You can follow these step     1) In your file standalone.xml  after </extensions>       you have to add       <vault>     ...
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    last modified by erasmomarciano
  • Configuracion de DATASOURCE en Jboss AS 7

    en AS 7 una fuente de datos o DATASOURCE ya no se configura usando los archivos -ds.xml como se hacia en versiones anteriores de Jboss AS. Se puede hacer desde la linea de comandos o modificando un archivo de configur...
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    last modified by pcoll
  • Create a module for Oracle datasource in JBoss 7.1.1.Final

    I tested the following instructions on a MACOSX Lion. The aim is to connect to Oracle 11g server from a JBoss 7 application server.   Use ojdbc6.jar downloaded from Oracle web site.   1) mkdir -p <jbos...
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    last modified by formica
  • JBoss AS 7.2.0.Alpha1 XNIO+EJB performance test

    Dear JBoss guys,   I have an XNIO throughput issue problem. I will pose details test bellow. Please help me. Thank you advanece.       1. Test environment   1.1 My Host Hardware: Produc...
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    last modified by ybxiang.china
  • apache httpd JBoss AS 7 admin console proxy

    This is short information how to proxy JBoss Application Server 7 admin console through apache httpd. Hope to write a nicer howto out of it later.   Run JBoss AS (admin console running on localhost:9990) put this...
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    last modified by akostadinov
  • How to lookup remoting3.Connector by name

    If I create a remote-outbound-connection or a local-outbound-connection in the standalone*.xml is there a way from within a JBoss app to do a lookup on that name and get a Connector back?   Thanks
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    last modified by fecsedy
  • MyBatis / iBatis and JBoss AS 7

    Work in progress. Creating quickstart.     MySQL module, datasource and persistence.xml (for Hibernate) configuration bash script     <!-- iBATIS --> <dependency>     &l...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • FreeMarker and JBoss AS 7

    AS 7.1.1 FreeMarker 2.3.19   When you deploy an app with FreeMarker in JBoss AS 7, you hit few problems.   1) Jandex scanning hits the classes in ext/ package and logs a WARN about unsatisfied dependency....
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    last modified by ozizka
  • How to configure Java EE application to apply different settings (in web.xml etc.) for various environments by Maven

    Having different settings for different environemnt in Java EE application is very common use case.   For example username/password is typically different for local development, staging and production. Another e...
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    last modified by lkrzyzanek
  • Websocket support in AS7

    This page outlines the current state of websocket support in AS7 and collects requirements for future improvements.   Resources Websocket Subprotocols JBoss components that already use web sockets ...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Non-definitive guide to Clustering AS7 over IPv6

    IPv6 is here! If you dare to try out IPv6 with AS7 we will be very happy to get some feedback. Here are some steps to get started.   If you haven't got a chance to get to know IPv6 yet, here are some links from ...
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    last modified by ochaloup
  • Adding custom user stores to security realms.

    Within JBoss AS7 for communication with the management interfaces and for other services exposed using Remoting where username / password authentication is used the use of Digest authentication is preferred over the u...
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    last modified by dlofthouse
  • Graphing Real Time Attributes with CLI GUI

    Starting with JBoss AS 7.1.2, you can create graphs of managment attributes that update in real time.   In CLI GUI's command builder, find a real time attribute to monitor.  If the attribute is graphable, y...
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    last modified by ssilvert
  • ARJUNA016027: Local XARecoveryModule.xaRecovery got XA exception XAException.XAER_RMERR

    Dear all,   I'm trying to migrate from AS6 to AS7(7.1.1.Final), using Oracle driver: ojdbc6.jar. The build and deploy are fine. But my server gets the below message all the time:   17:16:48,466 WARN  ...
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    last modified by clairelin
  • Connection validation in JBoss AS 7

    Another problem with JDBC backend are broken connections. Most JDBC drivers can simply auto reconnect to server if connection is broken (for example database server is restarted). But postgres sql does not. Luckily JB...
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    last modified by hsn10
  • Wicket + EJB/CDI + JPA with JBoss AS 7

    Wicket's support for Java EE 6  The Wicket framework supports integration with EJB through the WicketStuff project's Java EE Inject.   It allows you to use these annotations:   @Resource ... //  ...
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    last modified by ozizka
  • Remote EJB connection from 7.1 to 4.2.3

    Article is in development so I will put just the bullets what to do. Thanks go to Tomaž Cerar for extensive support on this.   Should create a folder \modules\org\jboss\client\legacy put there files module.xml ...
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    last modified by ctomc
  • Detecting and closing leaked connections in JBoss 7.1

    Enable ccm on datasource to be tracked. It can be done in web console or by editing xml configuration directly Configure ccm to track leaked connections. Debug must be set to true     <datasource ... e...
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    last modified by hsn10
  • JBoss AS7 Tuning and slimming subsystems

    Introduction With AS7 there is no really need to optimize the configuration to reduce the startup time or initial memory consumption. The only need is to secure or prevent that some modules are used from applications...
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    last modified by wdfink
  • Securing administration console with https

    To configure JBOSS AS 7.1 to use SSL enabled web administrative console open standalone.xml and change following content.   <management> <security-realms> <security-realm name="ManagementRealm">...
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    last modified by hsn10