and got the following: D:\workbook\ex04_1>ant run.client_41a Buildfile: build.xml ...
Can I use bothHi, all I am just wondering if I can declare both "remote" and "local" reference in the "ejb-jar.xml", like this: ... <ejb-name>TravelAgentEJB</ejb-name> com.titan.travelagent.TravelAgentHomeRemote ...
Error running example ex04_2 from workbookhi. when i try to run example ex04_2 i catch this: Buildfile: build.xml prepare: compile: ejbjar: run.client_42: [java] javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: TravelAgentHomeRemote not bound [java] at org.jnp.serve...
Thread Weird phenominon with "Local Interface" in JBoss
Weird phenominon with "Local Interface" in JBossHi, all I am following the book and its exercises. I used Mysql as the database. Everything looks fine, till I reached the "ex05_3". Though at last, it works fine, but I noticed something weird: when I issued: ant...
Thread How to start JBoss4.0 as a service in Solaris 10?
How to start JBoss4.0 as a service in Solaris 10?I don't know how to start JBoss 4.0 as a service in Solaris 10 machine, which I used it for deployment processes? Kindly any one help me in starting so? Advance thanks for your solution.
where to find the 'CMP 2.0 documentation'?Hi, all I am wondering where I can find the 'CMP 2.0 documentation' as mentioned in the work book. I am Thanks in advance. X.Chen
Thread Disabling session persistence in JBOSS 3.2.3
Disabling session persistence in JBOSS 3.2.3Since our system uses JBOSS3.2.3.To disable session persistence, we can create an entry of Manager element that sets the pathname to an empty value in \jboss-3.2.3\server\default\deploy\jbossweb-tomcat41.sar\META-INF\...
Thread NoInitialContext while running Client_41a of Workbook 2
NoInitialContext while running Client_41a of Workbook 2I am using: JBoss AS 4.0 Eclipse 3.0 Ant 1.6.2 I went through workbook 2 at the end of the book. I tried to use the command ant run.client_41a and it compiled and deployed the EJB files. I used ant asdf and it did t...
Thread Why don't aways have "datasource-mapping mysql not find " in
Why don't aways have "datasource-mapping mysql not find " inAfter struggling for 2 weeks because of error "datasource-mapping mysql not find ",in jboss4.0.0. and put mysql-ds.xml to default\deploy . I already finally configured as following : in mysql-ds.xml <local-tx-data...