• Can't be initialized! Application will not run!: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI scheme is not "file"

    Hi everyone, I really need help as I have been stuck on this problem,   I am deploying an application.WAR in jboss7. Failed deploy result The log shows me the following: 17: 48: 39,893 WARN [org.apache.myfac...
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    last modified by ghidalgof
  • Application deployed but error 404 not found

    Hi everyone, I really need help as I have been stuck on this problem for weeks now,   I am migrating an app from WAS 8 to Jboss EAP 6.4. The app is now deploying, but for some reason when I try to access the URL...
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    last modified by securetransfers
  • Jboss throw ClassNotFoundException: XMLGregorianCalendarImpl

    Hi all,   I developed a ear file with some webService inside. This is a part of my DTO:        public XMLGregorianCalendar getStartDate() {        ...
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    last modified by ngthphat
  • garbage Coolection Old Generation

    Please help me to understand why Old generation of JVM always remains at 100 %     S0     S1     E      O      M...
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    created by manish_jboss16
  • Port tapestry configuration from Websphere to Jboss

    I am trying to migrate an app from Websphere to Jboss. Now my application deploys. But the URL of the app shows a 404 not found error. When I monitor the log I see something related to Tapestry when trying to access t...
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    created by securetransfers
  • AJP thread count on Jboss AS 7.1.1 is getting increased intermittently after server restart

    Hi We are using Liferay 6.2 EE with JBoss 7.1.1 as our Application Cluster with Apache Tomcat  Web Server at the top. We are experiencing frequent Application stability issues. All of a sudden the AJP Connection...
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    last modified by gsi_web_portal
  • blocked thread and jboss configuration

    Hi,   I am new in jboss and I would like to know about Thread.java:748 as we had JBOSS frozen and 385 threads were blocked . Do you have any link or open source tool to analyse jboss configuration ? Also we hav...
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    last modified by manish_jboss16
  • Socket timeout in jboss as 7.1.1

    Hello Develops and experts.   We have as application deployed over jboss-as-7.1.1.We also have a webservice deployed on same.There is a socket timeout configured as 60sec somewhere internally which if breached ,...
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    created by mak1234
  • Can't launch Red Hat Developer Studio installer in the Linux

    My development environment is Mint Linux 18.3 Cinamon 64 bit. I am trying to install Red Hat Developer Studio. I got a jar from here. In the link, it says that:- For Linux development hosts: Navigate to the folder tha...
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    last modified by madsum
  • Can not deploy MDB because of service jboss.ejb.default-resource-adapter-name-service not found

    Hi,   iI am using Jboss 7.1.1.Final and have the following bean:   @Singleton @Startup public class TestJMS {           @Resource(mappedName = "java:/Connectio...
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    last modified by ynusis
  • JBoss deployed application getting excpetion

    I have a EJB program deplyed on JBOSS AS 7.1 for the plateform .earlier same Sourcecode was working on Weblogic plateform . now unable to call a mothod call is okay but no response. when i did print-stack got below ...
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    last modified by mcaviv
  • Needs simple clarity

    How is multicasting and Unicasting  replication in Jboss will work theoretically in HA ? .I am aware of Multicasting and Unicasting in Networking terminology. Please any one can help and give me some info to unde...
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    last modified by jboss360
  • Jboss 7 DNS redirection or rewrite to /demo application

    Hi All, I'm trying to set up the application in production. I have a DNS url (www.example.com). I could able to run the application as localhost:8080/demo. I need to make the DNS URL link with the application and run...
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    last modified by ksnagendran
  • JBOSS 7.1.1 Remote EJB Session is closed

    I have swing client which uses remote ejbs. The application starts correctly and it lookups remote ejbs successfully. However, after a few minutes, when an ejb is called, it gives an error like below. When we start th...
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    last modified by sekobey
  • JBOSS EAP 7 deployment in Domainmoide

    Hello guys,   Can I deploy war files on different JVMs  in Domainmode (JBOSS EAP 7)   I have a server group with 2 JVMs, I need to deploy a EAR file in cluster-mode and war files on different JVMs. Is...
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    last modified by sureshpeddolla
  • jboss-as-dist-7.2.0.Final Maven artifact?

    Maven Central stores all sorts of JBoss AS 7.2.0 artifacts, but the distribution ZIP artifact is missing. See http://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g%3A%22org.jboss.as%22%20AND%20a%3A%22jboss-as-dist%22   Is th...
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    last modified by hwellmann.de
  • How to access VAULT password in code

    Is there a defined way to decrypt a `VAULT` password in a java util class?   I have a bind credential for an `LDAP` login setup on a jboss5 instance and I need to convert it to a jboss 7 instance, but i am getti...
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    last modified by ptc61891
  • How to set heap size and GC method (to G1)

    I am trying to do two things: 1)Change GC to G1 2)Change default to use Large Memory Pages I am running JBoss 7 in standalone mode, this is what I did: #more standalone.conf ***snip*** # # Specify options...
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    last modified by wildflower108
  • How to resolve java.lang.LinkageError org.bouncycastle.mail.smime.SMIMESignedGenerator.generate(Ljavax/mail/internet/MimeBodyPart;)

    Hi,   I am using Bouncycastle (bcmail, bcprov, bcpkix) 1.57 in combination with Jboss EAP 6.4 (jboss-AS 7.5) and Java 1.8.   I get a Linkage error with the following stacktrace:   Caused by: java.lan...
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    last modified by aarijsiddiqui
  • IllegalStateException: Component is stopped after undeploy/deploy of Singleton EJB

    Hello, we are using some Singleton EJBs for caching properties, xml configuration files etc.   I undeployed/deployed a Singleton EJB, the  @PostConstruct method was executed successfully. When accessing me...
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    last modified by balind7