• EJB 2.0 support in JBoss 7.1.1

    When deploying EJB 2.0, exception "Unexpected element 'pool' encountered" is logged.              <pool>         ...
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    last modified by velmurugan_solartis
  • How to use modules with ServiceLoader....

    Hi, we switched recently to JBoss 7(from 5:)   We have some "strange" design. Our ear application is using Java ServiceLoader service to load some, let's say, plugins from "plugins" folder we created in profil...
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    created by wortner
  • HornetQ issue while started on 7.1.3.Final

    After suceesful jboss AS 7.1.3.Final startup on standalone-full configuration some warning regarding disconnection on hornetq occurs. It's raw start-up with no changes and no deployments. Do anyone had such similar i...
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    created by aldab
  • Unable to deploy Webservice in Jboss 7:

    I am trying to deploy 3 webservices on different ports e.g 8080, 8081, 8082. Out of 3 webservice , 2nd and 3rd webservice share the same endpoint and same package structure, same webservice class name and other detail...
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    last modified by genrosesusai
  • Extensions, Subsystem and their Dependencies

    Hi guys,   I am developing new extension for Jboss 7.1.1.Final for project needs and actually, thanx to people who did the documentation and archetype, I am pretty done. One thing which is not disclosed in docum...
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    last modified by dzcs
  • Quartz Scheduler in Jboss AS 7

    Hi,   I'm trying to implement quartz scheduler in on of my EJB application with Jboss AS 7. I have included quartz-jboss-2.1.6.jar and quartz-all-2.1.6 jar in my EJB application.   I have implemented my S...
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    last modified by ifti24
  • JBOSS EAP 6.0 Deployment of war failure

    Hi,   My application war works fine in Weblogic and Tomcat but same war I am uanble to deploy in Jboss EAP 6.0. My application server is going to migrate on Jboss EAP. Please help me why its failing.   1...
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    last modified by amittelang1976
  • connecting a remote hornetQ server

    Hi out there   I am trying to connect a jboss as 7.1.0 with another jboss that should only act as a hornetQ server (2.2.11).   I see that in the ejb subsystem      <mdb>  ...
  • Test failures with JDK7

    I tried to compile the current JBoss AS7 sources from github.com with Oracle JDK 1.7.0_09 on Solaris 10 SPARC.   But tests failed: ------------------------------------------------------- T E S T S ----------...
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    last modified by lafr
  • Making JSF jars into a separate JBoss Module

    The goal is to move the JSF related jars in the Web app /lib folder to a custom module, so that this can be shared across other applications. Server : JBoss EAP 6 Portal Framework : Liferay   After deleting t...
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    last modified by devikumar.ramalingam
  • not getting the messages driven from java.util.logging logger

    Sir,     We had project on ERP.In that we are using the CLogger class which is extended from java.util.logging.Logger.I am getting the log details driven from CLogger in jboss4.2.x. But when I migrate it fr...
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    last modified by ramees26
  • Every single remote ejb call starts full authentication process with SecurityDomain cache-type="default"

    Hello, I'm trying to move our big j2ee application to JBoss 7 (currently using 7.1.1 nightly build). We have configured a SecurityDomain for our ejb's with custom login modules. The domains are configured to use cach...
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    last modified by michael_gronau
  • Is it possible to include a WHERE type clause in CLI ?

    I would like to grab the name of one of the cache containers where it's list of aliases contains "x"; e.g. "ha-partition". I do not know what the name will be at runtime, and it could be reconfigured later to avoid ...
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    last modified by ejroberts
  • <error-page> not working for javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: JBAS016055

    We have a site that is frequently getting javax.ejb.NoSuchEJBException: JBAS016055 after a transaction has failed in a @Stateful ejb in a request.   While we are working on fixing the actual bug that is causing ...
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    last modified by staale
  • Management of HornetQ core queues

    While working on AS7-1960[1] Kabir noticed that HornetQ core queues created with the HornetQ API (eg ClientSession.createQueue) were not exposed correctly as AS7 resources. The resource does not exist (:read-resource ...
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    created by jmesnil
  • Privileged attribute not supported on JBossweb

    While attempting to install a software on Jboss EAP 6, I encoutered some problems related to the fact that "context.xml" isn't supported. I wanted to use the attribute "privileged" in "context.xml" to get the Servlet...
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    created by boubaker
  • SSL Service Startup Problem

    I am trying to add SSL to my web app and have the follwoing configuration in standalone.xml with this error:   <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.1" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false"...
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    last modified by bill.rosenberg
  • How to get the image Url saved using Base64.decodeToFile ?

    Hello.   I have saved an image on the server using Base64.decodeToFile. Now, if I browse the folders in the server, I can find this image. But, I have to access this image outside the server. Then, how can I get...
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    last modified by isaquebressy
  • Cookie mismatch

    Hi         We have upgraded the server from jboss 4.2.2 to jboss 7.1.1. The application was deployed under jboss\standalone\deployments folder successfully. This application is in...
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    last modified by jbossaspirant
  • WebApps sharing JPA entities in one cache

    Hi,   i´ve been playing around a while now with trying to deploy several (spring+jpa) web applications in one jboss 7 instance and getting them to share their entities in one infinispan cache. Each web ap...
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    last modified by ernie2705