• Custom jdbc login module for remoting

    Hello,   I am trying to migrate an OC4J_10g application to the new Jboss 7. I've successfully deployed the ear but I have troubles using the login module. I've chanded the configuration line for remoting realms...
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    last modified by danjee
  • MDC custom parameter not logged in jboss 7.1.1

    Hi,   Premise: I use this Fromatter string in log configuration for my application: %d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p %X{transactionId} [%c] (%t) %s%E%n   I set the transactionId parameter on each invocation with: MD...
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    last modified by sheriel
  • jboss cli java client remote command

    Hello   i have just developed a little java program ( i am not developer i am sysadmin )   is working great, i connect to remote controller but the problem i am facing is that i cannot send commands like ...
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    last modified by jsaura
  • AS7 and Dom4J

    Hi,   I'm with serious problems with JBoss AS 7.0.2   In my project, I need to use Dom4J as dependency.   When i add Dom4J in my classpath, i receive this error:   {code} 19:00:24,181 ERROR [o...
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    last modified by kimtiago
  • Ldap configuration

    Hello!   I need to configure jboss with ldap but I have some problems.   I tried to do this:   web.xml   <security-constraint>           &...
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    last modified by jardimpinheiro
  • Wildfly Management Console 2.0

    This page is deprecated. Please refer to  https://github.com/hal/docs/wiki Project Information  - Roadmap - Issue Tracking - Source Code:      - Authoritative master: https://git...
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    last modified by heiko.braun
  • Issue using RESTeasy 3.0.1 in JBoss AS 7.1.1

    Hi,   I'm developing a dynamic web application in JBoss AS7 using EJB3, JPA and RESTeasy with EXTjs. My model entities have several OneToMany relations, all of them marked with Fetch.LAZY in order to improve th...
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    last modified by jgaliana
  • JBoss 7.1.1 Deployment Failure on Bizagi BPM Suite

    Good day   I'd appreciate any help or leads to solve this problem. I am trying to publish a process using Bizagi (a BPM Suite), which comes bundled with JBoss 7.1.1. Under the deployment folder there is a BizAg...
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    last modified by boogiejack
  • Question about having Multiple EAR Files in a single deployment

    I Have an application that I am deploying on a server running a single instance of JBoss AS 7 (will be moving to 6.1).  I have broken the application up into multiple EAR files.  I have two EAR files that co...
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    created by ronorato
  • Custom Web Realm in AS7

    In jboss 5.1, one could define a custom realm in the server.xml file and extend the jbosswebrealm. Is there a way to override this again in AS7 and be able to reuse code that was previously working on jboss 5.1 now th...
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    created by zpgutterman
  • Remote EJB JNDI call to AS 6 from AS 7

    During the migration process from JBOSS AS 6 to 7 we have to use the EJB components still present in AS 6.   What is the minimum set of jbossall-client jars that can be bundled with AS 7 deployed jar module so t...
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    last modified by pugals
  • Steps/Documentation for JBOSS 7.1.1 final Clustering?

    Hi,   Am working on JBoss 7.1.1 Final clustering. But, I couldn't find any documentation related to clustering. Will appreciate if anyone shares documentation/steps for implementing cluster evnironment in JBOSS ...
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    created by sekhar434
  • JMS messages not delivered anymore after warnings during XA recovery

    Hi all,   I have migrated an application from AS 5 to AS 7 (jboss-as-7.1.1.Final) in standalone-full mode. Everything works quite fine, but when the server is running for 1 or 2 days, I get periodic JMS exceptio...
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    last modified by greendale
  • Module development in Eclipse

    Hi all,   Is there a way to develop and deploy to jboss 7 a JBOSS module using Eclipse?   Thanks, Ricardo
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    created by rmemoria
  • Single sign on issue on session Expiration Jboss 7

    I have several applications deployed on the same jboss instance. I currently have Single Sign On configured using the <sso/> tag. It is possible for a user to navigate from one application to another app (redire...
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    last modified by davisonri_k12
  • issues with replicated infinispan cache and classloading - ClassNotFoundException deserializing packet

    Hi.   I have an *.ear deployed on 2 clustered AS7 (7.1.3) machines, inside this ear is an ejb jar that uses drools (drools jars are packed in the ear's /lib directory). this application uses a replicated infini...
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    created by hatchetman82
  • AS7 - change logging levels thru CLI

    for example, if i had a logger in standalone.xml configured as:   <logger category="com.lightspeed">       <level name="INFO"/> </logger>   how would i chang...
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    last modified by bill.rosenberg
  • Single sign not share the same session attributes

    I have several applications deployed on the same jboss instance. I currently have Single Sign On configured using the <sso/> tag. It is possible for a user to navigate from one application to another app (redire...
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    created by chapman.geovanni
  • As 7.2 Log4j Logging

    Logging seemed to work fine when i was using AS 7.1 with log4j libs and code, now when using 7.2, i do not see the expected logging using log4j.   I follow the migration guide:   Procedure 3.5. Configure JB...
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    last modified by bill.rosenberg
  • Hacking on AS7

    Post 7.x the community project has been renamed to WildFly. If you want to work on WildFly, please see https://community.jboss.org/wiki/HackingOnWildFly 1. Create a github account http://github.com   2. Fork jbos...
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    last modified by kabirkhan